Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My first paper

Well, I told you that when my first paper for grammer and comp was completed I would put it here for your perusal, so now's the time. It's gonna be kinda long, but that's how it goes. I got my rough draft back today and the teacher absolutely loved it, so I guess it's satisfactory. I hope my next one is good. I'm quite worried about it, cause it's a descriptive essay. I have no idea what I'm going to write about. We'll see. Here it is now, happy reading! Hope you like it!

The Best Day?

I support myself against the sink, while I look in the mirror. All day long, in cheerful voices, people have been telling me how much better I look. As I look over my hair, hanging lank and tangled, and my skin, which is a pale, uneven yellow somewhat resembling parchment, I think to myself, “If this is better, what in the world did I look like before?” It is December 20th, two days since my son was born, and I can’t imagine that I have ever felt worse in my life.
It all started in the middle of the night on December 17th. I went into labor. It hurt, but it didn’t last long, and at 10:48 on the 18th, after only two solid pushes, my son was born. “You’re a natural! You hardly even tore! We just need to sew that up, and you can settle in for a rest,” they told me. Just a few stitches and I would be back home in no time. “We just need you to stay here for a few hours and then you can go home,” they said. Everybody was so happy and full of smiles. My parents looked so proud, my brothers happy, but slightly disturbed by the whole thing. The midwives got me sewn up, changed, into bed, and then gave me the baby. David lay down next to me on the double bed and asked if I had decided on a name yet. We had discussed names, but after he showed a predilection for such boring names as Billy and Chris, I informed him that since he didn’t marry me, he didn’t have a say. “Fair enough,” he replied. I had finally settled on Ethan Alexander or Zachary Xavier, and I was really leaning toward Zachary, just because David really despised that name. But when he asked, I looked down at the little face and knew that he wasn’t a Zachary. “I guess I’ll go with Ethan,” I said. David sighed in relief. Everyone was amazed because Ethan could focus on things right away. “Of course he can,” I thought, “he’s my boy. He’s special. We always do things early in my family.”
They showed me how to nurse, which didn’t work out so well, but they said Ethan wouldn’t need to nurse for several hours. David looked at Ethan for a long time, and said, “Well, he looks just like me, so I guess if there was any doubt he’s mine, it’s gone now.” “Of course he’s yours,” I reply with my eyebrows drawn together, “you’re the only guy I’ve slept with for the past two years.” What the Hell does he think of me? Does he think that just because I took him back every time we broke up, I’d jump into bed with anybody?

As time went by, I started getting drowsy and grumpy. Pretty soon, I was feeling a shooting pain down the back of my left leg. “Oh that’s normal,” they said, “there’s a nerve running right by the uterus that sometimes is irritated by delivery. It should go away.” But it didn’t go away. As the minutes crawled by, the pain grew worse and worse. Three hours after delivery, it felt like someone was shoving a white hot ice pick into the back of my leg, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. “It’s no big deal, we’ll get you some pain killers,” they told me. But in the hallway, I later found out, their chatter was a little different, “She hardly even complained during labor, she didn’t even scream during hard labor, why is she in so much pain now?”

My midwife came in and told me she was going to take my stitches out and take another look. Since the stitches hurt quite a bit the first time, I said, “No, no, that’s ok! I’ll be fine;” she insisted, however. She took a look, and discovered that although I had hardly torn externally, internally I had torn quite extensively. I was also bleeding internally, but she thought she could take care of it. As I squirmed in pain, they moved me to an exam room and gave me an IV, so that they could give me some drug that would make me ‘not so aware of the pain.’ As they shot the drug into my IV, I asked, “How long will it take for this to wor. . .?“ My voice trailed off into silence. “MMM. That’s nice!” I thought to myself. But I still felt the pain; after a few seconds had passed I didn’t care about the past pain anymore, just the current pain. After that, I was only aware of moments at a time. They had to have David hold me down because I wouldn’t stay still. They filled up garbage cans with blood soaked gauze. “Hey wait,” I thought sleepily, “I need that!” I was so tired. “I wish whoever is screaming would stop it so I can sleep,” I thought several times. I nodded off a few times, and once they woke me up as they were putting me into an ambulance. My midwife told me, “We’re sending you to the emergency room. When you get there, they’re going to put you to sleep so Doctor Fredrickson can do surgery on you.” “Oh good,” I say, “I like to sleep.” I’d never been in an ambulance before. I noticed the walls seem very tall and shiny before I drifted off again.

When I awoke once more, I was in an operating room, and there were doctors and nurses all around doing things to me. “She LIED!” I screamed, “She said I’d be asleep!” “We couldn’t put you to sleep. . .” I fell asleep before hearing why.

