Well, well, well. Let's see here. Not too much to report. Saw William at the club tonight. I watched who he talked to, and I strongly suspect he may be gay. That would certainly explain the hitch in our relationship. Didn't get hit on, but I think a few guys were noticing me, so that's an improvement anyway. And when I got my cranberry juice the bartender got a thing of ice, threw it up in the air, and caught some of the ice in my cup. That may have just been a bartender thing, but I like to think he was showing off for me. Please leave me my delusions.
I've talked on the phone to two members of my harem. And now I have lost interest in them. You know, it's funny. I was obsessed with finding a man for a long time. Then I gave up and was totally not interested in men. Than Jared dumped me and I became obsessed again. *Gotta find someone to love me! Gotta find anyone!* Now though, now that I have at least two guys that I KNOW would ask me out if I just flirted a little and subtly hinted around, and many other guys sending me messages that don't even make the cut, and guys maybe giving me the eye at the club, I'm not really so worried about it anymore. I guess I just needed to know that I have options out there. It doesn't matter that I'm not interested in any of these poor guys. It just matters that I know that if push came to shove and I had to find a boyfriend right away, I could probably pull it off. So I feel better about things now. Not so obsessed. Of course, I'm not terribly horny right this second. When I'm ovulating, I might have a whole different outlook. And don't think I'm using these guys. I was really hoping something might come of it, but it's just not working out that way.
Man do I have a lot of school work this week. I have a government test on Monday to study for and for Wednesday I have to read three things and write journals about some of them and prepare materials for use on our in-class timed explanatory essay over the movie "The War." Suck. Plus my stupid research paper for Government is due in less than two weeks and I haven't even started yet. Double suck.
Tired now. Must go sleepy time.
Yeah, school sucks! Let's burn our texts in protest! Or make facisimiles to burn so we can still sell them back later....;)
Yay! Burning things and money back! It's the best plan ever!
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