Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Alls I wants for Christmas. . .

This year, Christmas is falling on a Sunday. Perfect! I mean, Jesus is the reason for the season, right? (Is that an everywhere thing or is that just something they say here in the Bible belt?) So, at my church, which is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints, in celebration of Jesus' fake birthday being on Sunday, they are. . .wait for it. . .SHORTENING church by TWO hours! Well that certainly makes sense. Catholics all over the world who never go to church are trekking their non devout asses to church for the one day a year that they actually go, and we Mormons, who spend a minimum of three freakin' hours in church EVERY SINGLE WEEK get a vacation. On Christ's fake birthday. Hmmm. I don't get it. I'm not complaining, mind ya, I will definitely take a shortened church any day they feel like giving it to me. But it just seems a bit paradoxical to me. Oh well. So, in the spirit of the season, I have decided to put my Christmas list on here. Not that I'll get anything from it, I just think it's nice to have the information out there. Plus, like only two people that read this will get me anything (those being my two brothers), and they probably already know what they're getting me, but maybe they can guide mom a little. :)

-Cool T-shirts size 14 or XL
-Material Issue "International Pop Overthrow" cd
-The All American Rejects self titled cd
-The Darkness "Permission to Land" cd
-Johnny Cash cd-I don't know which one, but it needs to have "Hurt," "Cat's in the Cradle, and "Ring of Fire"
-Erasure "Pop!" cd-mine's scratched all to hell
-Madonna "Immaculate Collection" cd-ditto
-Ugly Kid Joe "American's Least Wanted" cd-ditto again
-They Might be Giants "Flood" cd-ditto ditto
-An 80's compendium-one that at least has "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head, "Venus" by Banana Rama, and "Der Kommisar" by After the Fire. You get the gist.
-any Doris Day/Rock Hudson movie on DVD
-any Gidget movie on DVD
-Bundle of Joy on VHS-sadly not available on DVD that I know of
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on DVD-my favorite, yet I still don't own it.
-Hudsucker Proxy on DVD
-Shawshank Redemption on DVD
-Digital camera
-My own place-a girl can dream can't she. Oh, it'll have to be all bills paid, cause I'm poor. Just as long as my parents don't live there. Any takers? No one wants to be my sugar daddy or momma? No one? Is anyone there? Bueller?
-A new car-I'm not picky. I just want one that doesn't leak fluids like a sieve. Sometimes I think I should just cut out the middle man and pour the oil straight onto the ground.
-My soul mate-I figure if you want to get me something I'll REALLY like. . .
-TiVo or DVR
-Xena: Warrior Princess Season one on DVD
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer season two on DVD
-uh. . .anything else that's good
-money is always acceptable

But I already got the best gift. Mario got the sack today. His last day is December 23rd. Don't feel bad about HIS Christmas being ruined, he's Jehovah's Witness. :)

No Catholics were harmed in the making of this blog. The views and opinions expressed herein are for comedic value only and in no way should be construed as slurs or slander toward fine Catholics the world over. One Jehovah's Witness was harmed in the making of this blog, but that's not my damn fault, it's his own for being a completely useless git, and that should in no way be taken as a general opinion about Jehovah's Witnesses. It's just about the one.


HighMaintenanceHussy said...

You should totally set up an amazon wish list, as well as a paypal account. Whore yourself out via your blog for presents! Tis the season!

Btw, I posted just for you.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I could get an Amazon wish list, and I've thought about it. Then I could keep it updated and whenever I think of something new I could go add it, and no one ever need to scratch their heads in wonderment over what to get me ever again! :) I have a paypal account. But isn't that for me to pay for things? Why do you care if and how I pay for things? Just curious. Thanks for the post! It was HI-larious.

KieraAnne said...

You can also use paypal to get money from people if you hook it to your bank know in case you wanted to sell anything on ebay or something. ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Ah so grasshopper.