Now, I have a great respect for Fred Rodgers, may he rest in peace. I've heard interviews with him, and he was intelligent, articulate, educated, sincere, and genuinely kind. He said things in those interviews that were so profound and wise that they actually brought tears to my eyes. He was truly a great man. But. You all know my opinion on having to watch a show aimed at three-year-olds EVERYDAY.
Over the past few days, the storyline in the land of make believe has been centered around Daniel Striped Tiger. Cereal has been raining on his clock and he's been scared and didn't know what to do about it.
Now I understand that all of the characters in make believe are supposed to represent different things that kids might feel or experience in a non-sensical, yet safe, environment. Like how Lady Elaine is supposed to show kids that everyone can be a demanding psychotic bitch sometimes, and that's ok. Or maybe how to deal with demanding psychotic bitches, I'm not sure which. Well, Daniel Striped Tiger is a whiney little scaredy cat. Pun intended. Always has been, always will be. But for the past few days he has been so annoying that I want to go dig up Mister Rodgers and kick his decaying ass. I mentioned to mom that I hate Daniel Striped Tiger and she said, "That's because you hate weakness. You always have." This brought forth amusing fantasies about cute little 3-4 year old me, playing on the playground when another child starts crying or whining for no good reason. (No good reason being anything short of losing a limb.) I tell the kid to suck it up, and when they don't I yell, "Stop being a baby!" And bitch slap them. This fantasy amused me all afternoon. Tee hee. Little kid bitch slaps! That's good stuff. Hmm. Maybe I've been watching too much Beavis and Butthead. Ahahaha. Ha ha. Ha ha.
Yeah. Daydream. Sure. Sounds more like a memory to me. :)
And I hate that damned tiger as well. I don't see any problem with disdaining weakness; it helps us improve ourselves and others. It's coddling I can't stand. As long as there are suckers out there who want to make life "easy" for everyone and for no one ever to suffer, there will always be mooches, spoiled brats (and I'm not talking about children here...well, at least not physically), whiney babies (see previous aside), and losers.
...well, there goes my golden heart award. Oh well.
Dude, you've hopped right on one of my soap boxes. Whatever happened to healthy competetion? Why is it that we have to cater to everybody? Like, on playgrounds, they have removed all teeter toters, which I can kinda see, and many places have removed swingsets. SWINGSETS! Ok. Teetertoters can like swing down a chop off your fingers or smash you and shit. All righty. But swingsets. There are three dangers with swingsets. 1) A kid could walk in front of another kid and get kicked. 2) A kid could jump off mid swing and get hurt. 3) A kid could fall off while swinging. OK. I'll take care of 2 first. If a kid jumps off and gets hurt, they learn not to do that no mo'. If they get hurt badly, too fucking bad, they brought it on themselves. If they don't get hurt, they are stronger and better. Congrats. Now for 1 and 3. I'm sorry, but if you're kid is so fucking stupid that he can't remember not to walk in front of rapidly moving feet or lacks the simple survival instinct to tell him or her to hold on tight when flying through the air at high velocity, then too fucking bad. It's called Survival of the fittest, and the eradication of your idiot child is an improvement to the human race. I think that the strongest and smartest should take over rather than being fettered by our society's need to provide "fair" footing for everybody. I believe in equality of oppertunity, not equality of outcome. I believe that people should have to be sterilized if they don't pass certain tests. Uh. . .was that too far?
Oh my GOD!!! This is too funny!!! Margie, I have been trying to start a movement where people have to take a test in order to have children. My plan: As soon as you hit puberty, you are required to have some type of reversible procedure that makes you sterile. Then, if, and only IF, at the age of 23-25 (negotiable) if you can present a high school diploma, proof of income (not welfare!), and pass a simple common sense type test, your procedure is reversed an you are free to procreate as you deem necessary. I mean we have to take a driving test, reproducing should be at least up there with DRIVING!!! Think of how many problems this would solve. I mean the lazy, useless people wouldnt even have the energy to find all the necessary info needed. The stupid people would fail the test. The broke ass people who have kids to get more welfare and allow their children to become burdens on society wont have the proof of income needed. AAAAHhhhhh...if only. Darwin would love this idea, I know he would.
Preach it my sister! PREACH IT!! I think this is a great plan, and very similar to my own thoughts. Why are politicians not on board with this?
By the way, about a year ago, I heard a news report about some state government that was apologizing for steralizing patients in an insane asylum and people with mental retardation back in the 1800's. Why do they need to apologize? What's wrong with making sure people who obviously shouldn't be having children DON'T have children? Stupid people!
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