Thursday, November 17, 2005

Damn the man

So, I have a job, right? Well, for the last few months I have not been working Thursdays and Fridays, due to lack of work. It's hard on the old pocketbook, but pretty good for creating free time. I've gotten pretty used to it. This week I have been completely stressed out because I have so much to do and absolutely no free time, so I was really looking forward to those two free days this week. So yesterday, inexplicably, my boss decides that I not only need to work Thursday to make up for missing Wednesday of next week (due to having to pick Ethan up at the airport), which I am cool with, but I also need to work Friday. Why? Nobody knows. I mean sure, two extra days is going to be really nice on the paycheck, but money ain't getting my government studying done. I was thinking that maybe I could work extra fast and get everything done today, but he has now engineered it so that I HAVE to work tomorrow by ordering me not to do something that only I do until tomorrow. He has good reason I guess. If I invest those veneers, he has to start casting them 15 minutes later, exactly, and he doesn't have time today, but still! (Dentistry talk-just smile and nod.) Now in the evening today, I have Tae kwon do, and tomorrow I'm going to see Harry Potter (which is NOT optional!) and I have church events to attend all day Saturday, and of course Sunday is church. And I somehow have to study a chapter of Texas government, read the next two chapters for government, and start my research for my next paper between all that. Maybe I don't need sleep after all. Multitasking! Will notes survive in the shower?


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I don't know how Josh does it!

KieraAnne said...

Yeah I think I would die if I had a job right now. It all seemed to work out during my undergraduate and now looking back I have no idea how. I have to finish my research paper for my meso class, make a powerpoint presentation for it, finish my practicum report, write/create a self-guide for an exhibit which I don't understand, read two chapters in my meso book and write a summary, and read approx. 100 pages for my art class...all by Tuesday. Oh, and see Harry Potter. ;)It sucks....except for the Harry Potter part. But then I don't have a job or church stuff I have to go to all day Saturday, so you win!

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

But your school work is much much harder than mine, and you're pregnant, and I don't know about you, but my brain fell out while I was pregnant, so I think we might be even. :)

And good news! Just before I got off, Rene saw that I had gotten much further in my work than he expected, so he said I could work tomorrow if I wanted or I could take off. I said I'd rather take off. I didn't remind him about the veneers I need to finish. He was looking right at the wax bench. It's not my fault he can't remember what needs to be done. Muah ha ha!

Joshie said...

Don't give me too much credit. Keeping in mind that I have about an 85% recall of any chapter I read classes are very easy. A chapter a week for my History and Psyc classes. Nutrition isn't even worth mentioning, since I do all of the class work in three hours once a month (huzzah for online classes!). The only real class I have is Calculus...and that's getting pretty easy recently, only about an hour of homework a week. Too bad I've put off my History term paper til the last minute and now have to write a 10 page (I know, it's not THAT long) paper complete with research in two weeks. ....oh, crap...I'm late for class.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

There's the sheer time factor. I mean, sure-each thing may not take too much time, but they add up. There's only so many hours in a day!