Saturday, December 10, 2005

Study break

Yes, tis I, the girl who is SUPPOSED to be studying for her Government final as we speak. But I am the master of procrastination. Here is the course of events of the last few days:

Monday: Work. Go to Government class, find out what is on the final.
Tuesday: Work. Go to Tae Kwon Do awards ceremony, receive an advancement to yellow belt. Reward self by watching TV for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday: Snow day! Go home from work at 8:30 in the morning. Not being the least bit tired, spend the entire day playing video games, until Top Model and Veronica Mars come on of course!
Thursday: Still pretty icy out! Very cold. Better spend this day playing video games, too.
Friday: OK. Today's the day to start studying. But Dad's off work! What's that Dad? You want me to come with you to run errands? Well, I need to run errands, too! Sure! Home again in the evening. I read the chapter over the executive branch of Government. Boy, am I drained. I better watch Ghost Whisperer and then go to Josh's house.
Saturday: Tae Kwon Do. I can't just come straight home and study! I have to cool down, then take a nice relaxing soak, then a shower to actually get clean, then get dressed, then have something to eat. Now it's time to study. Oh, but mom NEEDS for me to put the dishes away. And she really needs help with her puzzle. Alright, I've done that for an hour, time to get to business. What? No email? I better check everyone's blogs to see if they've updated. Huh. You know, those people that commented on Hussy's blog obviously know some meaning for Dutch Oven that I don't know. I better investigate. Well what do ya know? Dutch oven doesn't just mean a pan, it's also when somebody holds someone under the covers after they've farted, AND when someone passes gas during sex! Crazy! And for all these years, I just thought it was a pot for cooking things in. Well, that's terribly interesting, I better go put that in my blog.

So here we are. It's after 5 on Saturday, and I still haven't even STARTED studying, even though I've had 4 solid days completely free. You know that if it's come to me doing housework to avoid homework, it's to the wire. I think I'll need some snacks if I'm gonna study. AND I need to make something for a church potluck thing tomorrow night. I better go to the store. :)

And you know? I'm getting tired of how my blog looks. But I don't like any of the other templates that they have. Maybe I should learn HTML. . .


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

It's 8 and I have now finished typing up my study sheet. Seven pages of things I need to know for my test. Shew. I think I better take a break.

HighMaintenanceHussy said...

If I've informed just one person about the true meaning of Dutch Oven and all it entails, then I've done my job.

There are TONS of templates available that are so easy to install. Believe me, if I can do it, so can you. Just google blogger templates, and start shopping. All you have to do is cut and paste the code into your existing blog, and you're done.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Apparently, you're smarter than I am, cause the one I picked required me downloading it then uploading it to photobucket and so on. The uploading is where I have been stymied. I think it would just be easier to learn HTML. Really.