I just went to tae kwon do for the first time in three weeks, and DAMN. I am so tired now. And Mr Kitsman taught tonight and he's the easiest instructor. I'm glad Mrs Rhyne didn't teach, I would have died. On Thursday I'm going to try going to tae kwon do AND doing my extracurricular exercise, but not tonight. I have to warm up to for real exercise again. As I've basically stopped exercising and dieting, and have started putting weight back on, I feel this is very important. I have to wait until AFTER I'm married to pork back up. :) Plus I want to be sexy in my wedding photos. So all I need to do is lose more weight and get engaged and I'll be all set.
Getting back to work has been good even though I'd rather be at home lazing around. Rene seems to appreciate me a lot more now that he's had to do my job for a week. He told me that starting June 1st all the dentist's prices are going up ten dollars, and if we don't lose any dentists, I'll get a raise! Yay! He said "around a twenty percent raise," which would mean another $2.75/hour. I don't think that will be the case in actuality, but any raise is a good raise. If I do get that much, that'll put me up to $16.50/hr. YOWZA! I hope that does happen, cause I think I would suddenly like my job A WHOLE lot more. Working full time at that raise I would TAKE HOME over $2000 a month. Damn. I think it's too much to hope for, so I'm not counting my chickens before they're scrambled.
I guess I better get to it now. I have a test in government tomorrow I need to study for. Although, I didn't study for my last test and I got a 96, so maybe I'd be better off just using my intuitive subconscious memory. Nah, I'm not gonna chance it. Wish me luck!
Morrisey was WRONG! I love it when my friends become successful. Your potential raise calls for a celebration! ...you're paying. :) I just came back from a Calculus test, and I'm not sure how I did. It only took me half the class period, and it SEEMED fairly simple. In math, that's a good sign that you've done something horribly wrong. :)
wait you're saying alot about weddings and stuff, but lawrence hasn't popped the question yet? LOL
how long have you guys been dating? you crazy mormons! j/k
I hear ya about the exercise...I haven;t done that for real in over a year now so when we worked on the house last saturday i was sore for days afterward...so I should probably get on that bandwagon too...especially so I'll look good in my bridesmaid dress. ;)
Josh: I think if I start pulling in over two grand a month it's my DUTY to take out my friends or have a party or something. I'm not sure what the ettiquete is, I'll have to look it up.
And you're right-you probably failed that test misrably. :)
Cainnum: Believe it or not, people at church are acting like, HEY, what's the hold up!?! How long did Kiera and Patrick date before they got engaged? (that's from me, not the people at church.)
Kiera: Yeah, ya slacker! Get to it!
Everyone: I like how each of you responded to a different part of my post. It shows I'm meeting the needs of my readership. :)
Let's see...Patrick and I met in October...started dating in March...got engaged in July...and married in October...so five months of aquaintance before dating...four and a half months of dating, then three months engaged before we were married. Which by mormon standards was WAY too long getting to know each other. ;) My sister dated her husband for two months before they got engaged, and were married five months later. Both of us felt our engagements were too long. It's much harder to be good after you're engaged, so I would recommend as short an engagement as possible to still plan everything you want. :)
Tonight April Prter told me she and her husband were engaged for thirty days, so if I need tips for making arrangements during a short engagement, she'll be happy to help me out.
Good Plan!
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