Thursday, January 12, 2006

The good, the good, and the stupid

Well, my weight is officially 175 now. I know I said that before, but I don't really count it unless it stays there for at least 3 days. Yay! I have lost 85 pounds. That's like losing a whole Calista Flockhart. I'm so close, I can't believe it. I don't even really WANT to go off my diet anymore I'm so excited. The other day my mom and I went to the mall because there was a bra sale at Lane Bryant (I got two bras and two pairs of jeans. Size 14 people! Of course they're stretchy, I can't fit into all size 14's just yet, but still!), and when we went through the food court, the cookies and pretzels didn't even tempt me in the least. I am now one step closer to being completely inhuman. Keep the dream alive people!

I have now registered for classes, which start for me next Wednesday. I know that the people who live here have heard about all this, so they can skip this paragraph if they desire. I signed up for interpersonal communications, which counts for my speech credit, and American Government, which will be my last government class thank the gods. I think interpersonal communications sounds really interesting. Here is the course description: "Introduces communication concepts and provides speech interaction in one-on-one and small group situations. Provides experiential settings for a variety of environments, for the reduction of communication barriers, for conflict resolution, and for leadership and decision-making. Emphasizes interpersonal perception and listening skills related to self-concept." Finally, maybe I can learn how to talk to people instead of just mind-controlling them. That's gonna be a load off. Also, when I signed up for government, I was really hoping to get the same professor I had for Texas government, because I like him; he's funny and not boring. But when I registered, he wasn't listed so I just took whoever was listed. Then, when I went back to pay, up pops my class list and the teacher had changed to Wyman, the one I was hoping to get! Good things do happen to morally ambiguous people! So I'm excited about that. I hope my other teacher's not a git. It would be really nice if it's a good looking guy. Keep your fingers crossed!

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The Jared section of this post. Come on, you knew it was coming. Jared blew me off all weekend, and then he sent me texts to let me know he wasn't ignoring me on Sunday and then on Monday was all nicey nice with the good reasons for not seeing me. But he still ended up blowing me off Monday night too. Then Tuesday morning with the text telling me his ex showed up unannounced and again with the nicey nice. Then yesterday he said he needed to work on his resume, but he PROMISED we would get together after. And then he wasn't online and didn't return any off my texts. This morning he hasn't bothered with the nicey nice so far. So, yeah. You don't have to hit me on the head with a brick. I think it's pretty obvious that he's succumbed yet again to his ex. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it. Whatever. I would like to say I'm mad, but I really expected it. I know that all of you are saying, "Oh good, she'll be done with him now! Finally!" And if any of you were in my position I would say the same, but I know that I'm not. I know that he'll come back, and I know that I'll take him back. Why am I such a fucking sucker when it comes to men? I can be bitter and cruel to people, flinging shards of ice at their flaws with precision and accuracy, yet let me develop feelings for a guy and I'll forgive him a million times over. There is definitely something wrong with that. Of course I prayed about everything, as usual, and I got the feeling that I might end up with Jared, but he's just not ready yet. I wonder if God's as sick of me as I'm sure you all are. I know I'm pretty damn sick of me, but God supposedly has infinite patience, so hopefully I haven't worn through THAT just yet. One things for sho'. I'm calling Lawrence later. If Jared does call me tomorrow, I want to be on a date. And if he doesn't call tomorrow, I don't want to be sitting at home obsessing. Cause I feel all settled and calm about the situation right now, but I know THAT will change. Man, am I annoying. Seriously.


cainnum said...

finally you admit it! j/k. i'm really proud of you what with the weight loss and all. i wish i had your willpower. i'm more addicted to food than i ever thought i was with smoking. also i would say the normal ditch jared, he's stringing you along, but i've seen his picture and damn he's hot. dammit i'm enabling again. sorry. wow it's kinda sad when my comments for someone else's post are bigger than actual posts on my own blog. i guess that means i luvs ya.

KieraAnne said...

Yay skinny Margie! *hugs* Now I know I have pants that would fit you...unfortunately they're too short and probably way out of style now. Your classes sound good, especially the communications one. I remember when I took a similar class I kept thinking how I needed to remember all the stuff I learned since it would come in very handy in the future. As of now I can only remember that it was a cool class. *sigh* Stupid memory. ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Cainnum: It's not that he's hot, because I did the same thing with Sanjay and David, and they are NOT hot. It's just that once I commit to a certain level of emotional attatchment, I don't lose that easily. I am a cancer. Cancers are slow to build a relationship, but loyal to a fault once it's there.

Kiera: Thanks! Shorts pants are no use to me! How dare you have too short pants! *bitch smack* I will endevour to have a better memory than you. :)