Saturday, October 22, 2005

day after day-forever more!

I've been thinking again. I know, I know, that always gets me in trouble, but I can't seem to help it. I was thinking about marriage. What a surprise, Margie, YOU, thinking about marriage! No, it's true! But seriously, folks, I want to get married for some obvious reasons. The most important one is sex. But I was thinking past that, and I realized, I can't imagine living with someone for the rest of my life. Every living arrangement I've ever had has been temporary. When I was a kid, I knew that I wouldn't live with my parents forever. (ha. the irony.) And of course, when I had roommates, I knew for DAMN sure that was temporary. Even Ethan, I knew from the start that he would grow up and leave. Of course, he ending up leaving sooner that a parent usually expects-you know, I was figuring about 18 years rather than 8, but it's all good. So today I was watching King of Queens and it suddenly struck me that if I married someone, I would have to live with that person everyday, for the rest of my life. And not just that-Mormons marry "for time and all eternity." Eternity is a really fucking long time, ya know? That's just really a lot for me to take in. I can't imagine wanting to live with someone that long. I mean, there's people I can see staying in contact with for that long, but sharing a bed, eating meals together, spending every evening together, etc. That seems weird to me. I really can't envision myself living that kind of lifestyle. I mean, I don't even want a tattoo cause it's too much commitment and it's not gonna tell the same jokes over and over again for 40-50 years. The idea of buying a house is abhorant to me, cause it's all permanent, I mean, what if I decide I want to move? You know, the idea of marrying an airline pilot or career military man is sounding better and better, cause they go away a lot. :) Maybe the reason I'm always attracted to men I can't have is because I'm secretly sabotaging myself to avoid that very life that I thought I want so much. Maybe deep down I'm a free love, no strings attached kind of girl that somehow got trapped in a puritanical Mormon life. Eh, it's not that deep down. When I was sexually active, I had NO problem with no strings attached sex. It was rather my favorite kind, really. Because when you get attached to a guy, he always ends up disappointing you or dumping you. Uh-oh. I think I just spotted emotional baggage. Oh dear. I think I may be broken. But then again, when I was dating Sanjay, I couldn't imagine not seeing him or at least talking to him everyday, so maybe I just have to get to the point where I feel that way about somebody again. Eh. No matter. Not like anyone's offered me a ring or anything.


KieraAnne said...

I felt the same way until I met Patrick. I had never met anyone, including family and friends of both sexes, that I would want to spend all day everyday with for two weeks, much less the rest of my life. I think once you meet the right person maybe that changes? Now I get all sad and depressed that I don't see him more often...and we live together, sleep together, and he works practically in the back yard. Everytime he leaves town I cry, and I've never been that sort of person. So, I guess I'm saying that I wouldn't worry about it and that maybe when you meet someone and find to your surprise (it shocked me) that you really want to see them every single day, then that could be a sign that they're the one. Just a thought. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I know that I've had friends that if I didn't talk to them everyday, I would get upset and antsy, so maybe it's one of those things I don't really feel until it happens.

cainnum said...

marriage is overrated. don't get me wrong i'm all for monogamy *don't let my gf know i said that*, but on a long enough timeline, anyone can get irritating if you're living with them. you'd have to be utterly, absolutely, unendingly in love with the person to stay with them everyday, and vice versa, and really, how often does that happen? thanks margie, you've unleashed my inner pessimist. oh wait, he was already out. nevermind.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Wait! Don't be pessimistic! Uh. . .love can happen, or something. I think.