Thursday, March 09, 2006

you asked, I answered!

Once again, my public is clamoring for news of my exciting and inspirational exploits. But, sadly, I am sick, complete with sore throat, hacking cough, and fever, so I have no brain power to think of interesting things to say, so I will respond to the comment from Kiera:

So...what's happening in your life now? Has your boss decided to pro/demote you? Have you learned any new killer moves in Tae Kwon Do? Is Ethan doing anything fun in Utah...has Lawrence taken you anywhere exciting? What about your she crazy with wedding fever? Making you try on dresses? Pick centerpieces? Your public wants to know! :)

What's happening in my life: uh. . .I'm sick. I'm going out with Julianna tonight. Uh. . .I like tacos.

Has my boss decided to pro/demote me: Nope. There's been no change of status, although he did send me home sick because of my horrible cough. Do you think that's significant?

Have I learned any new killer moves in tae kwon do: Well, Sunday I showed you (meaning Kiera) the latest move I learned, the Audubon (or Autobahn?) kick, which entails spinning around and ending in a roundhouse kick. It makes me feel like a very mean ballerina.

Is Ethan having fun in Utah: Seems to be. No change really.

Has Lawrence taken me anywhere fun: Not this week, although Saturday we're going to Riverdance. Very exciting! I hope my fever's gone by then. Then in April, we're going to see Phantom of the Opera, and I don't know when, but we'll be going to Scarborough. Thanks to Lawrence, I have an exciting jet-set lifestyle now. Look on me with jealousy and envy.

Mom and wedding plans: Nope, mom's calmed down finally. I imagine that when she again gets new information from Sister Christopher about her daughter's wedding plans, it'll start up again. She seems to be leaving the whole dress situation up to me, as she hasn't even MENTIONED a dress. Weird really.

So that's it. I hope this sates your Margie needs for a couple of days. Maybe soon I'll actually have something interesting to say. :) Good day to you.


KieraAnne said...

Okay I'm done. Thank you!

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Wowzers! Excited much?

KieraAnne said...

Leave me alone, I don't have a life. ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Thanks! I'm feeling better all ready.