Friday, September 16, 2005

Positive update

I am on a writing rampage today, as I just finished my first essay for my grammar and comp class. It's long, but I think that when it's in the final draft I'll put it up here for everyone's approval. So I've been doing positive thinking since Monday, and of course, I haven't expected any changes yet, but there actually have been! Mostly in me, but that's ok. On Monday, I noticed the first change. When people look at me, I usually get all paranoid and think, "WHAT?!?" But on Monday when people looked at me, I either didn't think anything, or thought that they just noticed me or something. No paranoia! I thought it was funny for the first two days how my inner dialogue would be something like this: "positive affirmation, hey you fucking idiot! Where'd you learn to drive? Positive affirmation, why you do that Margie? You can't do anything right! Positive affirmation, oh fuckin' A, what the hell is wrong with me!" But after two days, the negative stuff stopped, for the most part. Of course, it might be because of the fever induced brain wipe I received, but I'm choosing to think it's an attitude adjustment. And, yes, I actually do say "fuckin' A" in my head. I actually curse WAY more in my head than I do in conversation, if you can believe that. Today I went out to run errands, and I noticed when I was walking into stores and stuff, that I was holding my shoulders back and my head high and that I had more swing in my hips and more bounce in my step. Weird. When I went to make a deposit, I actually chatted with the cute teller guy! I had him switch my regular checking to a student checking so that I can get free bill pay, and it took a while, so we were chatting and joking. He was pretending to be mean to me and said he would switch it for me. I said I would cry and he said, "OH, please!" I said, "Oh you like to make girls cry, do you?" He claimed to have t-shirt that says so. I even made a slightly off color joke about the size of his stamp. It was fun. He's cute, too. I'm not saying this is going anywhere, but before I was afraid to talk to cute guys, because I thought they would be like, "Why the hell is this ugly fat lady talking to me? Like she has a chance!" I wasn't even worried about it this time! Of course, I do go to that bank every two weeks, so. . .

Also, I caught the first ep of Supernatural last night, cause I didn't have anything better to do. It was pretty good. Joe watched it full length on Yahoo, but he says it's gone now. Maybe you could download it or catch it at the WB website? I strongly recommend trying to catch it.


KieraAnne said...

Cool! Positive affirmation rocks! That sucks I missed the premier...I wanted to see that...will it be rerun on Saturday or anything?

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Apparently not. I searched on for it, and they didn't show anything, so I went to the WB website, and the site for Supernatural was about the most useless thing I have ever seen. Sorry, dude.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Good news! WB is rebrodcasting Supernatural Sunday at 4pm. Kiera, you'll be just leaving church then, so you might want to program your VCR. Everybody else, be on alert!

KieraAnne said...


Joshie said...

Okay! I'll set my watch...oh crap, six hours too late. Oh well...I'll have to watch it when it comes out on DVD.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

It's funny how I had this whole long blog, and all the comments are about the last few sentences. AND nobody even watched the show on top of that! *shakes head sadly* I feel like I've been ineffectual here.

cainnum said...

actually all i ever do when i read your blog is scan for my name, which never comes up! I'm proud of your change, and would at some point like to know the specifics of it. it's kind of hard to describe it via blog if you ask me. this seems like the exact sorta thing i need to do, because i generally i have absolute zero confidence. oh BTW from now on instead of posting my blogs on my site, i'll be posting them in the comments on yours.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Lol. WTF? I go to your site all the time and you hardly ever have new posts, so I can't see that having them in my comments woukd affect much! Just kidding. And I didn't give specifics cause the whole thing kinda makes me feel like a goober. Basically, I just came up with a few phrases that are what I WANT me and other things to be like, and I say them over and over in my head when I don't have anything else going on in there. Which is most of the time. :)

cainnum said...

no not saying you don't read my blog. just commenting on the size of my comment. does that look as weird as it sounds?

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

the size of your comment, eh? hee hee hee.