Three historical events that occurred on July 10th:
1) In 988, the city of Dublin was founded (How do they know this happened on July 10th, O wonder?)
2) In 1821, the US took possesion of the territory of Florida from Spain
3) In 1962, Telstar, the world's first communications satelite was launched into orbit
Besides me, three people who were born on July 10th:
1) 1509: John Calvin, Religious reformer
2) 1856: Nikola Tesla, Inventor
3) 1871: Marcel Proust, Writer
here's a freebie-1926: Fred Gwynne, Herman Munster!
Two significant deaths on July 10th:
1) 1978: John D Rockefeller III, businessman
2) 1989: Mel Blanc, voice of Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Barney Rubble, etc.
July 10th holidays or observances:
-Followers of Meher Baba observe Silence Day
-It is the Bahamas Independence Day
-It's also Muritania's Armed Forces Day
-Apparently, in Ancient Latvia, Septinu Bralu Diena was observed
So there ya go. More than you ever wanted to know about my birthday. I took a page from Kiera's blog and got all my answers from
I hereby, by the authority vested in me by the state of being, do declare Andy AND Shemsi tagged. Does that count as two tags? I say yes.
I also want to thank Kiera for teaching me how to create links. If I had half a brain, I coulda figured it out myself, but since I only have a third of a brain, she helped me out! Holla!
Holla! Tesla huh? You mean David Bowie? ;) (The Prestige) That movie is the only reason I knew who that was. My dad was very dissapointed in me.
I've never seen The Prestige, so I have no idea if that's the same Tesla or not. Is it good?
Also, Kiera's now my holla back girl! Tee hee!
Yes The Prestige is very good. You should watch it...and I ain't no holla back girl, I ain't no holla back girrrll... Remember when Gil sang that on Gilmore Girls? That was funny.
But how the heck do you spell the name of that tropical fruit that's long and yellow?!?
I was born on July 9th
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