Thursday, November 29, 2007

My New Christmas List

Well, it's that time of year again, and despite the fact that I haven't blogged since October, I am going to post my Christmas wish list. My mom's been asking for a list, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, although usually I am against needless violence towards animals. Except ugly animals. Maybe these are ugly birds. Like vultures or something, although that would have to be one heck of a stone I can tell you. So without further eloquence. . .

Buffy seasons 6 and/or 7

Quantum Leap season 4

Xena season 2

a light for my bike (so I can ride after dark)

money towards new running shoes

Spa visit (facial, pedicure, massage, makeover, etc)

a fuzzy sweater (like cashmere or something else very soft, size XL)

a column kicking bag

a good book (one that you think I would like)

never forget that I have an extensive wish list at

please remember that I am seriously trying to lose weight. When it comes to food and candy, quality is better than quantity. One year I ended up with like 4 bags of candy, and that's just not good for my waistline.

and for the readers who have more heart than money: I will GLADLY let you perform the service of cleaning my room, cause I just never seem to have time

That's all I can think of for now. I'll let you know if I think of anything else. Peace out, and happy holidays dawg!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Food Quiz

Ok, well, I don't really think about food that much, but I done been tagged, so here goes:

1) How do you like your eggs? Usually scrambled, but sometimes I like them fried where the white's all the way done and the yellow's still runny. I never can remember what that's called.

2)How do you take your coffee/tea? I don't drink them, but when I did, iced coffee with lots of sugar and lots of cream was the way to go.

3) Favorite breakfast foods? Probably Basic 4 cereal or pancakes, but I love breakfast foods and eat them as often as I can. Just usually not for breakfast.

4) Peanut Butter: Crunchy or Creamy? Creamy of course. I LOVE LOVE LOVE peanut butter, but I really don't care for peanuts. Weird, huh?

5) What kind of dressing do you like on your salad? Ranch, but I'm also a big fan of Catalina, French, Italian, and any kind of Vinaigrette. I guess I'm a dressing whore.

6) Coke or Pepsi? Coke. They DO NOT taste the same, KIERA!

7) You're feeling lazy, what do you make? Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for me. For la familia, angel hair pasta with butter and herbs with broccoli and sauteed chicken tenders. Easiest meal ever.

8) You're feeling REALLY lazy, what pizza do you order? Pepperoni with black olives.

9) You feel like cooking, what do you make? Depends on the mood. When I really feel like cooking, I like to look for recipes I've never tried before and make them. Currently I really want to make Beef Wellington. But if I'm making something I have made before and I feel like cooking, it'll probably be lasagna or cheesecake. Or cake in general. Or cookies. Let's just go back to it depends on the mood.

10) Do any food bring back good memories? Watergate salad reminds me of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wafer cookies reminds me of when I was a kid and mom would make them and freeze em and I would steal them out of the freezer. I'm not usually a thief, they're just like crack, I couldn't help it.

11) Do any foods bring back bad memories? Let me count the ways. I got dumped 3 times at Pancho's by Ethan's dad, so for a long time I lost my appetite every time I thought about Pancho's. Of course, it's Pancho's so a lot of people probably lose their appetite when they think about it. I ate a bad ham sandwich when I was a kid, so ham makes me sick. I threw up a banana once when I was pregnant, so smelling bananas makes me think of that. I know there's more, but it's early and my brain's damaged.

12) Do any foods remind you of someone? fudge, cream wafers, Watergate salad: mom. Cold Stone ice cream: Lawrence. Churrascaria: my brothers. Spaghetti, crab, lobster, calamari: Ethan

13) Is there any food you refuse to eat? Ham, lobster, veal. The first because it makes me sick. The other two because I find them morally offensive.

14) What was your favorite food as a child? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Geez people, why do I have to keep reiterating how wonderful PB&J is?

15) Is there any food you hated as a child, but like now? Sausage.

16) Is there a food you liked as a child, but hate now? Can't really think of anything.

17) Favorite fruit and vegetable? Watermelon and broccoli. Not together.

18) Favorite junk food? Does Nutella count as junk food?

19) Favorite in between meal snack? Nutella on pretzels. Or craisins. Not saying I like nutella on craisins, I'm saying I also like craisins.

20) Do you have any weird food habits? People have often been annoyed that I always smell my food before I eat it. But that's just good sense, I think.

21) You're on a diet, what do you fill up on? Celery and carrots.

22) You're off your diet, now what would you eat? Whatever I want. If I'm not on a diet, why would I care?

23) How spicy to you order your Indian/Thai? Not very.

24) Can I get you a drink? Water, lemonade (preferably of the strawberry variety), caffeine free coke, milk, fruit or vitamin water. Seriously people, variety is the spice of life.

25) Favorite dessert? Chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. Or chocolate chip cookies. Or whatever flavor ice cream I'm in the mood for. It's all on the moods really. I wish anybody luck who tries to guess what I'm gonna want on any given day.

So there you have it. Now I tag. . .did Kiera tag Josh? No, ok, I tag Josh and Cainnum. Go to!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's not a problem, it's cool, I feel alive

So I've been thinking about trying to cut down on my swearing. I'm not saying that I'll be in Disney language area, I'm just thinking about pulling back out of Quentin Tarentino area is all. Maybe to a nice PG-13 place. I know that they're just words, and swearing doesn't bother me in the least, but I've been thinking lately that if I feel the need to curb it around certain people (aka: someone's grandmother or baby) or in certain places (like the temple or a preschool) then maybe I shouldn't be making with the sailor mouth quite so much. The problem here is that I started swearing when I was 8. The first time I tried to stop I was in 8th grade, which was obviously a dismal failure. I think it's kind of like how when people start smoking too early in their developmental years it's almost impossible for them to stop later. Any tips for me? And, no, I refuse to pop myself with a rubber band every time I swear, so that's already covered.