A man woke me up to tell me that he’s my anesthesiologist and he’s going to give me more oxygen so I’ll wake up more so they can do an epidural. “Do I need the epidural for the surgery?” I asked. “Oh no, he’s already done the surgery, he just needs to check his work.” “Why did you need to wake me up for that?” I wonder. They set me up with my legs straight out in front of me and I almost fell over. It was somewhat difficult getting the idea across to them that I couldn’t sit that way because my hamstrings were too tight and I thought I was going to fall over, but they finally let me swing my legs down on either side of the table. They did the epidural while I swam in and out of consciousness, and as they were leaving, I heard one of them say, “What would we have done if she had fallen off the table?” “Get that big husband of hers in here to pick her up, I guess,” someone else said, laughingly. “He’s not my husba. . .” I said as I drifted off again.

I woke up later and looked around in confusion. I seemed to be in a supply closet? Soon, a nurse came in and told me that all the recovery rooms were full, but they’d get me to my room soon. She needed to put a catheter in, and she was telling me oh so gently what she was doing step by step until I told her I had an epidural.

Soon enough, I was in my room with people swirling and bobbing all around me, making me feel sick to my stomach. “Where’s Ethan?” I ask. “Oh, Linda took him home,” my mom tells me. Linda is David’s mother. She was always nice to me, doing all that she could to help me. Sometimes I found it a bit stifling. “She seemed pleased as she could be to get to be the one to take him, but I couldn’t leave you. She’s on her way up here with him. The hospital will let him stay in the room with you as long as someone else is here 24 hours a day to take care of him so you don’t have to.” “But this is supposed to be the important bonding time,” I thought, sadly. Everybody came, my parents, David, his parents, his grandparents (being oh so nice and with all the gifts just like I was family), my brothers, my friends, people from church, whom I hardly knew; all of them talking, talking, talking and giving me things. “Why do people give potted plants to new mothers?” I thought, “Like a new baby isn’t enough to take care of.” I felt so weak; I could barely lift my arms. David bought me some really expensive looking white roses. It was the first time I got expensive roses, and it turns out that I am allergic to roses. Grocery store roses don’t smell, so I never noticed before. The smell of these gave me a colossal headache, but I would never let David know. It didn’t seem like a fair trade somehow: he kept his love and I got a kid and some stinky flowers.

One of my nurses recognized me somehow, maybe by my name. It turns out she is the mother of one of my “friends” from junior high, named Jennifer. Jennifer actually hung out with the people I hung out with, but we never liked each other. She turned them all against me before the end of junior high. “Oh, Jennifer will be so glad to hear how you’re doing!” she exclaimed. “Yeah, she’ll be thrilled to hear that the girl she thought was a lame ass loser in junior high has grown up to be an even bigger loser: college drop out, can’t get anybody to marry her, and turns out she can’t even have a baby without almost killing herself. Women in third world countries have babies successfully every day, but I can’t even do that right,” I think numbly.

Dr. Fredrickson came to see how I was doing and when he looked at the affected area, he wrinkles his nose and says, “Ew, gross! It looks like someone shoved a grenade up there!” I laughed. His frankness put me at ease. I’ve always hated how doctors pussyfoot around, never saying what they really mean, so as to not offend your ‘delicate sensibilities’. I’d never seen Dr. Fredrickson before, although I’d seen his name on my prescriptions often enough. He was the doctor my midwives reported to. He was a small African man with a kind face, and I liked him immediately, although I realized I had screamed at him the day before when I found out that I wasn’t unconscious. I apologized for anything horrible I might have said and he told me I didn’t say anything wrong, that I was perfectly polite. He also told me that I had a hematoma the size of a grapefruit. I asked what a hematoma was, and he said, “It’s like a blood blister, but it’s inside your body instead of outside.” I had ripped halfway up my uterus, all the way through to the rectum inside. The hematoma was putting pressure on the nerve that runs down my leg, that’s why my leg had hurt so badly. That nerve would bother me for years to come.

Someone was with me all the time, sometimes David, sometimes Mom, or my brother Joey. I would watch them holding Ethan or changing Ethan and sometimes I would be glad I didn’t have to do all that, and sometimes I would get angry that I couldn’t do that. The midwives had been against David before, but they would whisper to me, “He’s so sweet; you should give him another chance!” Of course he was sweet, he loves playing the knight in shining armor saving the damsel in distress. When another of his girlfriends, Erin, got a kidney stone during church one time, I thought he was going to carry her all the way to the hospital himself. But he had proven he didn’t want me, no matter how he was acting now. I would never forget how when I told him after I came to terms with the fact that I was pregnant that I thought we should get married, he told me that he never loved me, never even liked me, he just came back every time because the sex was so good. Then when he proposed to me so sweetly, and it all started to fall apart before the day was over, and I remembered how he later told me that he came there that day to tell me that it was over forever, but I was so beautiful that he proposed instead. “I can’t stand you,” “spend the rest of your life with me;” I can see how you could get those two confused. No sir, he would have to do more than hold my hand in delivery to prove himself to me. Fool me once, shame on me; fool me two hundred times. . .

