Thursday, September 08, 2005

my sex life

Ok, kids, this post is gonna be a little crass, so if you can't handle it, better sign off now. You've been duly warned. Ethan left on August 22nd, which was a Monday, and the last date I had with Jared was the Wednesday before that. So it has been three weeks since last I made out. I really didn't notice up till now cause of the trauma of Ethan leaving, the excitement of school starting, the excitement of being freed, the worry about how Ethan is settling down in Utah, etc. Now school has started and I've realized I can handle it, Ethan has stopped having nightmares and seems extremely happy and well adjusted when I talk to him, I got socialed out (see next to last post), and I have adjusted to my situation. So now it has hit me. I am so HORNY. You'd think that since I went 8 years without even being kissed once, I would be pretty acclimated to the situation, but no, apparently, that's not how it works. I've really got to get this situation under control, cause it looks like there's no solution. I don't think Jared's gonna want to make out with me anymore (just a guess. :) ) And I really don't see any other guys rushing to vie for my hand, so, I guess I'm just screwed. Although not literally of course, that would make this post moot. Although Jared did offer to help me find a cheap motorcycle that he would then help me fix up, which seems like a pretty generous offer to make to someone you're not even boinking let alone dating, so maybe he's generous with the favors and wouldn't mind me asking? Nah. Probably not a good idea. *sigh* I guess Josh is right and my counter has been reset. It IS just like growing your hair out. It sucks. Oh well. Maybe I'll just watch Moulin Rouge. Ill fated love stories always make me feel slightly better about my plight. I may be alone, but at least my one true love isn't dead. That I know of. Crap, now I have something else to worry about.


cainnum said...

you know what would be funny. if that comment spam was for a porno site. anyhoo, moulin rouge is your cold shower? weird. my cold shower has always been.....damn, it's kinda hard to turn me off. i'm a little horn ball.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

That spam was not for a porn site, but that would have been funny. And, no, Moulin Rouge is not my cold shower. Ewwwwwaaaaan MaaaacGreeeeeegooooor. SO HOT. My cold shower is. . .um. . .uh. . .hmmm. Ditto.