Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am a slacker

My family and I went on a two week vacation all over the western US, and I fully intend to blog about it. First, I need to load the pictures from the camera to the computer, and I keep not doing that. So, I will be doing that someday soon. Trust me. And the check's in the mail. Really.

This morning I went to work, you know, like you do, and while I was walking through the house, I did not notice that the living room was a sunken living room. So down I went, and much pain ensued. I'm glad the client wasn't home, because I was in so much pain that some naughty words escaped my lips. I tried to keep on working, but about an hour later, I was gasping in pain at every movement, and I knew I was done for. I took off my shoe and discovered a lump about the size of an egg right below my ankle. So I called in, and the told me to come by the office to drop off the key so that someone else could go finish this afternoon. I went to the doctor, and he said I have a type 2 sprain, which apparently means that 2 ligaments are torn. So, I'm taking the rest of the week off, and then I'm supposed to get back on that horse, complete with working and ankle exercises and everything. I'm also supposed to wear a stiff ankle brace to work for the next couple of months. That should suck.

This weekend mi familia and I are going to Arkansas. I know, that's not my first ideal destination, either, but we have reasons. You see, my dad's brother died in a car crash when he was 21 (The brother was 21, not my dad). At the time, his girlfriend was preggers. This was about two years before I was born. So, about a month ago, my brother gets a myspace message from this long lost cousin, who's just itching to get to know his father's side of his heritage, so off we go to Arkansas to meet this guy. It's all kind of exciting, I think. I've often fantasized about unknown family popping out of nowhere, but usually it was royalty or famous people or at least fabulous wealthy people rather than unemployed truckers with a mullet, but I'll take what I can get. :)

I should probably go ice my ankle now. Bah.

1 comment:

KieraAnne said...

Sorry your ankle is sprained. Lucky you to get to go on another vacation....I'm not bitter I promise. ;) I sprained my ankle coming down the firemans pole in second grade. They don't have fun/dangerous toys like that at schools anymore.