Monday, February 20, 2006

my wonderful weekend

Hello chicos y chicas! I am having the best time lately! Who knew life could be so much fun? Not me, that's for sure!

Saturday, Lawrence and I went to the Modern, which of course, I love. He doesn't know much about modern art, so I got to explain it to him some, and I think we had the must fun at this one exhibit where the artist had taken a picture of his wife with her three sisters every year from 1970 to now and they were all lined up around the room in order. It was really interesting to see them age and change. Lawrence kept thanking me for being willing to go to cultural events with him. Him. Thanking me. Uh. . .don't women usually have to drag men kicking and screaming to stuff like that?

Sunday, he came and picked me up to take me to his house because he made me dinner. He also brought me some gorgeous flowers. He made this chicken with a lemon gravy and lemon rice. It was deliciouso. Is this guy for real? If I hadn't known him when he was married and didn't already know that he treated his first wife with the utmost chivalry, I would think it was all an act just to catch me. Seriously. I feel like I'm finally getting the pay off for having to put up with such creeps all the other times I've dated. We also watched Amelie, which, for those of you not in the know, is a delightful French romantic comedy with subtitles. He actually seemed like he enjoyed it!

*sigh* Yep. Life is good. Now if only I don't fail my classes. Soon I will write about something else. I promise. Well, I'll try.


KieraAnne said...

I'm glad he's being so nice, you totally deserve it! It was fun hanging out with you guys on Saturday. I think he was a little nervous about meeting your brother he coming over next week too? Patrick should be there... ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I dunno if he's coming. He's already said (before he met everyone)that he doesn't want to hang with us every weekend because he thinks that I should be able to have my own friends and do my own stuff if I want to. Healthy attitude, eh?

cainnum said...

normally, cycnic cainnum would jump in and say 'sounds like he's being too nice. watch out!' but i'm really happy for you, so i won't. wait i did! dammit! well just disregard that. i would get rid of it my self, but the backspace key has eloped with page up. go figure.

cainnum said...

i'm not sure what a cycnic is but i'm sure i am one

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

You really are a cycnic. Last night he voluntarily gave me a foot rub and a back rub, and he didn't even get laid from it. So there.

cainnum said...


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Dude. I can assure you he is definately NOT gay. You are just jealous and bitter. But I still love you, darlin.

cainnum said...

you're right. i was lashing out. forgive me. now watch lost DAMMIT!

KieraAnne said...

Yeah Lost rocks!

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

OK. Did you people miss my plast post about how I don't have any free time? I am barely able to keep up with Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars, I haven't even been able to watch House, Supernatural, or Charmed for weeks. If I can't make time to watch delicious Jansen Ackles, I certainly don't have time to add another show to my regimine.

cainnum said...

where's margieeee??? helloooooo????

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Ok. I miss one post and I'm the bad guy! I'm the most regular poster I know. I think it's all the fiber.