So it seems some people get upset with me when I don't post regularly. I find this ironic on several levels. I will list them now.
1) Some of those people rarely comment anyway, so they are basically just blog moochers.
2) Some of those people will go weeks or even months without posting, yet get upset when I go a few days.
3) My life is really fucking boring, so who cares? I mean seriously. I love all yous guys who read, but I wouldn't read my blog, so I don't know why you do.
4) I'm so busy, you'd think I'd have more interesting crap to talk about. But apparently not.
So there you go. I've talked to Josh about the irony, and he disagreed with me completely. Here are his responses (summarized in my words. Josh cannot be legally bound by these statements.)
1) Haven't discussed this one.
2) He says that it's perfectly reasonable for people who don't post to want me to post. He says that I get upset when the authors I like don't put out books regularly, but I don't try to write one myself, so I should understand. But I say that the big difference here is that I am in no way claiming to be an author, whereas the people I know ARE claiming to be bloggers. In your face, Josh!
3) He says that while my life may seem boring to me, it's kind of interesting in a soap opera sort of way. I guess that the correlation can be seen through the fact that I have absolutely no interesting in watching One Tree Hill, yet it stays on the air for some reason. I don't get it.
4) He says that I have plenty to talk about. He points out the fact that I complained about my idiot Interpersonal Communications teacher for like 45 minutes last night. But I say that I can't talk about my teacher every few days. I mean, he's not Jared for pete's sake. :) Josh observed that my life, and even my personality is driven and fueled by angst and misery, and now that I'm happy, I have nothing to talk about. He says it'll take some time to adjust to this new paradigm. This does not change the fact that I'm really freaking busy all the damn time.
I was very pleased, however, to see that BOTH Josh AND Cainnum have updated recently! Hooray! Way to go guys! Now everyone start updating three times a week and my life will be complete. Seriously.
I think the important lesson to be learned here is that my interpersonal communications teacher is an idiot. Really. I think that I could read the chapter, and then teach a better class than him. Maybe I'll go into this next time. Or maybe I'll wait till Monday when I have even more fodder for my ire.
well seeing as how i was the only one who asked for a new post, i'm going to assume you're talking about me. if not let me know. i comment on almost every single post, and you, my shining star, are pretty much the only person who comments on mine on a regular basis, and i stillcontinue to post as regularly as possible, though not nearly as much as you. at least twice a week though. i also made a pact that even if noone comments i will still post on my blog and fh, sad as that may be.
ps you're life is far less boring than mine, and therefore to me at least, much more interesting
Well, others have said things in the past, as well as in person. But mostly I was using hyperbole for humourous effect. Did it work?
PS-Your exciting Austinite life seems pretty happening to me, baby. :)
Well I for one think that you should post WAY less. In fact, why blog at all? You're life is SO boring and nobody cares about what you do anyway, so why waste so much Internet space?! Why I am I even sitting here reading this? Why do I check your blog on most mornings? Am I a masochist or something? WTF?!!!
Man. I like Shemsi more and more with every passing moment. WTF?!?
I disagree with the boring part. I get very excited when there is a new post on your blog and I check for one every single time I log on to the computer to check my mail...which is sadly several times a day. You at least have a boyfriend that takes you interesting places, a job where know do stuff..and school where you see people and learn things every week. You have Tae kwon do and crazy hijinks with the family. All I do is get up feed the baby, sleep, and watch t.v. My life is blog has been reduced to cute baby pics. So there! :P
Ahhh, shucks. I feel the love. Don't feel too bad Kiera, I've been in you shoes. It sucks.
Now if you can just boot David in the ass and tell him to update.
Man, Veronica, I have brought up Dave's blog to him. It did not go well. The conversations including such things as a threat to just erase the blog and be done with it, so I vowed to leave him the hell alone about it cause he gets testy. You could probably get him to though, I've noticed he'll pay more attention to you than me.
Oh, no, see it literally took me *years* to convince him to set up a blog in the first place. *Grumbles something about leading camels to water...*
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