Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gonna get on down to. . .Margie-TOWN!

Lately I've been noticing more people trying to get on the Margie train. I'm confused and a bit alarmed by this to be honest. After a lifetime of being an unpopular and jaded loner, filling the lonely hours with the attentions of the few people in this world that I can relate to, and are intelligent enough to relate back, I'm not sure what to think of me seeming to be going mainstream. It's weird, and makes me a little uncomfortable. I've noticed lately when I go places, more and more people talk to me in a friendly fashion for no apparent reason. Sunday, Michelle Kazynski was in the library talking to Emily, my Library assistant, about some dinner they're planning, and I made a joke about how I wanted to go to a party, and Michelle said, "We're getting together for dinner next Sunday, you should come, that would be awesome!" She said it in a very excited way, as if she actually WANTED me to come. What's up with that? I said, "Oh, well, I've been going to my boyfriend's house on Sundays," to which she replied that I should bring him too, and I think she might even implied that that would also be "awesome!" So now I've been invited to have dinner with two Mormon couples, bringing along a man that would make me the third Mormon couple. That seems a little "cute little dinner party" to me. I'm still not sure if I'm gonna go or not, and I haven't mentioned it to Lawrence. I recently received an invitation to a Pampered Chef party. Me. Not my mom. Just me, like I'm a real adult person or something. It's weird. And today, the lady that works down the hall from me invited me to lunch. She wears sweaters, slacks, and jewelry. Like, she's a professional and stuff. Of course, I wear baggy capris, a soiled t-shirt (it gets dirty at work, it doesn't start out that way), flip flops, and a messy tangle of hair barely pulled into a pony tail. I dunno. Of course, there's also been more strangers commenting on this very blog, but I think that might have something to do with Hussy's lack of updates lately. I think her readers are having to fill the empty lonely hours with other people's blogs. Sad, really.

Of course, I have noticed that the man who stands at the corner with the signs reading, "Holiness unto the Lord," and, "Please stop for news," has been pulling in a lot of marks lately. Maybe it's just the weather making people more open and friendly and this will all stop in a month or two. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure!

In other news, I've really been enjoying a site called:
www.cockeyed.com So far, I've only read bits of the "How much is inside?" section, where they find out how much is in various things, such as a can of shaving cream. It's good stuff, people, you should check it out! Go now! No, WAIT! Comment first, then go! Get a move on, people!


cainnum said...

i'm surprised you don't get this attention 24-7, ,my lovable little margie! you are the coolest person i know. muahhhh!

(ok i said it, now where's my money?)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

check's in the mail, baby.

KieraAnne said...

so does this mean we need to start making appointments to see you? ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

yep. Have your people call my people.