It's not a problem, it

So I've been thinking about trying to cut down on my swearing. I'm not saying that I'll be in Disney language area, I'm just thinking about pulling back out of Quentin Tarentino area is all. Maybe to a nice PG-13 place. I know that they're just words, and swearing doesn't bother me in the least, but I've been thinking lately that if I feel the need to curb it around certain people (aka: someone's grandmother or baby) or in certain places (like the temple or a preschool) then maybe I shouldn't be making with the sailor mouth quite so much. The problem here is that I started swearing when I was 8. The first time I tried to stop I was in 8th grade, which was obviously a dismal failure. I think it's kind of like how when people start smoking too early in their developmental years it's almost impossible for them to stop later. Any tips for me? And, no, I refuse to pop myself with a rubber band every time I swear, so that's already covered.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

for my loyal fans, a blog entry!

Ethan called me Sunday and he was being very silly. I think he was just bored, and was being extra silly to fight off the boredom. When I talked to his step mom, she said that he was certainly being silly on the phone with me, and that he was far sillier with me than he ever is with them (meaning her and his dad.) I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand, I feel like kids should be able to have fun, and goodness knows that with Ethan's depression he spends little enough time having fun. On the other hand. . .no, I've decided. I like silliness. Done and done.

Lawrence's sister Melanie has come to live with him for four months. I don't like it one bit. She's abrupt and unpleasant. I wish she were more fun. But, Lawrence and I are a lot less likely to get into trouble with her around, so maybe having a chaperon is a good thing. Maybe he'll want to have authorized private time with me and finally propose. That would be super!

I feel like a slug today. I think I need a vacation. But there's no rest for the wicked, sadly. I'm getting a haircut tonight, I have a doctor's appointment and bike riding tomorrow, and TKD the day after. The office manager at work is trying to rig things so that we can have a 4 day weekend for labor day, but always dangling over me like a foul miasma is the stench of knowing that I have to feed 400-600 people 3 square meals at the Single Adult conference on the 15th. Gack. The last weekend of September, I'm going to visit Ethan, and he wants to take me swimming at the bubble and ice skating. Of course, long time readers might remember that last time I went to Bountiful I felt like crap the whole time because of the higher elevation. But, it'll be nice to see my baby boy, and after that I can rest for a little while. You know, like I'll blow off exercise one night and be a couch potato or something. Yep, I think I'll definitely schedule that for October.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

my life, or something like it

So, anybody who still checks my blog might have noticed that I haven't blogged for a while. (Kiera wrote a whole post about it, so I figgered I should acknowledge.) There are a number of reasons for that, and I will tell you now.

1: Nobody else blogs. I know this is lame, but it's so much more fun to blog when all your friends are doing it too. I saw a shirt that said, "Nobody reads my blog" and I really wanted it cause I thought it was funny. So, even though a few people check my blog, very few people leave actual comments, and none of them update, so what's the point, eh?

2: I have a seriously busy life. I have no idea how this happened to me. I work full time, I exercise 6 days a week, I go to church, date my boyfriend, spend time with my friends (occasionally), and somehow between all of this, I'm supposed to fit in housework, eating, sleeping, relaxing, AND blogging?!? Yeah, right! Some weeks my entire week is scheduled to the MINUTE, and that is NOT an exaggeration. Of course, I do have a little more free time now that Ethan's living with his dad, but that's new.

3: I have nothing to write about. My life is lame. I'm happy, I'm busy, and stuff happens, but it's boring stuff. Do you really want to know about the dentist that's making me crazy or how sore I am from sparring class? (5 bruises, btw) Ok, a few exciting things happened in the last month; Lawrence gave me a promise ring, Ethan moved to Utah, and our cat died. But anyone who cares already knows all that. OH OH!! My dad and brother just got home! Alert the media! That's my life in a nutshell.

4: I was an art major in school. But I don't really call myself an artist because a) I don't make art and b) I feel no urge to make art. I feel that those two points are really critical to the whole art scene. I'm weird that way. Lawrence suggested one day that maybe my blog was dispersing my need to create something and I started to think that maybe he was right and I should conduct an experiment. I would quit blogging and see what happened. So guess what the outcome is. I had ideas for 2 painting and in the 2 free hours I had on Saturday, I'm now going to buy supplies! So is it more important for me to blog or paint? Blogging sure as hell is cheaper. And takes up less space. Hmmm....maybe I should re-think this.

So maybe I should put up a picture of my promise ring. Maybe I should keep you updated on the painting situation. I'm belt testing next week, maybe I'll tell you how that went. We'll see. Place a vote if you have a preference.

