Monday, August 15, 2005
It was recently pointed out to me that I am only interested in guys that are unavailable. This got me thinking. Why is this? hmmm. Well, I've come up with some explanations, and I shall cover them now. By the end of this, you'll probably be thinking that I think way too much, but short of a lobotomy or heavy intoxication, I'm not stopping, so it's just too damn bad. To begin, we have to go way back to my childhood. I hate people who blame everything on their parents rather than taking responsibility for their lives, but, well. . .it's my parents' fault. My parents have been telling me all my life in various ways that I'm not smart enough, not good enough, not pretty enough, whatever suits the occasion. It's usually been subtle and backhanded, but it's sometimes even been plainly stated enough for anyone to understand. A few months ago, my friend Mike reminded me that way back when we were 21, he recorded some of our phone calls for use in an art project. He recently found one of the tapes and started listening to it, and he wanted me to hear it, so he played it for me. On this tape, I heard myself saying that my mom had recently told me that I was lazy, mean, worthless, and a bitch, and that she wasn't surprised that I didn't have any friends because I didn't care about anybody but myself. That wasn't all I said, but that's all I can recall off the top of my head. After we listened to the tape, Mike said that the most horrible thing about it was how resigned and matter of fact I sounded while saying all that. I told him that of course I was matter of fact, my mom has been saying things like that to me my entire life. He was, appropriately, appalled. Also, from the third grade to the ninth grade, I was the emotional punching bag for the kids at school. They called me various nicknames, the foremost one being Magpie, cause Magpies are ugly dirty birds, according to them, and they told all the "you're so ugly jokes" about me. These things took place especially in those important prepubescent years, their taunts grew more sophisticated as we got older. So, my inner dialogue is, in essence, a combination of those kids and my mother. I have tried to change this. I have tried different things trying to be good enough, but I always fail because my standards will always be one step higher than what I am able to do. I tell myself I am good enough and smart enough and pretty enough, but deep down, I just don't believe it. So I avoid situations that will prove to me there is something wrong with me. Which brings me to dating. I cannot believe that I am lovable and desirable, except for sexually, cause that's the only thing my mother has never been able to criticize me for, and I am quite good at it if I say so myself. When I am attracted to a guy, it all comes down to whether he wants me back. When a guy that is unavailable rejects me, I can make it his fault; oh, he was already with her, if he had just met me first, oh, he's far too young, he's not READY yet, oh, he's emotionally unavailable, he can't love or anybody else. But when I like a guy who isn't unavailable, and it does happen occasionally, and he doesn't like me back, what can I say? Then it goes right back to the fact that I'm not good enough in some way. And, quite frankly, I can't handle that. For a while I was truly happy. I had settled down to the fact that I would be alone forever, and I was able to concentrate on me. It was the happiest time of my life. But then a boy asked me out, and I experienced the highs of courtship, to be followed weekly by the crushing lows of self doubt. And my self doubts are crushing indeed. I don't like feeling that way. Some people say, better to take the chance or dance the dance or whatever, but in my case I don't think that's true. I think I prefer the monotonous drone of contentedness to the roller coaster. So stick a fork in me. I'm done. Maybe I'll try for one more make out session, but that's the end of the line. I'm just not stable enough to be with someone. Period. I guess I just gotta be me.
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Hmm... people are jerks. You should move in with Josh, he's nice. :)
I don't think Josh and I living together would work out so well. Especially as I wouldn't have a bedroom. That would not be a good thing.
Well, obviously, you should break off this impending relationship now. I mean, I think it would be far better for you to spend the rest of your life alone with your subconscious self-loathing than for you to take a chance on a period of emotional hurt. Of course, one might say that a healthy relationship may be the therapy you need for you to see your own self-worth and heal your inner wounds...but, that's just a crutch, you can do it on your own...the first 30 years were just practice. So, keep aiming for those unreachable guys, and definitely make sure to terminate with extreme prejudice ANY relationship that is getting too serious. They say that you'll never succeed if you never try, but I say gambling is for suckers.
Well then! Anybody that thinks Josh doesn't understand sarcasm is now rather brutally corrected! I would like to know, by the way, how a relationship with a 21 year old that doesn't want a commitment and desprately wants to violate my vows of chastity is healthy? Wait, I mean, I know it's healthy for 21 year old guys to want sex, but, oh never mind. And just to ease your mind, brother mine, I had decided to stop seeing Jared, but he came online last night and told me the truth about his weekend, and then was so sweet, funny, and attentive that I'm not sure I can go through with it. Damn him. What can't a guy ever be an ass when you WANT him to be?
Any relationship can become a healthy relationship. Some just require more work than others. :) Oh, and P.S. Very few guys want a commitment. I think it might be genetic. That's why girls are generally smarter than guys, and so much better at planning. Just an observation.
So if I started dating him when he was 10 and I was 20, would it be a healthy relationship by now? :) And I think the lack of commitment thing goes back to the biological imperative to spread seed as much as possible. You guys just can't help it.
i guess i should throw my two cents in on this subject. you told jared no on the ex-say and he still talks to you and still likes you and you're still dating? either he really feels for you, or he's really persistant. i can't say that i blame him.
Or he's a really good playa.
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