On the second day, they took out my catheter and told me to walk to the bathroom. It didn’t go well. That was when I got to see how terrible I looked for the first time. On the third day, they sent me on a walk down the hall. I got tunnel vision and my legs buckled. They had to bring me back to my room in a wheelchair, but they still declared me fit for release. They told me that I lost half of my blood, and I really needed a transfusion, but transfusions were dangerous and they didn’t want to take the chance. Instead, I was to spend two months in bed, getting up only to go to the bathroom, take care of Ethan, or go to my check ups with my midwives. I was to eat lots of iron rich foods. And with that, on December 21st, they sent me off.

It was all arranged. My dad was moving to my room and I would stay with mom so she could take care of me and Ethan. The ride home was very uncomfortable. I couldn’t sit without pain and the roses were stinking the car up. Between the ride and the roses, when we got home I had to throw up. My dad carried Ethan inside, and when I was done vomiting, he helped me inside, too. David hadn’t come. When I got settled, I looked at Ethan. “You may look like your dad, but you’re my boy,” I thought. “It’s you and me, kid. You and me.” The roses didn’t get to stay.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

turn of events

Today I feel a little better. Yesterday, I decided to shoot off a little email to Jared about how rude it is of him to avoid me by not answering my text and IM, and even if he doesn't want to go out with me anymore I thought we got along well enough that we could stay friends, unless all he wanted from girls is sex, and so on and so forth. It was just a few sentences, not long at all. I started feeling somewhat better about things around midday today, and then in the evening when I went online, a box immediately pops up with Jared saying he's not avoiding me, and he didn't get a text from me and he's been working really long hours the last couple of weeks. I questioned him on this for a little while (cause I'm not sure I believe that he didn't get my text or IM), and finally told him, "ok, I guess I forgive you then." He said, "psh." Dunno what that means, exactly, but after that we were chatting and having a pretty good time for a while, until my home teacher showed up. I'm glad. I was really bothered by the idea that either I'm so reprehensible he wanted to completely avoid me, or he's such an ass he wanted to avoid me completely. Both of those were quite unsatisfactory. And no, this doesn't mean I'm planning on making out with him anymore, but I am planning on staying friends with him. Friends are good to have. (Hey-I didn't mean it like that! Don't be so dirty!) And sometimes our prayers are answered according to what we're feeling, and I was really upset, so that could explain the negative answer I got. But I gots a plan, I'm not praying about him anymore until either he's proven to be something more than what he's been acting like, or I have a pretty good idea of what the answer's gonna be anyway. God's most likely sick of me bugging him about men, so I'll give him a break for a while. I'm gonna stop worrying about it and go with the flow, I think.

Monday, September 26, 2005

wah, wah, wah

Today has been a big, fat, feeling sorry for myself fest. Despite the fact that I've been doing my positive affirmations pretty much non-stop today. I'll explain the situation, but everybody needs to understand that some *mystical* religiosity will be held herein. Because I am religious, any important things I do, I consult God about. Sorry if you can't handle it, but that's how it is. I don't normally talk about that stuff so that I don't make people uncomfortable or seem like a crackpot, but this here's my blog, so I'm going with the whole story.
Everybody knows that last week Jared asked me out again, and I was all happy and I said that I knew he's mine now, basically. The reason I felt that way is because I felt really good about it, so I prayed about it, and when I asked if Jared could be mine, I had a "burning in my bosom," which is straight out of the scriptures for God answering yes. So I was happy, and willing to wait and be patient. Then Wednesday, I got out of class 3 hours early, and everybody I called wasn't available for me to hang out with, so I sent him a text, which he didn't bother to answer. I'm talking about Jared, not God. I would only text God in an emergency. :) Then Friday I went online, and he was online, and he stayed online for a little while and then went offline. You'd think he would've said something about my text, or said anything because I had actually teased him about never being online. But he didn't. So, I prayed about him again, and this time I kept forgetting what I was praying about midsentence over and over, which is straight out of the scriptures meaning the answer is no. God can't make Jared love me, but obviously Jared felt something for me Saturday morning, or God wouldn't have told me I could have him. So what happened between Saturday and Friday? Maybe Jared realized I wouldn't sleep with him. Maybe a friend talked some sense into him. Maybe he met a cute girl, I have no idea. But it sucks. At first I was angry, then sad, but I was having PMS, so I told myself it was just that. Now the PMS is gone, and I'm even sadder. I would think the fact that a really great guy asked me out on Saturday would make me feel better, but I don't. Maybe if I go out with this guy, it'll flip a switch and I'll be all overboard about him, but I doubt it. Because the fact of the matter is, I am actually attracted to a very small number of guys. Of those guys, most of them I stop liking when I get to know them better. I liked Jared from the second day I knew him. The first day I didn't really pay attention to him because he was just another applicant. But he started the next Monday, and I walked in and introduced myself and I don't remember what he said, but it was something extremely confidant and not expected. My antennae popped up, and I thought, "Hmmm, this one is interesting!" Then, of course, I found out how young he was, and how extremely different our purposes were and I decided I could never date him, but I contented myself on spending everyday with him. When he got fired, I actually cried! Can you believe it? I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing him again. I prayed and prayed the whole time he was working there and after he got fired for God to take those feelings away from me if I wasn't meant to date him, or send someone else so I could forget him, but it didn't happen, and, although the intensity lessened as the months went by, the feelings NEVER went away. We didn't really have much contact for months, and then when we started chatting, and he asked me out, I couldn't believe it! Could this mean a relationship with him was condoned? Now I feel like I'm left with nothing. I have a hole in my chest where I feel empty and it's just surrounded by a nice cushion of pain. I've never felt that way about Mickey (the guy who asked me out), or any other guy except for one, as a matter of fact, even though I've dated many and slept with some. And I still think about that one, even though it's been 11 years since I've seen him. Was all this just so that I could add another to my bittersweet memories pile? Not to be a little girl, but why me? I was thinking back today, to when I got my patriarchal blessing. I think I might have mentioned this before, but when I got it, the patriarch cried and hugged me and told me it was an honor to have met me. I thought that must be how he reacts everytime, but my mom said she'd come with several friends and and also for herself and dad and she'd never seen him act that way. I'd been told that the patriarch doesn't tell you everything he sees, and sometimes I wonder what all he saw. Did he see someone destined for greatness? Or did he see what a craphole I would make of my life? Obviously he saw something good, at least at some point, or he wouldn't have said the honor thing, but what if he saw a life I threw away by making the decisions that I've made? I dunno. I have no idea what's going to happen. all I know is that I'm so tired. I don't think I can handle much more of all this. Something good better happen fast is all I'm saying.

