Thursday, January 19, 2006

My next date

Lawrence called me this morning to tell me he was busy this weekend, but would like to take me out next Friday. Tee hee. A full week's notice. Me like-ee. He said he was thinking of a movie, but we could go to dinner or dancing or something. Here was my clever response, "Whatever, I like everything." How could a man avoid falling for me with such scintillating and witty dialogue?

PS-be sure and read my comments on the last post. Interesting Jared stuff happening. Well, interesting to me anyway. :)


HighMaintenanceHussy said...

Forgive me for saying this, but Jared sounds like some of the skeezes I dated. He wants you because somebody else wants you. And he's obviously completely unworthy of somebody as cool as you.

I'm rooting for Lawrence. Or maybe a middle man between Jared and Lawrence.

p.s. I think I'm beginning to develop a crush on cainnum. He quoted TLC. Crazy, Sexy, Cool.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Actually, he doesn't even know about Lawrence. But yeah, I'm pretty sick of him anyway. This whole bidness of putting me in his top 8 in an obvious attempt to manipulate me made my eyebrows furrow, and when my eyebrows furrow at a guy, things aren't looking good for him. And thanks! ;) And Cainnum is the MAN! Now if only he would realize it.