Monday, February 06, 2006

Still no kissing yet

Hey, remember back a long, long time ago before Jared asked me out when I hadn't had a real date in 8 years? What the heck did I blog about back then? Nobody knows. I guess I probably bitched about my mother. She's not so annoying these days, so I guess without boys, I wouldn't have a thing to say. Sad really.

Lawrence called me on Saturday and invited me to the symphony Tuesday night. And I talked to him again on Sunday, and he seems far more comfortable with me all of the sudden. He even made reference to "our children." Meaning the ones en potentia. Hmm. He was asking me what kind of smells I'm allergic to, so that he doesn't use air freshener at his house that would give me allergies, and was rather dismayed to find out about my allergy to roses. I told him that I still like roses and I could keep them in a different room and visit them sometimes. I also told him that I'm allergic to lavender and sandalwood. He said, "Well, I guess I can throw out that sandalwood massage oil." Hmm. He said he'd call me tonight. Even though we talked on the last two days and I'll see him tomorrow, and we already have another date on Friday. Hmm. I guess that taking things slow bit is a thing of the past. In the words of Captain Jack Sparrow, "That's interesting." But I have a secret. I think I like him. Lots. Tee hee.


Shemsi said...

Aww, how cute :)

Joshie said...

Uh...I have lots of commentary about this one, but I don't want to share any of them. Okay, here's a random sampling: "Star Wars music can hardly be called the Symphony, and given a briefcase and some smartish glasses, I could even debate whether it could be called a date." Okay, snarky bucket is CLOSED.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

shemsi: hee hee hee. it is cute, huh?

josh: It doesn't matter what kind of music it is, it's at the MEYERSON. That's for real, baby. And, he's picking me up, he's wearing a tie, and he DAMN WELL BETTER kiss me at the end. That's a date. And don't you already wear smartish glasses?

cainnum said...

wait a minute! that's not a secret. you just told all of your readers.

KieraAnne said...

Yay!!!! I really like this story, you should keep going with it. ;) That is kinda funny if this is his idea of taking things slow...maybe he was planning on it and then it turned out he liked you way more than he thought he would or something and is really excited to move the relationship know to the kissing/touching stage. :D

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

cainnum: SHHH! Don't let everyone know!

kiera: yeah, that's kinda what I figured too. I am also eager to enter that stage. :) Tonight my pet.

Shemsi said...

Let us know how it went