Cinnamon day!
Lately my friend has been posting about yummy food everyday as she quests to avoid eating chocolate, which has been hilarious, but has also been giving me the munchies real bad. Add to that the fact that I'm re-reading the book Sunshine by Robin McKinley, in which the heroine is a baker whose speciality is "cinnamon rolls the size of your head" and I've been getting a serious jones on. So, after passing by multiple stores and knowing that their cinnamon rolls would be inferior to anything I'm imagining, I went in search of a recipe worthy of me actually heating up the oven. (We don't have central air, and our kitchen doesn't have a window unit, so it can get pretty warm in there.)
My search sent me here. I picked the recipe that won the Iowa State Fair, cause I bet in Iowa they know cinnamon rolls. I mean, what else is there to do there but bake? Just kidding, I figured if it won a contest, it must be good. I was a bit thrown off because it called for mashed potatoes and mashed potato water, but whatev. When all was said and done, they were FAN-FREAKIN-Tastic. My dad, who doesn't really care for sweets all that much, had five. Seriously. I had three, and I only stopped for fear of the integrity of my stomach if I stuffed any more in. So this is how the remaining pan looks:
Josh has requested Asian Meat Buns for dinner tomorrow, so we'll be having this. Wish me luck!
Oooh...those look really good. You should give me the recipe so I can get fat off of those instead of chocolate. I'll give you the s'mores cookie bar recipe if you want. Those are really, really good too. :)
If you click on the word "here" it will take you to the recipe. Also, I totally want smore cookie bars. More than words can express. :)
The cinnamon rolls got dry really fast. But, I'm not a cinnamon roll fan. The Meat Buns were awesome!
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