Monday, March 06, 2006

Carpe Boss's Jugulum

I'm here to say that my boss is an idiot. This morning he tells me I need to get a certain amount of work done on the plaster bench, that amount being, everything due by the thirteenth. That amounts to 15 cases. No problem. I can usually whip off 16 cases in one day when I work on the plaster bench. Oh yeah, and since he didn't want to work Friday, I ALSO need to wax everything due by tomorrow, which is 5 units. Ummm. . .although I have been known to wax 16 units in a day when I am waxing exclusively, I usually wax 8-9. So, today I not only have to make 15 models, I have to wax 5 units. RIIIIIGHT. Does not compute, moron. Simply not possible. Oh, and my the way Margie, in your spare time, bill Cano and write the rent check cause I'm too busy or too lazy to do it my own damn self. Oh, and when you first come in, can you spend 30 minutes looking at my stupid model airplane while I tell you all the things I did to it this weekend? That would be super. Dear Lord this he is annoying. There's no way in HELL I can get all this done today. Well he can just kiss my grits, I'll do what I can, and if he doesn't like it maybe he'll think twice about making me take Fridays off when I really should work.

Another thing he did today really pissed me off. He's told me, that when he's ready to get out of this business in a couple of years, I'll probably take over. Well, I'm not completely committed to that, but you know, I think if he said it, he should stick to his end. Well, today he was telling me that a guy called looking for a job, and he told the guy that it's to bad the guy's not certified, because he would be perfect to take over the lab in a couple of years. Um. . .hello! You realize you're telling this to the person who works for you right now that you ALREADY told could take over and run the lab, right? Fucking jackass. I was feeling bad about the idea of maybe quitting when I get married, but suddenly all that guilt flew right out the window. Jeez what a moron.

And I guess I should formally announce it. I am head over heels in love with Lawrence. I don't know why, I just am. I spent all day yesterday with him and I still could barely drag myself away. Sad really. I've turned into a pathetic love sick version of my self. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it.


KieraAnne said...

Aaaaaawwww! *sniffle* Our little girl's in love....we all knew it would happen one day. *breaks out in song* "Is this the little girl I this the little girl at play..."

Sorry your boss sucks. Wanna slash his tires? ;)

cainnum said...

eww love! grody! j/k i'm really happy for you. can we call him larry now? and at least mario's not there anymore right? btw i'm sorry i haven't come to visit yet. i've been kinda busy. when i do visit i'll let one person know, and surprise the rest, like i did with you last time. oh and i posted a little somethin' somethin' on both blogs. laters

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Kiera: I know, it seems like just yesterday you were changing my diapers. Wait, that was yesterday! You with your kinky role play. ;) And no we can't slash his tires. Until after I quit.

Cainnum: No. You cannot call him Larry. Mario is NOT there. That makes life all kinds of better. Your lack of visit is unforgivable. But I'll try as long as you visit soon. Yay for posting!

Aethen said...

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can you send me the source code of your template... I relly want it... it is completely and utterly amazing.. I really like tthe background...

here's my email add:
If you have time please send me the code for this template...

thanks alot!

KieraAnne said...

So...what's happening in your life now? Has your boss decided to pro/demote you? Have you learned any new killer moves in Tae Kwon Do? Is Ethan doing anything fun in Utah...has Lawrence taken you anywhere exciting? What about your she crazy with wedding fever? Making you try on dresses? Pick centerpieces? Your public wants to know! :)