Monday, May 28, 2007

I am the last of the international playboys

This Friday, the most wonderful thing of all time happened to me. I went to a Morrissey concert! That's what Lawrence got me for mother's day this year, So Friday we made our way to The Palladium Ballroom at 7:30, which is what the concert time was supposed to be. The doors opened at 8, so we got to stand in line in a downpour for half an hour. We shared our golf umbrella with a polite fella named Nick. When we finally got in there, we found out that there is no seating at this venue. How crap is that?!? So we stood around for another half hour, when we got treated to the screaming stylings of Kristen Young. It was not great. After a half an hour of that, they took about 20-30 minutes to revamp the stage while they played strange old movie stuff on the curtain. But finally! It happened! I was so excited that I didn't even noticed when my toes went numb one third of the way into the show due to the fact that I was wearing 2 1/2 inch heels. For some reason, all the tall people decided to stand in front of me, but I still managed to see for the most part. There was a guy standing near me that started yelling "HOW SOON IS NOW!!" after about 2 songs and I really wanted to turn to him and call him a poser, but I refrained. Morrissey changed his shirt 2 or 3 times during the show because he was sweating a lot, and once he even took his shirt off on stage. We dutifully screamed like teenagers, even though he's really old. Towards the end of the show, he said, "My ass is leaving town in ten minutes. . .be on it." I though that was pretty funny. The venue had posted all over the freaking place that we weren't aloud to bring in cameras or take pictures, but people still were with their phones. One person was right up near the stage and when they held their phone up Morrissey looked right at the person and they started to lower the phone, but he nodded his head and struck a pose. He kept shaking the hands of the people in front and cracking jokes. At the end, the band threw out paper airplanes, guitar picks, and the drum sticks, but I didn't get anything (other than the t-shirt Lawrence bought me of course). Morrissey is a really good showman, and I still had the time of my life despite the very sore feet, the tall drunk people, and the volume being so loud the music almost wasn't recognizable. Seriously, I never realized that Morrissey's music had screaming guitar music. Note to the sound person: when the music is distorting, you have it too loud. But it was still amazing. I can't believe how great this year is, Pet Shop Boys, Morrissey, and next month Erasure!! How great is my life!

Also: something cute. There's one part of a song where he says, "This is the last song I will ever sing." And on the cd you hear a crowd screaming, and then he says, "No wait, I changed my mind again," and the crown goes, "ahhh" in a disappointed way, and we did that! The screaming and the ahh and everything. It was AWESOME!! WOO HOO MORRISSEY!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Boy am I a sucker

As many of you know, I am the single adult rep for my ward at church. I work with the other ward single adult reps and the stake single adult rep to organize events. Well, sometimes a stake will have a single adult conference that everyone in North Texas is invited to. Well, the church leadership decided that they didn't like the conferences to be be all willy nilly like that, so they all agreed to rotate the responsibility between all the stakes and have one every spring and one every fall. Every stake is donating a certain amount to the endeavour so that each conference has a budget of $6000. They scheduled all the stake for the next 6 years. Well, somehow, we, the Denton stake ended up with the 2nd one, the one this fall. So we are trying to plan this gig, and as much as I don't want to do it, I guess I'm committed. So Sunday, Linda (the Stake rep, or in other words, the boss. Also known as Ethan's grandmother.) was wanting to assign the committees. She asked if anyone would volunteer to chair a committee. Well, I looked around the room, and I quickly realized that I would end up in charge of something, so I should probably volunteer for something I was at least somewhat comfortable with before I got stuck with something I would really hate. So I looked over the choices, and I volunteered to chair the food committee. So, in September I have to provide at least three square meals for 400-600 people. Plan menus, buy the food, prepare the food, serve the food. Yikes. So yeah. Who's the sucker? I am! I am!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

sluggish yet peppy

Today I watched The Island, and man oh man did I love that movie. Great stuff! Tomorrow I'm supposed to receive season one of Ab Fab. I am so excited! Lest you think everything excites me, I also watched The Day After Tomorrow today, and man was that movie predictable and preachy. You see! I don't love EVERYTHING I watch! Oh yeah, I need to go put season one of Heroes in my queue. I really enjoy the word queue because it totally looks like it shouldn't be a real word. Not only does it have a q, it also has a long string of vowels to boot! Love it!

It's super dooper slow at work, and this week I'll only be working three days. That'll suck on payday, fer shore. I hope this doesn't keep up too long, cause a girl's gotta eat. My last paycheck was a little short and it just so happened that ALL of my bills came out of the one, so I'm am dead broke. My boss keeps telling me to get out of town this weekend and go do something since I'll have a four day weekend. He can't seem to accept the idea that I can't DO anything without money. Of course, on Saturday, I am flying down to Houston so that I can ride back here with Lawrence, but I don't think that's the kind of vacation my boss is thinking of.

I saw a preview for the Bratz movie. It was horrifying. It's live action. And now some stupid little pop song is stuck in my head. Not to mention that there are precious brain cells being taken up with the memory of that preview AND the song from the preview. I think I might need to drill a hole in my skull to get that shit outta there. Seriously.

I miss Lawrence. I also miss Ethan (believe it or not) but not as much as I miss Lawrence, because Ethan is much more high maintenance than Lawrence. And. I'm having allergies. It sucks ass.

Friday, April 27, 2007

July 10th: Feast day of the Virgin Saint Amalberga

Three historical events that occurred on July 10th:
1) In 988, the city of Dublin was founded (How do they know this happened on July 10th, O wonder?)

2) In 1821, the US took possesion of the territory of Florida from Spain
3) In 1962, Telstar, the world's first communications satelite was launched into orbit

Besides me, three people who were born on July 10th:
1) 1509: John Calvin, Religious reformer
2) 1856: Nikola Tesla, Inventor
3) 1871: Marcel Proust, Writer

here's a freebie-1926: Fred Gwynne, Herman Munster!

