Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm an adult now

I think it's very interesting that nobody commented (except for Kiera, but I think that might have been a pity comment) on my last update. Could it be that everyone is tired of hearing about Ethan and/or Jared? Oh well. I ain't worried about it. I've realized now that I was transferring affections to Jared to try to protect myself from the pain of Ethan's immanent departure, and I don't actually like him nearly as much as I thought. So I sent him a letter apologizing and telling him I wasn't actually upset with him, but with Ethan leaving and now we'll see if he's sick of my craziness or if he can still be friends with me. But anyway, I am now registered for school! I am taking State Government and English Composition. I'm not really sure why I had to take a writing test to tell them that I can write so that I would be eligible to take a class that will teach me how to write, but it's required, so what are ya gonna do? My books cost fuckin 150 buckaroos, which blows, but no way around it, I suppose. I actually don't need that many more core classes. I still need: a speech class, 2 science classes (apparently my geology class doesn't count. Dammit.), 1 US history class, American Government, and one hour of PE. Then of course I would need to transfer back to UNT to see what I would need to do to finish up my art requirements. And if I decide to minor in business, I have absolutely no idea at all what that would entail. So at 2 classes a semester, that's a absolute minimum of 1 1/2 more years! Yay! And Ethan's coming back next year, so that'll be the end of that! Oh well. At least I'll be a little but closer. Maybe I'll be one of those people you see in the paper where it tells how hard their life was, but how they persevered, and at the age of 97 FINALLY graduated from college! It'll have a picture of me all dresses like Kiera suggested and wrinkly and old, and it'll have a caption that will be a quote from me, "I've always thought that an education was important, and I decided to get my degree, no matter how long it took!" It kinda makes you think. When I was a kid, everyone was always telling me what potential I had, and how I could be anything. I never dreamed I would end up a 31 year old single mother, living with my parents, college drop out with a past and no future to speak of. It's funny how life just goes past while we're wasting it. No wait, funny's not the right word, it's. . .oh yeah, it's sad. Oh well, no going back now.


Joshie said...

There wasn't a post from me because I'm totally stressing about the many things needed to actually attend college. Like, right now, I'm supposed to be registering...again. I don't think that ten hours just to register online is you? It's good that you have sorted out your pesky emotions. I circumvent all that by just not having them to begin with...but then people call you "weird" and "cold", so maybe your way is good too. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I'm sorry you're stressed? I wonder why you can't get registered. I get called weird and cold all the time. Am I getting the short end of the stick, here?

KieraAnne said...

School sucks. Let's all drop out and move to Mexico. You don't need an aducation there right?

TonyJ said...
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Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Holy crap! I wish for comments and I get spammed! Next time I should be more careful. I think you are right, Kiera. Mario's a moron and he was a dentist in Mexico. We could be GODS! YAY! TO MEXICO!

cainnum said...

the is the first leg of my journey deep into margie's blog. i will attempt to read and comment on every entry. here goes. huh?