I had my first American Government class tonight, with Professor Wyman. He seemed quite pleased to see me, and kept referencing me and the other two people that took the same Texas Government class as me all night (like, "As Margie and Jared and Nikki can tell you. . ." or, "If you ask these three, they'll tell you that. . ." or, "Margie/ Jared/ Nikki knows this because. . ."), until he finally said, "I really should stop referencing those three constantly and repeatedly." He asked if anyone in the class took that slot because he was teaching it, and all three of us raised our hands, so I imagine that pleased him. There was a guy in my class last semester who sat right behind me and we would talk sometimes, not in a flirty way (he has a girlfriend. And he's short.) just in a friendly way, and he's in this class, too. I didn't see him when I came in and I sat all the way across the room from him, but during the extremely long (30 minute) break, he came over and chatted with me for most of it, so that was cool. His name is. . .Jared. This is how I introduced myself to him last semester: "Dude, I was dating a guy named Jared, we just broke up as a matter of fact, and everytime Professor Wyman says your name it freaks me out! I'm all like, AH! Where?!?" We had a good laugh over that.
Props have to go out to my brother Joe, who said the two funniest things I've heard all week.
Quote 1: concerning Lawrence-
Joe: How old is Lawrence, anyway?
Me: 40
Joe: Oh. *thoughtful pause* I'm sorry.
Quote 2: concerning the Law and Order franchise-
Joe: I don't get it. I mean, they're not funny. It's like they're not even trying.
You know, those were really really funny in person, but they don't seem that funny in type. Maybe it's the delivery.
Well I finally have a little closure at least. Jared IM'd me last night after a week of not speaking to me at all. Apparently, he's been having lots of money problems and has been totally stressing and hasn't checked his email at all. My response was, "Well, I've been upset because you disappeared and didn't talk to me for a week straight, so I guess we all have problems." He kept apologizing over and over, which is only appropriate. Finally I asked, "Are you saying you're sorry because you are, or because you know you should?" I'm telling you. I can be mean when I feel like it. His response was, "I should, but also I am. It wasn't fair of me to leave you in the dark like that and I really am sorry." Ok, so he says the right things at least. He seemed so pathetic I finally relented and told him I forgive him. (Anybody who knows me however know that I may forgive, but that doesn't mean I forget.) He thanked me, which I thought was weird, but that's ok. After a while I asked where we are, whether we're still going to date, or if we're friends or what. He said, "We've always been friends, but I guess I can't really think about dating anyone right now, my life's too hectic. I'm sorry that it seems like you got the short end of the stick." He apologized a few more times after that. "Sorry" was running rampant. To be honest I'm really fine with just being friends with him, at least I won't constantly be worried he's gonna dump me for not putting out. :) By the end of the night we were back to calling each other names like stinky and dork butt, just like old times. Ah, good stuff. But don't think I don't see where this is going. Jared and I will be friends, and Lawrence and I will date slowly, and Jared will realize what a great catch I am and profess his love to me right when Lawrence decides he want to really get serious, and I'll end up having to choose between the nice and reliable guy and the really hot, fun guy that makes my heart go pitter pat. Of course, who knows, maybe by then Lawrence will be able to make my heart go pitter pat and my hard choice will be compounded. My main concern is Lawrence's age. I mean, I worry that a man in his 40's won't be able to meet my, um. . .needs. If you know what I'm saying. I'll have a better idea after we make out. You can usually tell how much sexual energy a guy has from a good solid make out session. Man, I wish we had transporters. Then at least I could wish for a transporter accident to combine them into one person, who would be called Jarence, and, after he got over his commitment issues, would be my perfect man. *sigh* This isn't the first time I've wished my life was more like Star Trek, and I guarantee it won't be the last.
That electric chemistry thing isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Somebody Who Went for the Reliable Guy
a)that's kinda creepy b)i don't think jared sounds sorry enough c) is for cookie, that's good enough for me d)i always knew that joe was a comedic genius e)short people need love too!
Kiera: that's EXACTLY what Joe said when he read this post. Fractals man.
Hussy: I think I'm starting to come around to that point of view. you can only get jerked around for so long before the chemistry isn't enough to make up for the rest. Even if he is more hot than any guy has a right to be.
Cainnum: A)If by creepy, you mean funny, you're exactly right. B)I think you might be right. I went to his myspace profile yesterday and his ex-girlfriend is back in his top 8 and he's listed as "in a relationship" again. You know, I don't give a fuck if he doesn't want to date me, especially if he's dating his baby's momma instead, but he just told me the night before that he couldn't date anyone right now. Why lie about it? I'm beginning to think I can't trust a single word that he says. C)Cookies kick ASS! And the cookie monster is the BOMB! D)He sure is! He's always on with the zingers. E)That's true, but I was being funny. I would not elimate a guy strictly for being short. I twould be a factor though. And there are plenty of short girls out there for the short guys. ;)
And now I'm baffled. I just went to Jared's myspace profile and now I am in his top 8. What the fuck kinda game is he playing? I like being friends with him because we really do have lots of fun together, but some days I think my life would be less complicated if I just told him to bugger off completely.
margie, don't go chasin waterfalls. please stick to rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
No Joe, he quoted TLC. Duh. And are you saying, Cainnum, that I should stay friends with Jared? I'm afraid your advice was just too sly for me. :)
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