Now back to positive thinking. My life is going really well right now. This guy that I know from church that I haven't seen for a while emailed me, and we emailed back a forth a few times and now we're planning on going to do something together! He's got great plans, too, the kind of dates I always wished guys would plan, but they never do. Work's going well, it seems to be picking up a little. Church was good yesterday, cause I got to sit with Kiera again! Yay! We went to the Becker's for dinner, and we had a great meal, which was safe for me to eat, because Sister Becker is ALSO allergic to soy. Serenity is coming out on Friday, and I'm so excited, it's going to kick ass! I finally figured out what I'm going to do for my Government paper: I'm going to do a study of Rick Perry's time in office and analyze whether or not he's been a "good" governor. I'm looking forward to getting my rough draft back in grammar & comp on Wednesday and seeing how awesome the teacher says I am! All in all, things couldn't be better.

Friday, September 23, 2005


So Cainnum said I should write poetry, and I guess that combined with having to write for my class got my creative juices flowing, and tonight my brain hatched this out. I feel slightly embarrassed cause poetry's for girls and sensitive guys, and I'm not really either. As a matter of fact, I kinda feel like a pansy right now, so I better post this fast before I change my mind. Then I gotta go hit something. Hard. And maybe I'll scratch my ass or something for good measure.


My hair falls softly on my face
as night lays lightly on me
and caresses me with hands of wind.

The headlights reveal
just what they wish
while the music swirls around me
telling me I'm free falling
or am I the good girl,
with a broken heart?

On the right the telephone poles
speak to me of reason and logic
while on the left the trees
yell about chaos and nature.
The yellow dashes
keep time.

No time for thought now
I tell them.
Soon I will be back
in the world of decisions
and mindfulness.
Now is the time
for being.

What I do in my spare time

I have decided to share a list of the places I like to go on the internet. Many of you may already know about many of these sites, but it's a thing to do, so I'm doing it. Many of these are comic strips or cartoons, so I suggest starting from the beginning if you check them out. I have tried to provide the link to the first installment where possible, but sometimes, it's just not.

Comic strip that is funny most of the time. It's about these cats and stuffed animals and the lives they live underground. It has some obscenity, but what are you gonna do. After the author had a baby, he started including a baby update everyday just below the strip, and that is actually my favorite part. Other than Phillipe.

-Friendly Hostility:
Comic strip that is kinda weird sometimes, but I totally dig it. uh. . .it's about these people, and they do stuff. . .just read it. It very seldon has off days, so that's a good thing.

-Sore Thumbs:
This comic strip is about these people that work in a video game store together, but that's not really what it's about. It's political in nature, leaning so far to the left that it sometimes falls over. When it's funny, it's really funny, but when it's not, it's lame. It's still worth checking out, though.

-Sin Fest:
This comic strip is probably my favorite. It's is too funny. Plus, there's like a gazillion of them, so you can read it forever! It's about this guy and a girl, and God and the devil, and a dog and a cat, oh Hell, just read it.

