Saturday, November 26, 2005

randomous crapious

Another Thanksgiving come and gone. Ethan came down for the holiday weekend. He's been playing video games non-stop, there's surprisingly more mess everywhere and a pile of dirty clothes directly in front of the shower door. It's like he never left. I made him breakfast burritos this morning, and next I'm going to make his birthday cake. I guess having my baby back home has made me down right domestic. No, it's not his birthday, he just won't be here for his birthday, so he asked if we could have a birthday cake for him while he's here. I take him to the airport in the morning, when I'm sure the fact that he's leaving will hit him and he will cry. *sigh* It's been kinda trying to have him back again, I must admit, although that makes me feel like a heartless monster. I've gotten used to being able to come and go as I please. Eh. At least I'm not getting tons of invites to do things this weekend like I did that weekend I went up to Utah.
Jason, who's a guy I've been talking to for three weeks, has gone to Austin for the weekend, and Jared is still with his girlfriend. Yes, that's right boys and girls. Jared has put himself back in the picture. He instant messaged me saying that he and his girlfriend have just fought too many times and he is breaking up with her on Sunday. He wanted to do it sooner, but she told him to think about it. He also asked me out for a unspecified time in the future after he has broken up with her. And of course, I'm gonna go. I'll also go out with Jason if he asks. It's a good thing that I'm not going to sleep with either of them; I mean, Jason/Jared, that's a disaster waiting to happen. (That's why when I was sleeping with a guy, I never called out his name. Just in case the wrong one slipped out. I mean, I call people the wrong names in daily conversation all the time, no point taking a chance when it could really blow up in your face.)
Some people don't like the fact that I will go out with Jared again. (read:everybody) They claim that he's using me, but let us review. A really SMOKIN' hot guy asks me out. He takes me to a restaurant (not even fast food) to eat, where we have interesting and fun conversation. Then we go back to his place and either cuddle up and watch a movie, or he plays his electric guitar and sings to me, or we talk some more, or any combination of those three things. Then we make out for an hour or more, then we talk some more. I don't have sex with him, which is what he's angling for of course. So where's the 'me being used' part happen again? Seems to me that I should worry about him realizing HE'S being used! :)
Last night I watched Amelie. I simply adore that movie. It makes me smile everytime I watch it. And it gives me hope for my love life. What more could you ask for from a movie?
My mom. I don't get her. Her sister Barbara has a night job, so she calls my mom almost every night around 10:30, and they proceed to talk for 2 hours minimum. Not just chatting and joking around. They talk about deep psychological issues. Childhood scars. Therapy talk. Mom cries. For at least two hours (the talking, not the crying). Practically EVERY night. How? I just don't see how they do it. Seriously. Mom has been known to run the batteries dead on THREE phones in one night. I just don't get it. Hopefully I never will.
My throat hurts. And my head hurts. It's been like this for a few days. I hope I'm not getting a sinus infection or something. I've been craving orange juice, and anytime I crave orange juice, it means I'm getting sick. We don't have any oj, so I've been tossing back some vitamin c pills and cran-apple, which claims to have 130% of my required c intake. So, hopefully all will be well in me-land.
This morning I had a dream that I was having some, uh, ehem, "me time," if you know what I mean (ok-you know you've gone too long without when you're only having sex with yourself in your dream life!!), and in the dream, my dad kept walking in. I'd make up some excuse to get him to leave, and he'd come right back. In my dream I was furious that he wouldn't just go away. I thought that was really really weird. If any armchair Freud's care to take a stab at this one feel free.


KieraAnne said...

I had a dream I was one of the charmed sisters and had to read this spell in french to vanquish a demon...

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

That's not weird at all. It is wyrd. ha ha. ha ha.