Christmas wishes
Just so everyone knows, at the request of Hussy and my brother, I went ahead and made an Amazon wish list. It has other things on it that I forgot to put on my blog list. I actually really liked doing it because Amazon was so helpful and kept telling me about other things that I never would have thought of if I just had to go off my own brain power! So there ya go.
So are you gonna post the link to your wish list on your blog, so that we can buy you stuff?
C'mon. My Visa card is feeling neglected lately.
*Looks at you with furrowed brow* Ok, but YOU can only look at it. You are not allowed to buy me anything, cause I don't know you, and that's just akward. Plus, I would feel obligated to put out after, and you live too far away for that. :) Seriously, though folks, I didn't do this so people would buy me things. I did it to keep my family up to date, and to help me remember what I want, cause I forget. It's the early onset Alzheimer's I think. But I'd love for people to look at it and tell me how kooky I am.
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