Saturday, April 08, 2006

two guys and a girl

Man, what a day! First Lawrence and I went to Scarborough Faire, and we had a great time. We saw a couple of shows that were good (A storyteller and a group of bagpipers and drummers), shopped around (Lawrence bought me a toe ring, a pair of earrings, and a necklace which is currently being shortened and we won't get it till next time he goes), and ate (Steak on a stake, macaroni and cheese on a stick, pineapple on a stick, and king's nuts. Not on a stick.). Lawrence bought me a lovely rose, which garnered comments from complete strangers about what a good job I've done training him. He went in costume. I, of course, did not. He was actually kind of cute in his costume. Man. I must be turning into a dork myself. But weird thing, I think I saw him when I went last year. He's often in the guard (whatever that means) and I realized that when I went with Kiera and Patrick last year, there was a guy in the parade that caught my attention, and it's bothered me every since. The guy wasn't especially cute or anything, had big glasses, brown hair and a beard. And wore an outfit exactly like the one Lawrence wore today. I had often thought back to that guy wondering why I noticed him so strongly. Weird. Maybe I registered that it was someone I knew but I just couldn't figure it out without a closer look. Bizarro. So, we had fun today, and as he has a season pass, I'm sure we'll be back. But my favorite part of today's experience was when we were walking up to the gate and a be-costumed guy was walking around hawking programs. When he walked past us, he said, "Where can I get a girl like that?" I would have thought that was normal fair banter, but at this point he blushed *!* and stammered, "Uh, ah. . .I'm sorry. Would you like a program?" and then quickly hurried on. Wowzers! Maybe I gave that little nerd hope at finding a girl that's presentable. lol.

After we left the fair, we were going to go back to his place to get some of my things that I left there and then he was going to bring me home so I could get the truck and go pick up Ethan myself. But fate was against us. We kept running into traffic jams. Seriously. We hit like 4 traffic jams. It was insane, and then I got a call from flight notification saying that his flight was coming in 15 minutes early, so finally we just had to turn around and go straight to the airport, and we barely made it in time at that. I went in to get Ethan, WHO IS SO SKINNY NOW, I almost didn't recognize him, and I'm not even joking! Holy cow! Anyhoo. Ethan of course was happy to see me, and in the FOURTY FIVE FREAKING MINUTES WE WERE WAITING FOR HIS BAG at the luggage claim, I explained to him that I wasn't able to come by myself and why, and when he found out that Lawrence was waiting to meet him in the truck, he got SO excited he even did a little dance. After we finally got to the truck, Ethan was hungry and wanted to go to Whataburger, so go we did. It seemed to go pretty well, and when Lawrence went to the restroom, I asked Ethan what he thought of Lawrence. "I like him. You should marry him!" was his thoughtful response. Allrighty then. Linda met us at the house (Ethan's paternal grandmother) and in a bid to establish more of a stronghold, she let Ethan tell her all about his Yug-i-oh! playing cards, and even said that she was going to go buy a deck so that when he spends the night with her on Thursday, they can play together! She must REALLY love him is all I can say!

It was very nice being with those two. I love them both so much, don't ask me why. They're both pretty damn annoying, so maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. :)


KieraAnne said...

aaaaw *sniffle*

cainnum said...

i'm really sorry i didn't get to see you, but i'm glad you had a good time. i will see you soon. i'm probably going to come up for kon.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

KON!!!! (Star Trek reference)

KieraAnne said...

And you think Lawrence is a dork? ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Well, ya know. Birds of a feather I guess.