Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Modern

So it's spring break, and work is super duper slow, so I talked Mario into letting me have all but one day off this week so I can spend time with Ethan. Hooray! I hadn't been doing that great of a job as Monday I got sick, complete with fever and lethargy (turns out there was a 24 hour virus going around), and Tuesday was the day I had to work, but today, we went to the Modern! Which was awesome! Mom and Ethan and I went, and I was worried that Ethan would hate it, like when we went to the Dallas Musuem of Art, but he really liked it! We managed to get in with a tour that just started and he was so interested he even asked the lady several intellegent questions. I was so happy. He started to get a little bored in the visiting show, but it was. like, 6 rooms of flourecent lights, so who could blame him really? I was worried about mom, too, because it is, after all, MODERN art, but she actually liked alot of it. It went really well. Ethan and I are going to paint either tommorrow or Friday, and hopefully he'll be able to get into it. I would like that. I bought him a prism, which was the cheapest thing in the gift shop that he wanted. He really liked other things that cost $30 or more, but the prism was $7ish, so I thought that wasn't TOO bad. So, it's been a good day. I hope the rest of the week goes as well.


cainnum said...

man i always wanted to go the modern, but never got around to it. it all my fault though

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

yes it is. The only solution is to move back here and you can go with me sometime!

KieraAnne said...

Modern art? Blewk! ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Kiera is stupid.

KieraAnne said...

Hey! You're stupid not me! Jerk