Two significant deaths on July 10th:
1) 1978: John D Rockefeller III, businessman
2) 1989: Mel Blanc, voice of Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Barney Rubble, etc.

July 10th holidays or observances:

-Followers of Meher Baba observe Silence Day
-It is the Bahamas Independence Day
-It's also Muritania's Armed Forces Day
-Apparently, in Ancient Latvia, Septinu Bralu Diena was observed

So there ya go. More than you ever wanted to know about my birthday. I took a page from
Kiera's blog and got all my answers from

I hereby, by the authority vested in me by the state of being, do declare Andy AND Shemsi tagged. Does that count as two tags? I say yes.

I also want to thank Kiera for teaching me how to create links. If I had half a brain, I coulda figured it out myself, but since I only have a third of a brain, she helped me out! Holla!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, today the other shoe finally dropped. For a year now, I have been waiting for the day that Lawrence and I would run into his ex-wife. Every time we went to Scarborough or anything for one of his friends or a church event outside of our immediate area, we always worried that she would be there and what the fallout would be. So today was the wedding of some of Lawrence's friends, and when Lawrence called a few weeks ago to RSVP, the information was volunteered that his ex hadn't RSVP'd yet. So we really didn't even worry about it. Then today, we walk into the church just barely in time, and sitting on a bench is a red head that waves at Lawrence and Lawrence gave a little wave back to just before the groom and best man walked up and started talking to Lawrence and myself. So I don't think anything of the red head at first because I'll be honest, the main feature that stuck in my head about Becky (that's her name for anyone who didn't catch on) is that her hair was curly curly, and this woman's hair was straight. But then I got to percolating and wondering if that was her. So we go in and sit on a pew, and she sits down in the very back, and I'm sitting there wondering if it's her and being annoyed that she's behind us so I can't look at her but she can watch me all she wants, when Lawrence says, "Oh, I'm sorry! I should have re-introduced you and Becky! I didn't even think about it!" And I said, "So that IS her. I wasn't sure cause I really didn't remember what she looked like very well." We sit there for a couple of minutes and then she gets up and comes and sits RIGHT BEHIND US. Like, directly behind Lawrence, on the seat immediately behind ours! My exact thoughts: "THAT BITCH!" So that made me uncomfortable, but I figure ya know, if she wants to watch Lawrence and myself hold hand and chat and smile with each other, than that's her problem.

After the ceremony, everyone files out, and as soon as Lawrence and I clear the chapel doors, there's Becky, who proceeded to attach herself to us for almost the rest of the time we were there. She was oh so nice and oh so friendly. All asking me what I'm doing these days, (and what great restraint it took me to not say, "Your ex!") and how's 'Evan' doing, (when I had already called him Ethan and she knew damn well what his name is) and telling wedding horror stories and whatnot. I got a huge tension headache from the stress of not stabbing her in the eye, and my face hurt from smiling so much. Not only did I not kick her ass for screwing up my potential future husband so that he's totally gun shy about getting married again, nobody could even tell that I hate her with a passion! Lawrence said that if he didn't know better, he'd have thought that I actually enjoyed spending time with her. She was there with a guy named David (who seemed like an unpleasant little man, but whom Lawrence says is a real fun guy when he lets lose, and also whom Lawrence says would really like a shot with Becky but she would never go for because he's not a member of our church) who looked really annoyed every time Becky spoke directly to Lawrence, and that kinda make me chuckle inside. Cause I'm mean like that. When Lawrence and I said we were leaving, Becky actually hugged me. HUGGED! WTF?!?

I wondered what Becky['s game was. I figure maybe she thinks that if she's all nice that maybe Lawrence will see what a prize he gave up and take her back. OR that maybe she's like me and in a circumstance like this she likes to keep her friends close and her enemies closer. OR one time she told Lawrence that she "just misses her best friend" and maybe she was trying to be nice to me so that he would see that she isn't trying to get back with him, but we can all be friends! (fat chance.) Lawrence thinks that she's doing the good Christian martyr thing and going, "I'll put in the happy face because I want him to be happy, even if it's not with me." Whatever her reasons are, I'm glad it's finally over and I don't have the threat hanging over my head anymore. And on the plus side (and mushy side), I really feel like Lawrence and I grew closer today. He's such a sweetheart. :)

And in related news, the bride and bride's maids were wearing some of the ugliest and most unflattering dresses I've ever seen. Bride's over 50 (and over weight) should NEVER wear sleeveless. I'm just saying.

