Saturday, March 05, 2005

dumb old people

Holy crap. there's this lady I know who's in her 50's and she's back in school, cause this is the first chance she's gotten to go back. So she's constantly sending me emails about how I could go back to school if I did this or that. She thinks that being a single mother I could get enough financial aid to pay more bills and go to school and I could live with my parents still and not have rent to pay or anything. Firstly, I don't think I could get that much financial aid, cause I would need over $400 dollars a month just for bills and gas, not even counting tuition or food or books or any of that stuff. And there's no way I can live with my parents for a minumun of 4 more years. Seriously. I'm 30. It's REALLY REALLY time for me to be out of mommy and daddy's house. I don't care what repercussions that has on my schooling. Paying off my debt and getting out of here are the two big goals I have right now, and she just won't lay off! I'm not even related to her! damn! There's my rant. Now I have to go get the stuff for Kiera's birthday party tonight! Yay! Party!


Joshie said...

You should go back to school, but I'm not going to harass you about it. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...


KieraAnne said...

I agree with the lady, I think you could totally get enough financial aid...I got enough to get this far in school w/o paying a cent and I'm not a single mother. :)