On the post before last, a nice man named Paul commented on my blog, which I always appreciate, but here's the thing: I was always aware that my friends would probably read my blog, and I had the idea that a few strangers might read my blog, but now I have to face the frightening idea that cute guys might read my blog. I mean, here I am, writing all about the last guy I dated, and a cute guy comes and leaves a comment. (Oh, come on Paul-you know you're cute.) It gives me a little performance anxiety. Suddenly, I am filled with the worry that maybe Mr Right is out there surfing blogs right now, and he's gonna get to mine, and it's gonna be some crap about guys or me being stupid or whatever, and he's gonna surf on by. I can't handle that kind of pressure! So, I will now ignore the idea completely and go on with my life. Boy, that's a load off my mind.
Tonight I am attending the bridal shower for a girl who is marring a guy who's family I have known since well before he was conceived. I have a problem with this on two levels. Firstly; since when do I have to go to showers for people I don't know? I guess since his mother and sisters are throwing the shower, that's when. Secondly; what's up with all these youngsters getting married all the damn time? Shouldn't the oldest get to go first? Saturday at the Single Adult Thanksgiving Dinner, my annoying friend Mike asked me if I had seen The Corpse Bride. I have, and he asked me what I thought of it. I said I thought it was a little boring unfortunately. He said, "Is that all you noticed?" I gave him a look, and he pointed out that the corpse bride looks "just like" me. I think "just like" is a wee bit of hyperbole, even cartoonized I wouldn't be that pretty and shapely, but there is a similarity, I will admit. I said I had noticed that, and he pointed out that we were alike in other ways, too. I started laughing and told him I was glad I wasn't the only person who noticed! I mean, here's this fun, pretty, interesting girl who has a real zest for having a good time, and all the guys pass her over in favor of boring timid little girls. All the while her friends are saying, "We don't understand, if only they knew you like we do!" (If I had a nickel for every time a girl friend said something along those lines to me!)
In the end, of course she does the right thing, let's the other girl have the guy even though she could totally manipulate her way into his heart if she wanted to use her powers for evil, and she once again gets screwed (although not literally of course. Necromancy is still not acceptable behavior.)
So obviously I saw some similarities between the corpse bride and myself. Maybe I should get a Corpse Bride shirt or something. Maybe Corpse Bride memorabilia would be the perfect gift for the pathetic spinster in YOUR life this holiday season!
Once a girl said she didn't like hanging out with me because all I talk about is boys. Can you imagine! Me! Talking about boys all the time? Inconceivable!
Paul IS cute, isn't he? And funny. And a writer. Thank God he lives in the vaste wasteland that is LA, or else I might have to stalk him.
I KNOW! Um, I mean, yeah, he's ok I guess. :)
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