Friday, April 13, 2007

dreams of the south

I have been somewhat ill lately, and last night I had the requisite weird dream that accompanies being sick. I'd thought you'd like to share the joy, so here ya go. I dreamt that I went to visit Shemsi and Andy in South Carolina (just thought I'd squeeze in a plug for their blog while I was at it) which is weird in and of itself, because I have friends in California who have been wanting me to visit them for about 10 years, and if I'm gonna spring for a trip to visit people, I'd much rather go to California. But anyhoo, so I'm riding in the back seat of Shemsi's car because someone else is in the front, but I can't remember who (I remember it was another girl), and Shemsi apologizes for the air conditioner not working very well. She explains that she thinks a mouse has gotten into the engine compartment and chewed through an air conditioning tube. So I come up with the bright idea that we can open the top of the engine and pour in a big bucket of water and that will force the mouse out of the air conditioning. Now, in real life I am well aware that not only would pouring water into the engine probably ruin it, it also would not go into the air conditioner, but you know how dreams are. So, we enact my plan. In my dream Shemsi was driving a little econo box and when I poured in the water, nothing happened for a minute, and then out of some round vent hole on the side of the car (yes I know these are not anything on a real car) comes a bunch of water and about 50 dead mice. It was gross. Then I look back at the hole on top of the engine and about 100 dead and alive mice are coming up out of the hole an I am like, "AH! Yikes!" Cause that's pretty disturbing. So, with that problem solved, we go into the apartment, where Shemsi, Andy, and I chat for a minute, and then I take Ethan out to show him something in the woods next to the apartment complex. On the way back, my visit transforms into a Hollywood movie set in the south, complete with a small town fair and a handsome love interest. There was some complication but I can't remember what it was. Of course there was the required populous of small town southern nutters that made the town oh so colorful. Lawrence did not play the male lead because, well, I love my honey, but let's face it, he's not exactly a Hollywood leading man type. Unless of course, the leading man is played by Kevin Spacey. But my leading man was played by this man: Hello good dreams! Other than the mice thing I mean.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I'll never get to go on a cruise!

I don't think I've told you all this, but I'm not going on the cruise. The reason for this is that I met Lawrence's sister. Although she has told Lawrence that she likes me, she certainly didn't seem to like me at the time. And we all know that Lawrence's mom doesn't like me. Well, when David and I were thinking about getting married, his sisters didn't like me, and one day I was basically forced by his mother to go to a family event. Well, his sisters didn't like me but were polite and tolerant before, when I went to the event, the gloves were off. They were so mean to me, it wasn't even funny. And I told Lawrence that I thought that if I went on his family's cruise that they would resent it, but that if he talked to his sister and she thought I should go, then I'd go. Of course, she didn't think I should go. Ostensibly she doesn't think it's appropriate for Lawrence and I to go on vacation together before we're married even though we wouldn't be sharing a room and they would all be there so it's not like we could DO anything. Also, if Lawrence and I break up, then they'll have all these pictures with me in them that they don't want anymore. Sounds like bullshit to me, but whatever. So, no cruise for me. Lawrence is very sad, but he'll just have to cope.

Also, Lawrence and I had a discussion a couple of months ago where we agreed that we were going to get engaged soon. But, after another discussion a couple of weeks ago, I had to come to the realization that Lawrence is simply not ready to get married anytime soon. So I have to think of him as merely a boyfriend, not as ALMOST my fiance. So if you see anyone that's gonna pressure me and ask when we're getting married, please tell them to bugger off, cause it's something of a sore subject for me right now. Tomorrow's the first time I'm going to church since this epiphany, and since about 3-7 people ask me every Sunday if I have a ring or an announcement yet, I'm not looking forward to the experience. Some fun!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Katamari has HUGE BALLS!

So this weekend, my honey and I went and bought technology. Seriously, my baby is a balla now. He boughts a 50 inch plasma HD flat screen Panasonic TV and a HD upconverting DVD recorder. He also bought a pretty sweet TV table for the new TV. Prince of Persia is very very pretty on this TV. Katamari is hardly affected. He also bought 2 wireless controllers for the PS2, since the couch is too far away from the PS2 to use the wired ones now. We watched half of Spiderman, and all of True Lies. He wanted to see special effects and explosions, and as it was his turn to pick the movie, I wasn't gonna argue. The whole setup is pretty sweet. Now we just need surround sound and will be mad pimpin'.

Ethan came back from Utah today. He's tan and Becky cut his hair. So yeah. Ok, I don't feel like talking anymore. BYE-EEEEE!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ethan's gone to Utah for spring break, and for once, I actually miss him. And I started missing him right away, I didn't wait three months like usual. I hope this doesn't indicate a reversal, where I stop missing him just before he comes back. I feel that could only go badly.

I'm suffering mad allergies lately. My throat hurts like I went for an evening at a battery acid tasting. Plus, I gots no energy. Sad really.

I don't know if I've told you this, but I got my right ear pierced a third time. I like it, and it stopped hurting for the most part. I wish it was healed already, but these things take time.

Also, my mom was in the hospital for almost two weeks. Blood clots in her legs and all. Apparently, that's a big deal, just because it can cause instant sudden death. But, she's out now, with the addition of a filter right by her heart, to catch arrant future clots. That sounds kinda like the title of a sci-fi book. "Arrant Future Clots," by Frederick Pohl. Feel free to suggest what the plot might be about.

I'm hungry. You can also feel free to suggest what I should eat, cause I'm outta ideas here. Really, I got nuthin.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Somedays I think that I should make more of an effort to take pleasure from the small thing in life. Other days I think to myself, "Is this really all there is?"

On the taking small pleasures front, I saw a character in a comic strip that was wearing a shirt that said, "I'd verb his noun." I thought that was pretty freakin hilarious. I also think I need that shirt. Fer reals.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

PB Woes

Every since they jerked the only brand of peanut butter I can eat off the market because it's contaminated with Salmonella, all I freaking want is a freaking peanut butter sandwich. Damnation. I wish they'd get some new non-salmonella pb out for me. :(

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I could do it with integrity, I could do it with disgrace

My child is so cool. Today he wanted to listen to "that CD that has "Can't Talk to a Psycho" and "Angry Johnny" on it. In other words, my Poe CD. How sweet is that?!? Early he passed me and he was singing "Trigger Happy Jack" under his breath. Coolest ten-year-old ever.