-Devil's Panties:
This is a comic strip I recently discovered, and to be honest, I haven't decided how I feel about it. But I keep reading, so that's a good sign. It seems to be about two girls that do things.

-Queen of Wands:
This strip is retired, sadly, so there's a limited number. I really liked this one cause the main character is SO much like me, although it gets kinda soapy and annoying sometimes, but I probably do, too.

-Alien loves Predator:In New York no one can hear you scream:
I actually just found this one today through a link on Friendly Hostility! It's a riot! It's a comic strip that places Alien and Predator as room mates living in New York city and conducting their lives just as if they were real people. It's awesome!

-Making Fiends:
Cartoon that is SO funny! It's about this girl that makes fiends and is evil and mean, and this other girl that pisses her off because she's so enduringly happy and unflappable.

-Big Bunny:
This is a series of cartoons made by the same girl that makes Making Fiends before she started it. It's about a giant pink bunny that wants to eat some children. Uh. . .that didn't sound right. Also check out her first efforts called Muffin films and can be found under Fuzzy Facts at this site or About the Series at Making Fiends.

This is a site where they investigate Urban legends and either prove or debunk them. Usually the latter. It is huge and you could spend weeks there without reading everything.

This is a site where people make post cards with secrets on them that they've never told anyone and send them in. It's great fun!

-The food timeline:
Ok, I'm a dork. This site chronicles the entire history of mankind's food. It lists just about everthing we eat and when it was invented. If you click on the food, it'll usually take you to a little explanation of the history of the item. And on the other side of the timeline are cookbook and recipe links that have stuff from the different times. It's kick ass!

I feel like a goober putting this one, but in all fairness, I go to it every day, so it deserves it's props. I read the Ask Ausiello column religiously cause he always has the scoop on shows. I also read entertainment news. There's lots of stuff there, so you get the idea.

There you go. Have fun.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

gratuitous update

All right, kidlets. I guess it's time to update my blog, although there's really not anything to say, since everybody already knows about the most interesting turn of events. I'm speaking, of course, about Jared asking me out again. It was good and fun, and I feel strangely freed. It's weird. I kinda feel like it doesn't matter how often he calls me now, because I know he's under my spell, or something, and eventually he'll be calling me all the time. I dunno. Well, anyhoo. The night we went out, his phone kept ringing and ringing like crazy, and of course I didn't say anything about it, but eventually he said "she" is driving him crazy. When questioned, he said, "Oh, this girl I was seeing." He had the grace to look slightly uneasy. I said something about a friend who IM's me all the time, (and no, it's not anyone reading this-Cainnum! Don't be paranoid.) and how annoying it is. He said, "SEE! YOU get it! It's annoying when somebody calls you twenty times a day, isn't it!" Eventually he turned his phone off. Over the course of the evening, I found out this girl is Hispanic and Catholic, and apparently, Catholic girls are "crazy." When we got to his house, she was calling there every few minutes. He told his brother not to answer it, and said how rude he thought that was, because he told her he was going to bed, yet she was still calling. Interesting, no? She stopped after a while, fortunately, cause it was annoying. I wonder if he's actually broken up with her yet, or if he's dating both of us. Of course, I went back to Josh's house after, and spent some time with my homies, and when I went home, I couldn't sleep. Literally. I lay in bed till 7 in the morning, when I finally got up. Yes, I know you all know this, but it's my life, I'll tell it how I want.
At that point, I went to my meeting with the Bishop to discuss my calling, and of course he talked me into keeping it. He even actually kinda made me feel good about it. We'll see how I feel when I actually start doing it. Then I went home and got a few hours sleep, and of course, anyone reading this will know what I did for the rest of that day. On Sunday, despite the fact that I had had a relapse, and was running a fever again, which I'm sure was in no way connected with my immune system being compromised on Friday night, I went to church, and I got to spend some time with my assistant Tina, and my new assistant Emily. I really like both of them, so that was really fun. Sunday night I got to watch my not even unwrapped yet copy of Sin City with my brothers. SO GOOD! Seriously, I love that movie.
I realized Sunday night that I had made an egregious mistake. I hadn't done any of my homework, except my essay! Yikes. Being sick, it completely slipped my mind that I had readings to do and journals to write. Oh well. I read about half the government assignment and did the rest Monday after class. Next week we have to turn in our topic for Texas Government. It is for a paper that has to be 10-12 pages long, and can have anything to do with Texas Government. How can I work under these conditions? Man's inhumanity to man! I need guidelines people!
My job is kinda bugging me. It's only Tuesday and I already long for the weekend. It's nothing wrong with my job, this is just how I am. I've never been in a job or a relationship (other than platonic) for more than 2 years. No that's not true. I was at Lifetouch for almost 3 years, but they gave me massive chunks of time off at once. So I've been at American Dental Arts of 2 years and 4 months, and it's starting to chafe. It's ok, though, I'll stick it out this time. I hope.
I guess I'll go to tae kwon do tonight, although I fear another relapse. I need to start exercising again, as I haven't done for over a week. I hope they don't work me too hard. Maybe I'll cry again if they do! We'll just see what happens I guess.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Positive update

