Well, I've been up to my old tricks again. Yes, you guessed it, I'm stealing from other people's blogs. Sad but true. Well, if I see something I like, I just take it! I can stop anytime! But in my defense, the person I stole it from stole it from someone, who stole it from someone else, and so on. It's the circle of life, my friends. Before I start on my ill gotten gains, I'll tell you that although I really feel pretty good, I'm still sick. Fever of 100 and all. I fell asleep watching Futurama last night at 8:30 and then Ethan called me at 9, I got a wrong number at 9:30, and Dave called me at 10. It's ok Dave! You didn't know! I still love you darlin'. But then I got back to sleep and slept all night like a baby. When I woke up at 10, I was very excited, just KNOWING that I had a 24 hour bug and would now be fine, but was stymied by the evil thermometer. (And a little by my evil intestines.) And I was so looking forward to going to the Single Adult potluck tonight and seeing Lawrence. *sigh* At least basically not eating for two days makes me feel nice and skinny! Well, here's the booty of my blog looting, enjoy:
[A is for age:]
31. Don't cry for me, 30 is the new 20 I hear.
[B is for booze of choice]
I don't drink anymore (for the most part), but I love spiced rum.
[C is for career]
I guess my career is officially Dental Technician. I don't know that I'll be making teeth for the rest of my life, but I might, so there you go.
[D is for your dog's name:]
Gack. I freakin' hate dogs. I will never have a dog if left to my own devices. If I marry a man who just has to have a dog, he damn well better be really hot and damn good in the sack. (The man, not the dog)
[E is for essential items you use everyday:]
Computer, Car, Clothing, Food (except when I'm ill or depressed), Toothpaste and Toothbrush (except when I'm ill or depressed. lol), Water, Mascara, Blemish concealer, Apathy, Hate for mankind (just kidding), Anger, Crippling Sharp Sense of humor, My Brain, Yahoo Messenger
[F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:]
Mr. Brightside by the Killers
[G is for favorite games:]
Uh. . .since I no longer manipulate people, I'll have to go with KOTOR
[H is for hometown:]
Denton, TX, home of me and Bowling For Soup! WooHoo!
[I is for instruments you play:]
Uh. . .huh huh, huh huh. Does the man flute count? I guess I'll have to go with a no instruments on this one.
[J is for jam or jelly you like:]
Strawberry 100% Fruit. I don't like jams and jellies that are too sweet
[K is for kids?]
Just the one, thank heavens
[L is for last kiss?:]
Wednesday night, and dear sweet lord, I hope it wasn't the last one!
[M is for most admired trait:]
My ability to kill a man with no trace of guilt? The ability to crush souls and damage minds to the point of incontinence? I guess I'll go with my ability to be straightforward and honest. Feel free to correct me if you think I have a better trait. :)
[N is for name of your crush:]
OK-a lifetime of learning to hide my feelings and trust no one has impacted me to the point that I actually no longer have the ability to give a straight answer to this question. Seriously, I'm not joking. But I think anyone who has read approximately 1 1/2-2 posts on my blog knows exactly who I have a crush on.
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
When I was 6, I had surgery to remove a blockage for my urethra. And of course there was the three day stay after I had Ethan.
[P is for phobias:]
Dying alone, unloved, and forgotten. Ending up like my mother. Senility. Maggots. THEY EAT HUMAN FLESH PEOPLE!! THEY ARE DISGUSTING!
[Q is for quotes you like:]
When in panic, or in doubt:
Run in circles, scream and shout.
[R is for biggest regret:]
Throwing my life away by becoming an alcoholic and dropping out of school.
[S is for sweets of your choice:]
Oh Hell. Chocolate Cake, Chocolate candy, Chocolate Fondue, Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Truffles. . .are we spotting a pattern?
[T is for time you wake up:]
7:30 if I have to go to work. As late as I possibly can otherwise.
[U is for underwear:]
Magic Mormon underwear of course.
[V is for vegetables you love:]
I'm a big fan of veggies. I guess I'll have to say broccoli? I really like corn and also green beans.
[W is for worst habit:]
I have to pick just one?!? I procrastinate. I'm always late. I'm lazy and slobby. I'm mean. I'm uncharitable and selfish. I'm picky. I take offense easily. Dude, why does anyone spend time with me? I think I'm going to go drink bleach now.
[X is for x-rays you've had:]
Let's see here: one on my wrist why they thought I had Corpal Tunnel Syndrome, one on my ankle when the girl put her stiletto through it. Can't think of any others.
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
I specialize in cakes and desserts, but I like to think that I can make most things pretty yummy. People have reacted well to my meats, lasagna, and sushi. *shrugs* Usually when I make it, it doesn't taste all that great to me, so it's hard for me to say for sure.
[Z is for zodiac sign:]
I am a cancer on society! July 10th, I am as Cancer as cancer can get, which usually means crazy person. Cancers are protective, sensitive, and clingy, all of which is true for me. It's also a water sign, which means that Josh is right when he compares me to a tsunami. There's the peaceful time when it looks like everything's gonna be all right, and then BAM you're flattened beneath my emotional onslaught! :)
I like your thieving...I just may have to do the same. I'm sorry you're still sick. :( I actually went to the library to visit you yesterday and the girl there told me you were sick. I hope you feel better soon. How is your mom doing? She hasn't been at church for awhile either, is she still on those scary drugs?
You did steal it! Grabby McGrabsalot! :) You'll be happy to know that my fever broke during the noon hour today. Hooray! Yes, she is still on those scary drugs, but she seems fine in general.
Man Flute?!?!
Finally! Somone acknowledges my formidible skills on the man-flute! lol. Sadly I had to give up the man flute when I embraced Mormonism. :( (This is meant to be funny, btw. I hope that comes across properly.)
funny. ha-ha ha. yeah. *awkward chuckle* BTW on my blog when i typed i would try to visit this week i actually meant to type this month. i hope josh didn't read that and get overly excited.
You suck. For getting my hopes up, you MUST come this month. You no longer have the option.
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