In other news, last night some of us went to see Kodo Drummers perform. If you're not in the know, Kodo Drummers are those Japanese peeps that play drums all rigorous like, sometimes in nothing but a diaper thong. As I was watching the show, which was pretty entertaining, btw, it occured to me that a Kodo Drumming game would be perfect for the Wii, what with the crazy motion sensitive controller and all. Am I right?!? I'm totally right and you know it. Even if it was just regular drumming, it could be Nintendo's answer to Guitar Hero. Mark my words, it would be HUGE. I should take out a patent.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You mean Xena isn't an aspect of Shiva?

So, I've been watching Xena season 4, and there were a spate of episodes where Xena and Gabrielle are traveling in India. At the beginning of these episodes, there was a disclaimer stating that the writers took some liberty with Hindu deities and beliefs, but their sole purpose was to illustrate the beauty of the Hindu religion. I have no problem with the whole not wanting to offend thing, but I mean, seriously, we're talking about Xena: Warrior Princess here, it's not like it's exactly a documentary. They took liberties with all kinds of religions; Greek gods, pagan beliefs, amazon beliefs, Christianity, etc. I think that if you're watching Xena, you can probably just take for granted that you shouldn't be using it as a guide for religious facts and history. So why don't they have a disclaimer for all religions? Why just Hindus? Just thought that was interesting.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The seaweed is always greener. . .

I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, so I'll go ahead and tell the whole story in case I haven't. Lawrence's parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and they have decided that they would like to take a cruise with their family and closest friends, rather than have a party. They are also getting a chunk of money, so any family who can't afford to go can get subsidized through them, although that amount is limited, so ya know. Well, Lawrence wants me to go, but of course, I'm not family, so if I go, he has to pay for me. Not only does he have to pay for me, he has to pay for a separate cabin for me, as we're not married and this is polite Mormon folks, meaning a boy and a girl can't sleep in the same room together unless they're married. His parents are cool with me coming (according to Lawrence) and have specified that he and I can do whatever we want during the day, but would be expected to attend dinner and select other activities with the family, so I wouldn't even have to spend the entire time with his mother, um, I mean. . .his relatives. All this would occur in May, and it would be a five day cruise which includes Jamaica and two other places, although I can't recall what they are. Now, I'm trying really hard not to get too excited, because I know that Lawrence might not be able to afford to pay my way, and I sure as HELL can't afford to pay for myself, but I am failing miserably on the not getting excited arena. How awesome would going on a cruise be?!? I mean, SERIOUSLY! We'd sail out of Galveston on May 14th, which is Lawrence's birthday. I have also never been to Galveston, so bonus! Lawrence really wants me to go too, since even though it'll be his family, he'll be the only one without a significant other if I'm not there, and that would really suck. So, keep your fingers crossed, and be prepared to offer me a hanky to cry into if I don't get to go. The tropics! SWEET!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Baby boy

Since Kiera asked about Mark and Brietta's baby, I guess not everyone got an email, so I will give you all the 411. On Friday, December 15th at 6:15pm, Connor was born. He was 6lbs and 12oz and 19 inches long. They are all doing well, and Cooper has hardly any sibling rivalry. (Cooper's their dog for anyone who forgot.) So there ya go.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My movie reviews

Yesterday I watched Finding Comedy in the Muslim World, and I thought it was amusing. There were a few parts where I actually laughed, but here's the thing I'm wondering: WHY does Albert Brooks bill himself as a comedian when he is simply not funny? Oh don't get me wrong, he sometimes makes me smile, but he's more like guy in the next cubicle kind of funny, not professional actor/comedian funny. This is something I've been complaining about since I saw the movie, so some of you may have already commented on this, but I felt the need to alert the blogging community at large.

I also watched The Man Who Fell to Earth. Like Labyrinth, it ALSO starred David Bowie's package. Only in a much more literal sense. In that I got to see David Bowie's unclothed semi-erect penis. I would say this makes me special, but how many people in the world HAVEN'T seen David Bowie's penis, really? I also saw lots and lots and lots of boobies and bush. Seriously. My boss recommended this movie to me, and when I pointed out all the blatant nudity, he was surprised because he didn't remember that from when it was released in 1976. He's not losing his mind though, that stuff was cut out of the American release in order to get an R rating. That movie was very strange and I wanted to move on after I saw it, but I couldn't. I couldn't figure out some of the major plot points, so I finally went to IMDB where people who have read the book explained everything, thank heavens. I recommend that you ALL see this movie. Not because I think you'll like it, but because it is so very strange that I feel like I shouldn't be alone.

