Friday, February 13, 2009

Typing fool

Just so everyone knows, I am typing this using the correct technique. Which means that is going much more slowly than usual. :) I'm still no typing wunderkind, but it's coming along. Last night as I was laying in bed thinking, everything I thought then got repeated on a keyboard with the keys for the words lighting up as I went through each word. It amused me and I started thinking of sillier and sillier sentences on purpose. I just wish it was that easy when I was doing it fer real. Part of the problem is that keyboard keys are so darn easy to press sometimes I don't even realize I've hit one! The only numbers I can do are 1 and 8, so don't ask me for major phone numbers or math problems.

My programming class is totally easy. The hardest parts are trying to get the school computers to work right and typing, cause I try to maintain proper form and my brain works way faster than my fingers. Mostly cause my fingers have no brains. Maybe I should upgrade!

I thought that the animal control job had been taken out of the running because I hadn't gotten any calls, but then I DID get a call, so now I have to make a decision. *grumble grumble* I hate the idea of turning down a job, but I also hate the idea of working every weekend. Especially the Sundays part. But it would let me schedule classes for whenever I need to, so that would be a bonus.

The big storm that came through blew off major portions of our shingles, so I had to spend Monday on the roof re-shingling. Some fun! I'm still not all the way done, but I got it to the point where it's not an emergency or anything. I do not relish the idea of going back up there, so I'm essentially stalling. :) All righty-roo. That's all for today!

1 comment:

KieraAnne said...

Wow you re-shingled the roof yourself? You've got mad skills...I had no idea. ;) Good luck on the job decision, I wouldn't want to make it.