Wednesday, June 15, 2005

my misspent youth may rest in peace

I've been annoyed lately by people who don't update their blogs often enough (this means YOU!), so I decided I should update, even though I have absolutely nothing to say. I missed tae kwon do last night, cause I'm dumb and can't read a calendar. I've been kind stressed out lately, but not nearly as much as some of the other people I know. Also, after consulting my calendar, which I apparently guarantee no results from, I think my bad mood might be from internal sources, if you know what I mean. I've decided to try downloading some music, and it sucks. I hate having to wait and having it screw up and stuff. I'd almost rather just dish out the cash for a CD. My birthday's coming up, and I'm a little excited. I'll no longer be 30, I'll be 31, and firmly entrenched in spinster-hood. I kinda feel like the pressures off. I no longer need to look go, or worry about what people think about me, cause now I'm old enough that they're going to write me off no matter what I do. Sure, it's a bonus if I look great and do and say normal things, but it's no longer mandatory. I can buy gardening gloves and a large straw hat and wear them with abandon. And anyone that doesn't like it can kiss my ass. I'm not going to, but that's not the point, now is it?


Joshie said...

Dude, after thirty is a whole new shebang. You now qualify for the REAL excitement. All of this teenage crap and then advanced teenage crap (aka "the twenties") have lead you to the elite circle of dating and...other mysterious things. You didn't know about this? You obviously don't watch enough TV. :)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

WOW! Elite circle, eh? I like the sound of that!

Joshie said...

That's right my friend, life experience has made you a Green Beret of Relationships and Dating. Now, you can kill a man with one finger (figuratively...hopefully) in the stylish Country Club-esque setting of the Thirty-something Court. careful, soldier. In this arena, you're still a rookie.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Oh my! Maybe I should get tutoring!

cainnum said...

hey wait by YOU do you mean me? i posted. umm a few days ago. last week?

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

If your conscience is bothering you. . .

Mary said...

lol, hey, I've now posted twice in the last year! Of course no one knows where my blog is so you cant get too annoyed hopefully

Margie the Pickle Princess said...