I've recently noticed a trend in my life that I hadn't picked up on before. When I was working at Lifetouch and photographing students, there were at least 3 or 4 high school seniors that flirted with me that I noticed, and one even asked me out. Recently of course, you all know about a certain 21 year old that was trying to get into my pants. And now, on Monday, the 19 year old that sits next to me in Government was a little flirty towards me. When we started the semester, he wouldn't even respond when I talked to him, and now he's gotten to the point that he talks to me all the time, even during class. At one point on Monday, I said it was hot in there, and he said, "Oh, that's me, I have that effect on women." Now, he could've been joking around, but traditionally, that's the sort of thing a guy says when he's flirting, or at least thinking about flirting. My immediate thought was, "Oh, HELL no." I am serious, that is exactly what I thought when he said that. Now I finally put it all together. Apparently, the universe is trying to make up for my oh so long dry spell by choosing me to be the one that gets to usher the next generation into manhood. And that's just not cool. Don't get me wrong, if I were the same manipulative, man using, sex fiend I was when I was younger, I would have already assembled all the legal ones into my own personal little harem of beautiful boy toys. Cause these boys all have one thing in common, they are all SO HOT. Dark haired, well muscled, and SMOKIN' fine. WAY better that I ever did when I was actually that age. The little Margie shoulder devil tells me I should, that it would be so easy, and why not, when I was 18, a 32 year old man (he told me 28 originally-cause 10 years was my limit then, too.) seduced me, got me to fall in love with him, taught me the ways of carnal pleasure, and left me broken and bitter to flounder in the sea of twisted pain that was all he left me with, why shouldn't I school these boys? They'd enjoy it right up till the end, right? But alas. I had to go and grow a conscience and morals somewhere along the way, dammit. I gave up premarital sex AND using people. Why, oh why didn't I plan ahead and not do that until AFTER my sexual peak? So I draw the line. No matter what the 19 year old says or does, I will NOT go out with him. The 21 one year old was too young, and I think he's mature for his age. *sigh* Maybe eventually some guys that are the right age will be attracted to me.
I am doing a little better in the area of that certain 21 year old. I no longer think of him first thing when I wake up, last thing when I fall asleep and constantly in between. Now he's the second or third thing I think about when I wake up, and I found I go as much as 20 minutes without thinking about him sometimes in the day. I'm so pathetic. I try to think about myself with other guys, like, say the imaginary guy who might try to pick me up when I go out on Thursday, and no matter what I carefully craft him to look like, he always turns into Jared. Or Tom Welling, but I am only human, I can't help that. Strangely, he never turns into Johnny Depp. Weird. Maybe Johnny's just too special to be transmogrified from some other vision, he always starts out as himself. At least I've lost enough weight that I've started attracting the attention of strangers again; it makes me feel almost desirable. There is something I've been thinking about though. I always used to wish that guys noticed me for me and not just for my hot body, but I've noticed these days when guys hit on me it takes them a while to get to know me first. (Used to strangers on the street would immediately hit on me.) Maybe that means finally guys are liking my personality, too, and the large boobies are the deciding factor. Or maybe I'm still just fat enough that my body isn't the main attraction still. Either way, I'm feeling better about myself, and that's the important thing. I figured out the other day that if I lose about 20 more pounds I'll just be chubby! Yay! But I seem to be stuck again. I've been more slack on the exercise lately, and on the diet. Better buckle down.
Mom's buying me some new clothes tommorrow! I need some jeans, cause the only ones I have that fit are bell bottoms, and I need some regular ones to wear when I go to Utah, as it's already snowing there. I have no idea what's up with that! I realized I need to go over the rest of my winter wardrobe since I've lost approximately 40-50 pounds since I last wore most of it! Yay! More closet space!
Apparently, spell checker ain't feeling the love tonight, so you'll just have to live with bad spelling. Now, remember when commenting that my weight loss and new clothes are not the main point of this post. Boys are. And I mean boys literally. :)
Ahem. Must not speak my mind on this comment. Keep it simple. Here's a stick to keep them off. End Statement.
Speak your mind! Fly with your own wings!
19 year olds bad! 29 year olds good! YAY skinny Margie!
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