Thursday, July 13, 2006

better living through chemistry!

Well, when I went to the doctor on Tuesday, he prescribed a steroid cream and told me if I weren't doing better by this afternoon to call him. As I'm still spiking fevers anywhere between 99-102 degrees, and my rash, while it seems better in the original spots, has spread out to more locales, and I can barely walk through my house without feeling exhausted, I decreed this to be "not better" and called. My joints don't hurt as much and I no longer get tracers when I move my head, and I don't feel like the top of my head is gonna fall off everytime I move, but still. Lawrence and Mom have both expressed the fear that I have contracted Lyme disease, and made me promise to mention it to the doctor. As my symptoms do fit the disease, I decided it couldn't hurt to bring it up for thought. So, this afternoon, I called and spoke to the guy at the front desk, and he called me back after a little while and said that the doctor was going to call in a prescription for doxycycline, which treats not only skin conditions, but Lyme Disease as well. Score! After receiving my prescription (which my wonderful daddy went and picked up for me cause I felt so crappy) and seeing the vast amount of warnings on it, ranging from telling me I should avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight to avoid laying down for thirty minutes after taking it, I decided to investigate further. According to Wikipedia, ( ) this drug is used to treat not only skin conditions and Lyme Disease, but also acne, syphilis, sinusitus, Rocky Mountain Fever, Malaria, and Anthrax. Yes, that's right. ANTHRAX. It's also useful against the Bubonic Plague. WTF?!? So when I'm done taking this, I will have healthy glowing skin and be completely disease free in every way. You can send me into the jungle or send me to fight terrorists. I am INVINCIBLE! Sweet! Why didn't anybody tell me about this awesome drug years ago? Of course, on the side effects list that came with the drugs, it says in big bold letters, "Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects." Should I be worried?


Joshie said... To think that all of these years you could have been slutting it up and travelling widely to collect an impressive collection of VD's and diseases...and this one drug would fix them all. I hope the side effects aren't too bad...but I fear they must be to balance the panacea effects it supposedly possesses. Otherwise, doctors would be passing it out like candy. Hey, maybe this is your opportunity to develop super-powers...I don't suppose the word "experimental" was anywhere on the package? No? Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed. I am curious as to what exactly would happen if you lie down right after taking the time you take it, recline a little and see what happens. :)

Shemsi said...

How bad a case of acne to you have to have to be prescribed the Anthrax medicine? Crazy

Well, I hope it works for you.

KieraAnne said...

That is crazy. What are the side effects? eerily glowing freckles? Do you completely slough off your top few layers of skin??? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Josh: sorry, nowhere did it say experimental, and the side effect of laying down within 30 minutes is. . .an upset stomach! YAY!

Shemsi: No kidding! I never even thought of that! I once knew a lady who's face was covered with large seeping wounds all the time. I think she could have used a good dose of this stuff.

Kiera: *sigh* Here you go: stomach upset, mild diarrha, nausea, headache, and vomitting are very likely. Less likely: stomach pain, yellowing of the skin or eyes, vision changes, mental/mood changes, photosenstivity (including sunburning more quickly and more extrememly than usual and tingling in the extrememties). Very rarely: it could kill all the bacteria in my intestines and cause crippling pain and internal bleeding! Yay!

Ironic: if I'm allergic to this drug, I could get. . .a rash.



cainnum said...

good god think of the poor people who showed all of those symptoms during the trial. i wonder if one person showed all those symptoms. yikes!