Monday, July 17, 2006


My rash seems to be getting slightly better. But here's the thing: the steroid cream kind seemed to be working, so I kept using it. I'm still taking the miracle pill. And, I noticed that I had started taking three new drugs (glucosamine condroitin, new mulitvitamin with ECGG to boost metabolism, and Advair) shortly before my illness started, and the days I didn't take these things are the days that I have shown improvement in my condition. So the question at hand is; am I getting better because of the steroid cream, because of the pills, because I STOPPED taking a pill that I'm allergic to, or am I getting better all on my own and the rest of this is all just coincidence? One thing's for sure. I am fucking sick of being sick.

A colony of orange butterfly's keep flitting around our back door. I have no idea why, but I think it's pretty cool. We're on the migration path for the monarchs, but these are different ones. *shrug*

I think my son was raised in a barn. He keeps leaving the door open. He also keeps NOT flushing the toilet and leaving the seat up. Boys.

My boss told me today that this dollar raise is probably the last raise I'll get for two years. Dammit. I liked regular gigantic raises. I should known this wonderland couldn't last forever!

I slept most of the day yesterday. And I took a nap during lunch today. I wish I were sleeping now. Maybe I have African Sleeping Sickness.


Joshie said...

You need Dr. House. I think those butterflies are crack addicts and are slumming on your willow tree to eat the bark. The only way to teach young boys anything is with a good flogging. I say ride the money train as long as it just cause you aren't getting more doesn't mean what you are getting isn't alot (that was complicated, but I'm not simplifying!) I like sleep.
PS You left the Nutella from your birthday here. I think I'm going to hold it ransom, but haven't decided what the payment should be yet. I'll get back to you.

cainnum said...

hey josh send it to me. ill take good care of it. muahahah! ahem. i love sleep too. im sleeping right now!

Margie the Pickle Princess said...



My diagnosis: Flesh Eating Bacteria with a touch of partial edentulism and a hint of sprue.

My treatment: Several Miller Lites, followed by a dash of lidocaine and a pinch of polyvinylsiloxane. Then, swish and spit. Or, as my dad always says, "Just walk it off"

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

*I don't have the heart to tell her I've been trying to walk it off all day.*