I am on a writing rampage today, as I just finished my first essay for my grammar and comp class. It's long, but I think that when it's in the final draft I'll put it up here for everyone's approval. So I've been doing positive thinking since Monday, and of course, I haven't expected any changes yet, but there actually have been! Mostly in me, but that's ok. On Monday, I noticed the first change. When people look at me, I usually get all paranoid and think, "WHAT?!?" But on Monday when people looked at me, I either didn't think anything, or thought that they just noticed me or something. No paranoia! I thought it was funny for the first two days how my inner dialogue would be something like this: "positive affirmation, hey you fucking idiot! Where'd you learn to drive? Positive affirmation, why you do that Margie? You can't do anything right! Positive affirmation, oh fuckin' A, what the hell is wrong with me!" But after two days, the negative stuff stopped, for the most part. Of course, it might be because of the fever induced brain wipe I received, but I'm choosing to think it's an attitude adjustment. And, yes, I actually do say "fuckin' A" in my head. I actually curse WAY more in my head than I do in conversation, if you can believe that. Today I went out to run errands, and I noticed when I was walking into stores and stuff, that I was holding my shoulders back and my head high and that I had more swing in my hips and more bounce in my step. Weird. When I went to make a deposit, I actually chatted with the cute teller guy! I had him switch my regular checking to a student checking so that I can get free bill pay, and it took a while, so we were chatting and joking. He was pretending to be mean to me and said he would switch it for me. I said I would cry and he said, "OH, please!" I said, "Oh you like to make girls cry, do you?" He claimed to have t-shirt that says so. I even made a slightly off color joke about the size of his stamp. It was fun. He's cute, too. I'm not saying this is going anywhere, but before I was afraid to talk to cute guys, because I thought they would be like, "Why the hell is this ugly fat lady talking to me? Like she has a chance!" I wasn't even worried about it this time! Of course, I do go to that bank every two weeks, so. . .

Also, I caught the first ep of Supernatural last night, cause I didn't have anything better to do. It was pretty good. Joe watched it full length on Yahoo, but he says it's gone now. Maybe you could download it or catch it at the WB website? I strongly recommend trying to catch it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

wet dream. . .in a way

Last night, I had a dream. My dream was most likely Katrina inspired, but it seems weird since that's kinda old news. Oh well. My dream was this: I was on a dock or pier or patio or something consisting of wood slats attached to a building and with a ladder attached. Everywhere around me water was swirling and rushing as the area was flooded. Joey came swimming up, and he had Ethan. He lifted Ethan up to me (Ethan was much smaller than actual size), and then climbed up the ladder. As he was climbing up the ladder, I realized Ethan wasn't breathing. I asked Joey, "Is he dead?" That seems like kind of a dumb question in retrospect, but you know how dreams are. Joey said, "Yep," in that tight little way he has of saying something when he's really really upset and wants to be screaming and ranting but can't because he needs to be nice to the person he's talking to. I started screaming, "NO! NO!" and crying and rocking just like those annoying women do on medical dramas when the doctor tells them their child didn't make it. I always hate that on TV, you wouldn't think I'd do it in my own dream. Then, I realized that this was a dream and I didn't have to settle for this crappy outcome. So I stopped screaming, and either Joey or I (I don't remember which) tried to do CPR, but there was too much water blocking his airway, so I did a kind of modified heimleich maneuver on him, and after 4 or 5 pushes, Ethan started coughing up water! After he finished coughing it up, he was perfectly fine. No brain damage or anything! How lucky! Suddenly, I awoke because my nose started running. Ah, sick dreams. So vivid. Thanks to all the peeps out there who collaborated to get me sick, by the way. I really appreciate it. I've heard that if you dream that someone you know died, it means fortune will soon be smiling on them. I hope that's true! Of course, he didn't die permanently, so what does that mean? Eh. Probably just one of those crazy sick dreams. Dreaming is always so much more interesting when you have a fever! YAY!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Crazy me

