Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Rock the vote, people!

This morning I happened to pass the morning Edge while they were talking about something that I've been saying for decades, which is weird that they thought of something intelligent to say, but it was probably just a fluke. But that thing is this: it is ridiculous for the drinking age to be 21. I say, as did they, that if you are old enough and responsible enough to: live on your own, smoke cigarettes, go to war, get married, get charged as an adult for any crime you might commit, and vote for president at 18, then you are responsible enough to drink also. It all comes down to this: either you are an adult or you aren't. If you aren't old enough to drink at 18, then you shouldn't be considered an adult in all those other ways. It's illogical and inconsistent. I've heard it said that it's because people that are under 21 aren't old enough to know not to drink and drive. My response to this is: BULLSHIT. That has absolutely nothing to do with age, it has to do with stupidity and ego. I started drinking when I was 19, and I have NEVER drank and driven. (is that correct tensing?) My uncle, however, whom I believe is in his 50's, has been arrested numerous times for drinking and driving. My dad's cousin is in a wheelchair because he drove drunk, and he still does. As a matter of fact, I think the younger you are, the less likely you are to drink and drive because you've had it pounded into your head so much that it's dangerous. And if that's the problem, just get those cops that are sitting outside the clubs everynight to do random checks. Drinking and driving really has no relation to age in my mind. I'm not saying all this because I'm a college kid that wants to party. I don't drink anymore and even if I did, I'm 31, so technically I don't think they would even card me anymore. I'm saying this because I think there should be equity for the laws. I think that lawmakers should be logical and not emotional. I think that everyone that reads this should call their various legislators and representatives and be heard! I'm not, cause I don't know who mine are, and I'm pretty Gen-X about getting involved, but I definitely think you should! Power to the people!


Joshie said...

It needs to be either "I never drank and drove" or "I have never drunk and driven." Both simple past tense or, with the helping verb "have," both past participles. Hey, you asked! And I agree completely. It's too bad that our government spends so much of it's time trying to protect us from ourselves...it's rather offensive. Give me a ticket for running a stop sign, there has to be order in this crazy world...but I just don't see how I'm endangering others by not wearing my seat belt. Why can't they be more Libertarian, like me? :)

cainnum said...

it doesn't matter that much. i mean it does, but most kids who are 18 and wanna drink are gonna do so regardless of the law. believe me i should know.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I'm not saying they aren't doing it, I'm saying it should be legal for them to do it. This is rightous indignation! This is moral outrage! And I knew Mr. Grammer would come through. And DON'T get me started on seat belt laws! The government should keep it's nose outta my business!