Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Things I believe for no good reason

Here are some things that I believe even though I have no evidence, or tenuous evidence at best.

-I believe in aliens-No, not little green men or anything like that. No flying saucers, no redneck abductions, no anal probes. Just people like us, going about their business on their own planet. I think that for people to believe that we are the only sentient beings in the entire gigantic universe is pure egotism.

-I believe in God-Yes, I really believe that there is a man who is as near perfect as can be who rules over the universe and has a whole system set up to take care of all of our needs. I believe that he talks to us and listens to our prayers. I believe that he sometimes sends messengers to talk to people, such as Joseph Smith. I believe that he loves me and, if it is not going to actually cause me harm, gives me what I ask for.

-I believe in ghosts-No, not ghosts like in the movies. I believe that when people die they go to the spirit world. I believe that the spirit world is actually here, the Earth, on a slightly different layer than we're on. So I believe that spirits are actually all around us, but for the most part they leave us alone. I believe that people are the same after they die, and if a person was a mean, sad person, they'll be a mean sad ghost, but if they were a good person, they're a good ghost.

-I believe that I am completely unique, and just like everyone else-conflicting, I know, but that's the way I am.

-I believe that people make themselves sick-I think that our subconscious has the power to make us sick. When a woman with children who is also a workaholic gets cancer, I think it's her body telling her to take time off and take care of the important stuff. I think when a really independent and stubborn man has a stroke, it's his body telling him to be more humble. So on and so forth. Don't get me wrong, I know there are viruses, bacteria, genetic disorders, etc, and sometimes people just get screwed, health wise, but I think that our brains play a lot more of a role than people think. (ha ha. I made a pun.) I mean, why does one person get the flu and they're up and around in a few days, and the next person is down for three weeks? It's the brain, my friend.

-I believe that people are actually good-I think this is the most insane thing I've typed in this post. I believe that deep down inside, most people are really truly good and will do the right thing when push comes to shove. Isn't that weird? I'm usually really cynical, and I always thought that I thought the worst of people, but lately I realized that I actually don't. Rene recently said that Jared is a natural born fuck-up, and you can't do anything with people like that, you just have to cut them lose. Well, damn. Talk about absolute. I guess when you have that view of people you can just think what ever you want and they don't have to do anything. Some others have expressed views about Jared and others that aren't quite as hostile, but still very negative, but I think that people sometimes make bad decisions and sometimes mess up, but they still aren't necessarily irredeemable. The question is how much am I willing to put up with while waiting for the good side to show up. I guess maybe I'm just naive.


Joshie said...

You and I are alike in so many ways, and yet so different in so many ways. I believe in aliens, but I don't think they are just like us...very similar perhaps, but different. No gods or ghosts, both good ideas, but I just can't bring myself to take them seriously. Oddly, I have the opposite of your conflict...I believe everyone is the same, but with difference that make us vaguely unique. I also believe that people make themselves sick, but not to the degree that I think you think. And, finally, I believe that people are inherently "bad", and it takes lots of hard work to be "good". I don't necessarily mean evil...oh, it's too complicated, if anyone actually cares what I think, they can ask me sometime. :)

KieraAnne said...

I agree with Margie...for the most part...I think the making themselves sick to the point of cancer/strokes may be a little extreme, but I could see it happening in some cases. Otherwise...yep I concur...and no I'm not just saying that 'cuz I'm a follower.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Oh don't get me wrong-I also believe that people are inherently selfish and lazy, but I think that when you strip all that away, they've got a creamy nugat center of goodness.