When the day started out, I was full of fear. You see, I have struggled with depression my entire life, to some degree or another. When I was a teenager, I constantly wished I was dead, and the only thing that held me back was the idea that something better might happen tomorrow. Tomorrow could've been the turning point, and if I kill myself today, I'll miss it. As I approached my twenties, my depression grew worse and worse. When I was 19, I planned to kill myself twice. Once I realized I didn't have enough of the right kind of drugs to finish the job, so I didn't try, and the second time, I was really going to do it, but my boyfriend recognized something in my eye and stopped me, quite literally, in the nick of time. I never again had that kind of resolve, but my problems didn't go away. I started to feel as if I wasn't me, like I was watching this girl Margie from a short distance away all the time. I was completely detached. I would watch her do crazy self destructive things and wonder why. I would shake my head in an emotionless evaluation saying to myself that that girl really needed some help. I would put on her makeup in the morning and make it darker and weirder every day, hoping that someone would see that she wasn't right and help her. She spent most of her time laying on the couch, cause she didn't want to do anything, but she went to work because it gave her money so that she could buy alcohol. Alcohol helped her forget herself and escape for a little while. Sometimes people would come drink with her or talk with her or fuck her, and she tried to pretend that she was enjoying all that and that she was normal. She felt bad that her friends were suffering because of her, but she couldn't see any way out. Whenever she did anything, she would see two scenarios in her head: the right, polite, normal version, and the OTHER version. For example, when she crossed the street, she would see herself waiting for all the cars to pass, and then herself carefully crossing after looking both ways, and she would also see herself stepping out right in front of the biggest truck on the street. Whenever she helped a customer, she would see herself answering their questions politely and accurately, and she would see herself grabbing them and smashing their brains out on the counter. Etc. One day, I couldn't tell which one was the real one and which one wasn't. That's when I decided that I had to re-enter my body and take the situation into my own hands. I got help. I went to therapy. I didn't get on medication right away, cause I wouldn't stop drinking, and antidepressants and alcohol don't mix. I left school. I got on antidepressants, and they didn't help. I decided I had to do what I had to do, and took my mental health into my own hands. When I got pregnant, my depression went away. Not completely, of course, but it got a lot better. Then when I was converted to Mormonism-that was the real turning point. Yes, I know I was baptised when I was eight, but I had to be converted myself. It was all better after that. As they say, I found God, and he took away my suffering. Isn't that what the propaganda says? Unfortunately, that only seems to have been a temporary fix. As everybody knows, all summer, I've been having some problems with being down sometimes. It's actually not this summer. This has been going on for about a year, and it's been getting steadily worse. I have found myself for the past few weeks thinking about how much I wish I were dead, but things might get better tomorrow. I've been on that ride before, and I really don't care to repeat it. I have felt as if black tendrils of depression have been curling into my brain, and they are twining themselves deeper and further in everyday. I felt hopeless and helpless this morning when I went through my morning routine. Don't worry, although I joke about it, I'm not thinking about killing people just yet, I just have a macabre sense of humor.
Then at church, something interesting happened. Brother McFall sat down by me and started to talk to me. He asked me a question about dating or something, and I said I don't date because men don't like me. He told me stories about how the difference between successful people and failures is attitude. He started talking about how the universe vibrates and our minds can change things. He said that our minds don't know the difference between real things we think, and the things we make up, and the universe doesn't either. He said that I should everyday tell myself over and over that I am attractive and that men love me and want to be with me. He said it may take six months to a year, but the universe will start to believe me and that men will start approaching me. He said it works with other things, too. He said that his business was bad, and he started saying to himself that he was a great contractor and that people want to hire him. He told me that within three months he had to hire more help to keep up with all the calls. He said he tells himself that he is wealthy and now he always has money to spare. He says that if you convince your brain of these things, the universe will adjust itself to your reality. Now, I don't know if I believe all that, but Josh has told me before that I should do positive affirmations, and it seems like this is basically the same thing. I don't really think the universe will adjust to me, but I think if I could convince my brain that I am attractive and fun and, most of all, not crazy, that maybe things really could change for me. If only Josh had explained it so convincingly! :) Maybe things really could be better tomorrow. Now, of course, I'm gonna have to find new friends because I've revealed to all these just how crazy I am, but maybe I can get a positive affirmation for that, too.
Also, Brother Christopher was sitting nearby, and he said he really doesn't understand it, that if he were single he would ask me out. I thought that was nice.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

my sex life

Ok, kids, this post is gonna be a little crass, so if you can't handle it, better sign off now. You've been duly warned. Ethan left on August 22nd, which was a Monday, and the last date I had with Jared was the Wednesday before that. So it has been three weeks since last I made out. I really didn't notice up till now cause of the trauma of Ethan leaving, the excitement of school starting, the excitement of being freed, the worry about how Ethan is settling down in Utah, etc. Now school has started and I've realized I can handle it, Ethan has stopped having nightmares and seems extremely happy and well adjusted when I talk to him, I got socialed out (see next to last post), and I have adjusted to my situation. So now it has hit me. I am so HORNY. You'd think that since I went 8 years without even being kissed once, I would be pretty acclimated to the situation, but no, apparently, that's not how it works. I've really got to get this situation under control, cause it looks like there's no solution. I don't think Jared's gonna want to make out with me anymore (just a guess. :) ) And I really don't see any other guys rushing to vie for my hand, so, I guess I'm just screwed. Although not literally of course, that would make this post moot. Although Jared did offer to help me find a cheap motorcycle that he would then help me fix up, which seems like a pretty generous offer to make to someone you're not even boinking let alone dating, so maybe he's generous with the favors and wouldn't mind me asking? Nah. Probably not a good idea. *sigh* I guess Josh is right and my counter has been reset. It IS just like growing your hair out. It sucks. Oh well. Maybe I'll just watch Moulin Rouge. Ill fated love stories always make me feel slightly better about my plight. I may be alone, but at least my one true love isn't dead. That I know of. Crap, now I have something else to worry about.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