You should ALSO see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but not because it's strange; you should see it because it's AWESOME! Seriously. I loved it. I rushed out and bought it. I kid you not. It has Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. And some girl, whatever. :) It's kind of a pulp mystery sort of storyline. But I don't want to ruin it. Go rent or buy it now, this second! GO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? Get out of here!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A tale of two chins

As many of you know, I had been trying to lose weight. I started this journey at 260 pounds, and lost down to 185 after more than a year. I then made the mistake of starting to date the love of my life who not only plied me with rich dinners and ice cream, but exhibited unbridled enjoyment at watching me enjoy food, and constantly told me how gorgeous I am. That selfish bastard! So, I went back up to 233. Sad, but true. So, this winter, my joints have started hurtin' sumtin fierce, and I came to the realization that in order to avoid the fate of crippled arthritic in a wheelchair (IE: my mom), I would HAVE to get down to a reasonable weight and stay there while also staying active. *GASP* Fate worse than death! Well, just as I came to this realization (while everyday saying, "I'll start tomorrow") my tae kwon do school announced that they were having a "Biggest Loser" competition. You see, every person who wanted to participate would throw in ten bucks and be weighed at the beginning of January. Then, on March 3rd, whoever lost the most weight would win all the cash. What could be better, thought I; If I win money or just lose weight, I win either way. So, I plunged back into the healthy living pool with a great big belly flop, although this time, I determined that I should make changes that I could possibly do for the rest of my life: or in other words, I made a lifestyle change. I still eat out sometimes. (Hee hee. "Eat out.") I still eat meat and bread and potatoes. I just try to get more veggies and I eat reasonable portions and get more exercise. It's actually working out quite well. As of the last weigh in on February 2nd, I was officially in the lead, with a total weight loss of 10 pounds. If I keep that pace, I can be in my ideal weight range in July. So, hopefully, hopefully! Wish me luck boys and girls. And if you see me stuffing my face, go ahead and knock the food out of my hand. I'll thank you for it later, when I'm a smokin' hottie. Oh yeah, and when I can walk without my knees and ankles crying out in pain.

Friday, February 02, 2007

the frugal reception

I have discovered that my connections could potentially make my wedding reception very inexpensive. You see, I have a friend (more like an acquaintance) who's a chef and wants to cater my reception at friend prices. She did a pretty kick ass reception where she only charged $1.70 per person, and the food was awesome, so that's gonna be one way that I'll save money.

Then, my brother's girlfriend is a cake decorator at Candy Haven and she says she wants to do my cake. Now I'm not sure if she means at a discount or for free or for full price, but I'm assuming she means at a discount (since she won't let us buy anything there without using her employee discount), so that's really cool. She's the most amazing cake decorator, AND I saw their wedding cake showroom, and they have the perfect cake that I think is gorgeous. Plus, I looked at the flavors, and I want a dark chocolate fudge cake with raspberry (or strawberry. or cherry) filling and cream cheese frosting. YUMMY!

I have another friend that I used to work with at Lifetouch who's an amazing photographer who has offered to give me a discount on wedding photos. The only problem is that he doesn't photograph fatties very well, so I have to lose the weight if I plan on using him.

Being Mormon, I could have my reception at the church if I wanted to (which I really don't, but still), which Kiera told me costs $50. Last night I was talking to lifelong friend's of the family who own a cleaning company named the Dartts (the family is the Dartt family, it is not the cleaning company that is called the Dartts.), and mama Dartt said that they only charge you if they have to clean it and if I have my reception at the church and they try to charge me, just tell them that the Dartt's are taking care of it. So, I could get a free reception place if it comes to it.

Of course, I happen to have a blacksmith friend who's gonna help Lawrence out with mad ring hook-ups, so that should be gravy.

Now for the hard parts: the flowers and the dress. I haven't spoken to her in a decade, but I used to have a good friend who was a seamstress who always said she would make my wedding dress for me. I wonder what would happen if I tracked her down. Now I just have to make friend's with a florist real fast. Hmmmm. Anybody know any florists? Josh? You're gay, come on, hook a sista up!

Friday, January 26, 2007

yay for surveys!

I saw this on MySpace and decided it could be my next post since there is nothing interesting in my life to talk about.

Tired of those same old 55 questions about me surveys? Well here are 55 I guarantee you've never answered.

1. Is your second toe longer than your first?

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?

3. Look at your planner for January 17, what are you doing?
I don't know that is about a year away, but since it's on a Thursday, I'd say working and going to to TKD.

4. What color are your toenails usually?
I usually paint them pink, red, gold, silver, or blue.

5. What is the last thing you highlighted?
I remember highlighting something a few weeks ago, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.

6. What color are your bathroom towels?

7. What color are the seats in your car?

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
ah, Scarface. What a sweetie. That was my family's cat, that still counts, right?

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
receipts I mailed to my son's dad. Actually, I put the stamps on the envelope.

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
Dear Lord, no.

11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
I can't remember the last time I got money from the ATM, to be honest. I cash my paychecks and deposit the cash, so I just keep out what I'll need.

12. Who is the last baby that you held?
I think it was Isabelle.

13. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
Thank heavens, no.

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?

15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Ford Explorer

16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida gators?
Uh, gators are more easily contained than hurricanes, so I guess I'll choose them. :) Oh, are we talking about sports?

17. Last time you went to Six Flags?
Last summer. Ethan was a whiny little bitch.

18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
I live in a mobile home. They come standard with wallpaper, but I think we've painted over most of it.

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow:
Ethan's report card. A's and B's, thank you very much.

20. Last person to give you a business card?
a guy from church to whom I was needing to send an email.

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
School for Ethan's lunches.

22. Closest framed picture to you?
I think the closet one is actually a picture of me and Ethan. Tee hee.

23. Last time you had someone cook for you?
Sunday. Lawrence cooks for me all the time. Oh wait, I think my mom made dinner once since then.

24. Have you ever applied for welfare?
My son was completely paid for by the government! But that's Medicaid, not welfare, so does that count? I was also on WIC when I was pregnant. Does that count? In conclusion, I have no idea.

