Thursday, January 29, 2009

job dilemma

So I'm into my second week of typing, and I'd like to announce that typing the fer reals way sucks ass. I'm catching on slowly but surely, though. And, no, I am NOT typing that way now cause I haven't learned all the letters yet. :) My programming class seems like it's gonna be pretty easy.

I had an interview for the animal control job, and the problem with it is that I would be working every weekend for 8 hours each day. Plus I'd be on call for the evenings. The only reasons I am still considering it is because: a)it's a job, and b) the guy who works weekdays is leaving and I MIGHT be able to move up. I dunno, what do you think?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The more things change. . .

Most people reading this blog probably don't know a man named Larry Cook, but he's a friend of mine. He used to be in the bishopric in my ward, and he also was diagnosed with cancer while Joe was in the hospital. They shared their struggles and became very close over the months that they were in the same hospital together. I just found out that he died tonight in the hospital in Florida where he went to get special treatments. I intellectually knew that he was probably going to die, but this is hard for me, never the less. He asked to be buried near Joe, and I don't know how I am going to make it through the funeral and burial. He was such a sweet man, and I hope that Joe helped him across. Maybe it wasn't so scary for him.

I start school this week. I'm only taking typing and beginning programming, but it's progress at least. I did NOT get the Kinko's job. :( I've even stopped praying for a job because I don't think I'll ever get one. Man. This post is a real bummer. I think I'll come back when I'm in better spirits. See ya! :)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

life is so blah

I'm here with another update, due to popular demand. If by popular, you mean one person. :) I STILL don't have a job. Everyone hates me. I think I'll go eat worms. Actually, this morning I went in for an interview at Kinko's. Most people don't even bother calling me, so I'm pretty optimistic. Also, for anyone job seeking, Kinko's has the most interesting test I've taken, and believe you me, I've taken a few. It actually had questions about what I would do in real work situations. Crazy! So keep your fingers crossed. Or better yet, give me a job!

Josh and Cainnum are officially quitters, in that they've quit trying to quit smoking. They suck.

Ethan passed sacrament for the first time on Sunday, and was sent up to be Bishop's assistant and sit on the stand for sacrament, much to his dismay. He also went to Sunday school rather than primary for the first time. Craziness!

I'm a slacker. Since I spend many hours not working, you'd think my house would be immaculate, but not so! I spend a fair amount of my time sleeping or playing World of Warcraft. I think it might be addictive! Or I'm a bad person. Or both!