Thursday, August 04, 2005

will this mood never end?

My blah continues. I am merely updating because I feel obligated to. The monotony was broken briefly on Tuesday when I attended the tae kwon do awards ceremony. I received my yellow tip, which means that I am no longer a white belt, which is what anybody is if they just buy a uniform. YAY! Also, we have "fun and games" at the awards ceremony, which means we play paddle ball, which is fun, and a game, but we play it almost every class. I did manage to score on my very own son, who isn't that great of a goalie. Sorry kid, this is about getting the ball in the goal, not pandering to an eight year old who can't keep his attention on what he's doing. Then we played sumo, which is much like it sounds. You go in the ring with your partner, and then either push or pull him or her out of the ring using wiles and brute strength. I almost got pulled out, but at the last second pulled a switcharoo, braced myself and shoved him out of the ring. It was fun, and I even have nasty bruises on my arms where he grabbed me. Battle scars, baby. Then we had a contest where everybody lined up and at the other end were big tall kicking columns. In front of these they placed kicking bags, and you had to do a flying side kick to kick the column without hitting the kicking bag first. They started with just one kicking bag, which is about 8 inches tall, approximately. After everybody went through, they added another bag and so on and so forth. If you hit the kicking bag on your way to the column, you were eliminated. Eventually it was down to 3 people. Two guys and yours truly! There where 8 bags, which was about as tall as my mouth, and I did a flying side kick over them! I was eliminated at 9 bags, though. I thought that was pretty good. The guys got up to 10 bags, and tried 11 for fun. So I floated high on the euphoria of being a contender for a little while, but it was short lived. I've only talked to Jared once this week on instant messenger, and he made a few remarks that made me think he's grown unhappy with our arrangement. I think if I would sleep with him, I could probably keep him quite happy for quite a while, but I won't and if that's what he's looking for, oh well. Maybe I was just being sensitive on account of my mood, but only time will tell. I can't seem to lose as much weight as I want. I've been thinking of taking drastic measures, like only drinking liquids every other day or something. I dunno. I gotta go. Peace out.

PS.-I just invited Jared out for tomorrow, and he said he couldn't cause he already has a date. The great topper for my great mood. I know we don't have a commitment, but this is really bad timing. My life sucks.


Dave said...

Pssh. Jared has a date alright....with Subway! Cuz, he's a jerk. Who eats sandwhiches. A lot. Probably asks for double meat too. THAT'S not healthy. See, and I made fun of his name. I got your back dude. You just give me the word.
I'll try to spell it or something.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

lol. It's good to know you're behind me on this one. If I need some important spelling done, I'll know who to call.

KieraAnne said...

Boys are jerks...especially 21 year old ones. That's cool about the flying side kick thing...I probably couldn't do that I always fall over. I don't think it's a good idea to only drink liquids every other day...I mean sure you might lose weight but the second you start, you know "eating" it'll come back and you'll feel even worse. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

You probably have a point about the liquids thing, but I'm getting desperate for more weight loss! I am just not losing enough!

cainnum said...

i think i commented about this in person. anyhoo, i'm with dave. he probably has a pair of giant pants framed in his living room. hey maybe he could get you free sandwiches.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I don't even like Subway! The irony!