weight update

My public has demanded a weight update. I thought nobody cared, so I stopped, but I guess I was wrong. This morning my weight was 208! I am very excited to finally be seeing regular progress. That's 52 pounds gone. If I aim for 160, which is the top of my ideal weight range, I need to lose 48 more pounds. I've gone over the hump! Hooray! In other news, Cainnum: it's really hard finding all your new comments. I get them at my email, but then I have to come here to find them for the context and possible reply. Man alive! No class this week, and I still haven't done a shred of homework. I'm such a slacker. I"m gonna end up reading 2 chapters for Government on Sunday night and 2 stories and a chapter for English on Tuesday night, I just know it! I need to buckle down! Eh. Other than that nothing really exciting going on around here. Bye!

Monday, September 05, 2005

my social capacity

So, remember how when Ethan left I started going out every night, and I'm in school and going to church and all? I think I socialed myself out. I finally hit the breaking point yesterday at church. I was wearing a dress that I don't really care for and fasting, which I'm not really sure is a good idea, and people kept telling me how much the liked my dress. I started to get really annoyed. I know it's weird, but nobody ever tells me they like my outfit when I'm wearing something I really like, like all black. No, they tell me when I'm wearing the big shapeless orange and maroon dress. So I started to get annoyed and after a while I just felt like saying, "Yeah, yeah, I look great, go away." And, as everyone knows, I want to be released from my calling as Single Adult Rep, a request which they said no to. I don't want to go to the activities full of people with silver hair and false teeth. I never get any information from the stake leadership. Put those things together and you end up with a very frustrated Margie. How am I supposed to do my calling if nobody tells me what's going on? So in our ward, we're supposed to have a ward single adult correlation meeting the first Wednesday of every month, and I just started school, so I shouldn't be able to go to it, but it so happens that I don't have school this week. Dammit. So I was thinking about not going and saying I forgot, but Brother Koburna came up to me at the end of church and reminded me. He's the other Single Adult Rep, and he's been at it awhile, so he knows the ins and outs. But he also said he was going to be out of town, so he wouldn't be there. This meeting consists of: him, me, a lady from Relief Society, a guy from Priesthood, and a member of the bishopric. All of them are there to meet the needs of the single adults. Brother Koburna and I are supposed to tell them what those needs are. So I told Brother Koburna that I already asked to be released and they said no, so I didn't want to be there anyway, and if he wasn't going to be there I didn't see any point of having the meeting because I don't know what's going on. He said that I should call the stake rep, who happens to be Linda Barnett, Ethan's grandmother, and ask if there's anything going on. I said that I shouldn't HAVE to call her, she should let me know if anything is happening. He said, "Yeah, but you're proactive, so. . ." I said, rather brusquely, "I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO." And stormed off. Poor guy. It's not his fault, but I hadn't eaten. I'll blame it on that. In the parking lot, mom was standing around talking to Sherri Foster and Susan Porter, and I went up and made lets go away motions. She told them she needed to go, and then, apparently as a continuation of what they were all ready talking about, Sister Porter said, ". . .like Margie, she's got an old soul." Now it's weird that she said that, cause people have been saying that about me since I was a few days old. I'm not even joking. I really don't know why this is a recurring theme in my life, but I just think it's a little odd. I replied to her, "Yeah, that's why I've always been a cranky old lady!" They thought that was really funny. I'm glad I could bring a little joy into their hum-drum lives. :) ANYHOO. So I went home, and at some point in the evening I hit maximum social load. Sorry to all those affected by the devastation. After Josh left (one of those affected), I played around on the computer for a little while and then went to my room and shut the door. Every once in a while, someone would come to the door and try to be all talking to me, and they would get barely restrained annoyance at best and their head snapped off at worst. Then Becky called to talk about Ethan and life, and she was in such a good mood because she was happy to be talking an adult. It was so annoying. But I was trying really hard to be nice. So then she was talking about how much I must miss Ethan, and then I did! And I started crying! I did it quietly, so I hope she didn't notice. Then when I got up this morning, I still didn't want to talk to anybody so I played video games for a while. I think I've recharged now, which is good, cause I'm typing this, talking to two people on IM, and talking to mom and Joey at the same time. Difficult.