Saturday, April 17, 2010

procrastinator me

Yeah, so I have a huge project due on Monday that I've barely made a dent in. And another huge project due on Tuesday that I've barely made a dent in. And another huge project due on Tuesday that I haven't started yet. I'm sitting here updating my blog instead. I am dumb. But dammit, I don't wanna draw a dragonfly! We had to do studies of dead things and then do a large project based on the studies that we drew. But, believe it or not, dead things give me the major willies. I was sick to my stomach the entire time we were in that room of dead things. I also can't touch dead things with my bare hands, which makes it hard to move said dead things to a position to draw them. So I decided to draw dragonflies because dead bugs look and feel just like live bugs and bugs don't creep me out at all. So drew a billion dragonflies (and a luna moth and a giant cicada when I got bored) and now it's time for me to do the big project, which is due Monday. Man, am I so not into it. Seriously. I've drawn one wing. Just three more, the body and the background left! Woohoo! For Design I've got to finish a large collage, which I'd much rather be working on but since it's due Tuesday I feel obligated to do the dragonfly see my conundrum. I also need to do a project for art appreciation where I pretend to be the curator of a museum, pick 4 works that we've learned about in class, write a 500 word description which would go on the wall, 100 word description that would go by each piece and draw up a floor plan as to how I would do the layout. I have no interest in museum curation, so I don't want to do the project. Museum layouts just happen, I shouldn't have to think about it! Oh yeah, I also have to get together my process notebook for Tuesday. *sigh* And I'm having allergies. Oh well. :) I got a haircut, so at least my neck isn't hot anymore!

1 comment:

KieraAnne said...

that sucks about the dragonfly project. I think the museum project sounds cool. How come I never got cool assignments like that in my museum classes? I wanted the curator stuff but learned admin crap instead. bah. Henry has allergies too. Have fun! :)