Thursday, March 16, 2006

splitting hairs

I already had a small humorous comment made up about how ironic it is that nobody commented on my post about how every body's loving some Margie these days, and how once again Irony has made me her bitch, but then Cainnum commented and ruined the whole thing! Good job, Cainnum! Just kidding, love.

Second on my agenda today: Lawrence is sick. Very sick. And as a result, I haven't gotten to see him since Monday, and, even though that's just a few days, and we still talk on the phone twice a day for a total of anywhere from 1-3 hours, I am majorly jonesing for some Lawrence time. Pathetic. But I wanna make out dammit! *sigh* I hope he's better in time for our scheduled date tomorrow night. He's changed it to "tenative" just in case he's not better. Grrr.

And lastly, my hair issues. You see, I died my hair black back in August when I was dating Jared because Jared really likes girls with dark hair and light eyes. But I think it looks pretty good myself. Well, when Jared and I finished at last, I decided I didn't want black hair anymore, so I bought a new color: dark reddish brown. But, due to a variety of factors, I wasn't able to dye my hair right away, and by the time I was able to, I realized that I really do still like it black. But, I had the dye, so I went ahead and went for it. But there's a problem. Only the most recent growth took the dye. Most of my hair is still black. So now I look like a red head badly in need of a root job. Great. So, now I am faced with a decision, and I want your opinion on this. Pay attention boys and girls!

Option 1) dye my roots black again and go to the hairdresser at some undefined point in the future (when I have money and really really want to change my hair color) and have her fix it. If she can.

2) Lawrence offered to pay for the hairdresser NOW if I really want to change my haircolor right now, which I'm not even really sure about. He says it looks great, and says he doesn't mind it whatever color I want to make it. Except blonde. Men.

3) Start dying the roots with semi-permanent black and keep it up for the next 3-4 years until all the permanent black is grown out.

4) Dye it dark brown and hope it blends well enough that I can pull it off till the future point where I want to change it to a lighter color.

Now put in your vote, or feel free to offer additional options that I haven't thought of. Like I said, I kinda like it black, but it does seem a little dark for summer, and I hate to continue doing something to my hair that could be irreversible. But then again, once I get away from black, I might hesitate to ever dye it black again, so maybe I should keep it black till I'm for sure really really sick of it. *shrugs* Help!


KieraAnne said...

Hmm...I agree that black may be too dark for the summer. However, I don't know if you should take Lawrences money to "fix" it as I think that may be way expensive. I think if you tried dying dark brown to blend in you would have the same problem as when you tried to dye it red. I had this same issue when I dyed my hair dark brown one year. It took me months and several dye jobs to get it back to anything even remotely resembling my natural color. One of the things that helped was I bought an almost strawberry blond red dye to help counteract how dark it had gotten and started using some of that "especially for redheads" shampoo that's supposed to bring out your red highlights, but I think really just doses your hair in more dye everytime you wash. So that's what I would do. But it's your hair and if you like it black then leave it. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Well, I know from experience (read: when I tried to go blonde that time) that my hair color is really hard to get rid of. I had to completely bleach it white and then dye it back up to the shade I wanted. So I'm kinda worried that I'll have to do that this time too. And that will totally damage my hair big time. *sigh*

cainnum said...

sorry bout that. dang kiera's comment is longer than any post i've ever done. i say you go with option five: shave your head! hahha! i really like it when your hair is dark, so i say stick with it sexy!

KieraAnne said...

my hair would do the same thing if i tried to go should have seen the fiasco that was when my friend tried to help me put in platinum blond highlights once and turned parts of my hair a sickly orange. *shudder*

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Joe: I could kill you. Really. And I wouldn't even feel bad about it.

Cainnum: It actually did cross my mind to get a really sexy short short hair cut. But I think I need to be way skinnier to be able to pull that off.

Kiera: Yeah, my hair was a sickly orange, too, despite the fac that it was supposed to be blonde. It wasn't pretty.