Saturday, March 12, 2005

Socially unacceptable

So I think there may be something wrong with me. Seriously. I have very strong and uncontrollable emotions and I'm getting pretty damn sick of it. I can try to change my mood or prentend, but then it ends up boomeranging worse than before. Like today. My dad was really irratating me, and I tried to ignore it, but then everytime he waould do something annoying I would be filled with blinding rage. I mean what the hell's so hard about putting the wheelchair in the back of the explorer properly? It's a rectangle, the area's rectangular. Why am I the only person that can figure this out? I find it hard to believe that my grasp of spatial relations is that much better than everyone elses! ANYHOO. And I get really lazy and can't force myself to do anything at work or home. I'll be mentally wanting to get stuff done, but my body just won't do it. I can't figure it out. Ethan's psychologist thinks I need antideppresants, but isn't that their answer for everything? I feel so out of control sometimes and it really bothers me. I don't know what to do. So I'll go watch Garden State.

1 comment:

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

not really, but I walk 2 miles three times a week anyway. I'm trying to lose weight. When the weather balances out I'm uping it to 5 days.