25. How many emails do you have?
Do you mean email addresses or actual emails? Cause I have two email addresses, but I don't think I could even count how many emails I have. I mean, there's the inbox, and then there's tons of folders with who knows how many saved emails in them. I'm not even going to discuss the bulk mail.

26.Last time you received flowers?
about two weeks ago. Lawrence is letting me down. He promised me weekly flowers!

27. Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
I think that sanctity has nuthin to do with it. The only reason for homosexual marriage is illegal is because religious folk think it's a sin, and we have a thing called separation of church and state, so really, they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to keeping homosexuals from getting married. It should be legal, and then churches can refuse to marry them if they want.

29. Do you play air guitar?
Am I a ten year old boy? So, no, I don't play air guitar.

30. Do you take anything in your coffee?
I don't drink coffee, but when I did, I took sugar and cream. And sometimes Kahlua.

31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
I have no idea what that even means.

32. What is your high school's rival mascot?
Does my high school have a rival? I don't even know!

33. Last person you spoke to from high school?

34. Last time you used hand sanitizer?
I don't like hand sanitizers because they leave a film on your hands. I'd much rather just go wash them with soap.

35. Would you like to learn to play the drums?
not really, but I would take the opportunity if it presented itself.

36. What color are the blinds in your living room?

37. What is in your inbox at work?
don't have one

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper?
I don't read the paper except when a headline catches my eye. So the last thing I read was about a woman who lives in Argyle that can't go outside because she was exposed to so many pollutants her body became allergic to everything. She lives in a special trailer with all these filters and stuff. She makes jewelry to keep herself mentally stable.

39. What was the last pageant you attended?
Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever been to a pageant. Have I been missing out?

40. What is the last place you bought pizza from?
Olive Branch.

41. Have you ever worn a crown?
Of course! On my birthday my friends bought me a silver plastic tiara with a big butterfly on the front that has flashing multicolored lights in the wings. I just put it on the other day as a matter of fact.

42. What is the last thing you stapled?
Something at the library at church, I'm sure.

43. Did you ever drink Clear Pepsi?
Yeah man. I'm actually one of the four people nation wide that liked it.

44. Are you ticklish?
I'm not ticklish. I'm not ticklish. I'm NOT ticklish!

45. Last time you saw fireworks?
Labour day I think. Wait, I think I saw some random ones on New Years.

46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Couple of months ago.

47. Who is the last person that left you a message & you actually returned their call?
I think it was the guy from the bank.

48. Last time you parked under a carport?
When I picked up Lawrence at the airport. Oh, I guess that's a parking garage.

49. Do you have a black dog?
No, I fully intend to never have a dog.

50. Do you have any pickles in your fridge?
Do you see by my picture where it says, "Margie the Pickle Princess?" Of course, I have pickles in my fridge.

51. Are you an aunt or uncle?

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
I like that guy's eyes that played Chris on Charmed. What?!?

53. When was the last time you saw a semi-truck?
Today. I live in Texas. All I have to do is look out the window and I'll see one.

54. Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?
Of course. My Ugly Kid Joe CD (America's Least Wanted) got all scratched up when it fell under my seat, dammit.

55. Do you have a little black dress?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So, I've been asked to let everyone know to read Raine's blog about Cainnum, so here's the link:

I'll write a real post soon, but no time now.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I guess it's serious

As of yesterday, Lawrence and I have been dating 1 whole year. It's hard to believe! I must say, I've never been in a relationship where we dated fer reals for a year straight. I mean, I've been "with" a guy secretly for that long, and I dated my son's dad for almost two years, but we broke up almost monthly, so I don't think that really counts as a serious, solid relationship. Some days I can't believe it's been a year already, and some days it feels like we've been dating forever. And, quite frankly, between him being pretty annoying in a lot of ways, and me being a demanding and neurotic bitch, I'm shocked neither one of us has dumped the other yet. And the weirdest thing is that we don't even fight or anything. I mean, we've had a couple of fights, but I think two minor fights that get resolved before the evening is over in a year is a pretty damn good track record. We disagree about things, but we actually talk about them and work things out like real people are supposed to. It's just weird, really. Some days I think that I should dump him for his own good, so that he's not saddled with this bag of mood swing that is me for eternity, but when I actually seriously consider it, it's like the lights go off in my brain and all the air gets sucked out of my lungs, so I guess I won't do it. The truth is, I've never been happier in my life, and I find that to be strange and foreign, but in a way that I think I could probably get used to.

So, down to the nitty gritty. For our anniversary, we exchanged gifts, of course, and I got him two movies and a sweatshirt. (We had agreed ahead of time that I'm am poor as hell right now and that I would either not get him anything or would get him something inexpensive.) He got me a SanDisk Sansa c250 MP3 player. It's totally swwweeeeet! Not only does it play MP3's, it also has an FM tuner and recorder! That's always been my problem with most MP3 players; I was like, what if I get tired of what I have on there and want to listen to the radio, eh? So no problem there. It's 2 GB, but it also has a slot for a microSD card, so I can expand the memory, so that's pretty cool. It can also store and show pictures and has a voice recorder, neither of which I can see myself using, but it's nice to know they're there. He also got me a sports pack to go with it, that has a neoprene case with a belt clip and an armband so that I can wear it while I'm exercising, which is exactly why I wanted an MP3 player in the first place.

So now I have a kick ass MP3 player AND a sweet sweet boyfriend! How lucky can one girl be? Now I just have to upload all my cd's to the computer and transfer them to the Sansa. Uh. . . that should be. . .fun. :)