Tuesday, October 06, 2009

hard day

Yesterday I had a hard day. I woke up with a horrible horrible case of pink eye, which was incredibly painful. My office said to go to work anyway, and I had to work at the house of the lady that chain smokes the entire time I'm there and it gives me a headache and a runny nose. And on top of that, it was the anniversary of Joe's death. The whole day everytime I looked at the clock I would think, "Last year at this time I was writing his obituary," or whatever I was doing. So, that's a fun way to spend your day. I skipped my computer lab cause my eye just hurt too much, and today I'm skipping my other classes to go to the doctor.

But on an up note, I got an email from the library wanting me to interview for the digital projects job! Huzzah!
I'm probably going to cut my hair off cause I'm sick of it making me hot all the time. My hairdresser has an idea, and I trust her completely. This is what I think she wants to do, only shorter:
By the way, you can't really click to enlarge. Sorry. I think she wants to cut it a little more in line with the chin, but I could be wrong. We'll see won't we? It'll be an adventure!

1 comment:

KieraAnne said...

Hey that's kind of like my haircut! We can be twins again! :) I was thinking Joe's anniversary was today not yesterday...I was going to write you an email, but I guess I missed it. Sorry. Hope everything goes well with your hair and your interview. Keep us updated. :)