Monday, August 01, 2005


Hello. I feel like crap today. This is, like the 3rd or 4th red alert day for pollution, and I feel like that might have something to do with it. Today around lunchtime it struck suddenly. I was just like, I don't feel like going back to work. I did, but I didn't want to. I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that Mario is back. My nose is runny, my eyes are burning and itchy, and I feel tired. I also feel cranky and feel like chucking the whole thing. I don't want to diet, exercise, go to tae kwon do, work, or do anything except talk to my friends and sleep. This probably means that if I do a little counting on my calendar I will most likely find out that I have a monthly friend coming soon. But what's the point of figuring it out, really? Rene said today that he's really liking not working Fridays, and if we get more work, he might make us go to 10 hour shifts, Monday-Thursday. It would be cool to always get Fridays off, but I don't really want to work 10 hours, either. Plus, if I have class that makes it so I need to leave at 5, I would have to come in at 6. That would suck. But he also said, if we can get more accounts at the higher price he'd just give us big enough raises that we don't need to work 40 hrs a week. eh. We'll see what happens. I'm supposed to clean out the fridge, but I'm having a really hard time getting started. I agreed to clean the fridge in exchange for Mom watching Ethan on Friday so I could go on a date. She's really been freaking out about how much time she thinks I spend away from Ethan, on account of him leaving in 3 weeks. She thinks I'm going to regret it later, but if I stop doing anything else for 3 weeks, I'll go insane and kill him, and I think I'd regret that even more. The Sixth Sense is on TV and I think it's bringing me down. The funny things is that usually my mom doesn't do anything cause of any number of excuses that all amount to her being lazy, and today she got all full of vim and vinegar and cleaned the living room and part of the kitchen. Maybe there's only enough energy in the house for one of us at a time, and she had it today. I think this is a good theory.


Joshie said...

I'm not sure...but I think your blog was spammed. Hmph. Anyhoo, I think we all need blah days every now and helps us to recognize the good days. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Man, for a minute there I thought I was popular. What a let down.

KieraAnne said...

That sucks...and spammers suck too. I've totally been there though. I think you should buy some Ben and Jerry's and eat the whole thing...oh wait, that would be bad. I some naturally fat-free sorbet and eat the whole thing. It's so refreshing and almost always makes me feel better. :)

cainnum said...

yeah the sixth sense is really depressing. and i HATE comment spammers! they can go straight to H-E-double hockey sticks.