Monday, December 01, 2008

rocky times

I've been a little grumpy lately. I'm am sick and tired of looking or a job. There is seriously nothing as bad as applying for 5 jobs a week and not even getting any calls. It really makes a girl feel worthless. I just applied for a job as a Librarian Assistant at TWU, and I am SO hopeful. It pays really well, and I hear TWU has really good benefits. I REALLY want them to call me! I keep trying to think if I know anyone with connections so that I can pull strings, but sadly I don't think I do. *sigh*

I had a big fight with my dad about the neighbor's cat. This cat thinks he belongs to me, and I love him so much, but dad doesn't want him in the house. Last night it all came to a head, so things have been bad around here. The neighbor knows that the cats always here and totally doesn't care, so I wish that I could ask for him so it would be official, but between Dad's being a jerk and Lawrence's allergies, I don't feel like I should. But if I get this job and am able to move out of my parent's house before Lawrence's proposes; fuck it, I'm taking the damn cat. Lawrence can just kick himself for not proposing sooner!

Last night I also realized that Lawrence's Christmas trip that his parent's bought makes it so that he will not be here for Ethan's receiving the priesthood. Oops! It has to be that Sunday because that's when his dad can come. So I asked Lawrence to see if he could get the flight moved and he said he'd try. I'm glad he saw it as a problem, because if he didn't, it would seriously be time to rethink our relationship. :) It's so weird that Ethan's getting the priesthood in a few weeks. I don't see him as being that old!

Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I thought it would be without Joe. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sad, but I thought mom would be crying all day and she wasn't, so that was a relief! We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner, then we came home and later we had snacks and watched The Island. (Fine Thanksgiving movie!) I made an apple strudel and my aunt Debra came up and brought all kinds of venison products from a hunting trip that she and her boyfriend went on, and it was good. The next day she took us to see some ice sculptures at The Gaylord Texan, and they were really cool. Literally. It was 9 degrees in there. I enjoyed the exhibit, but the whole experience went a bit long for me and I got tired.

Josh is trying to quit smoking, so he's cranky these days. Cainnum's quitting, too, so our World of Warcraft instance on Friday night was. . .interesting. I was trying to be the peacemaker, and it worked for the most part I think. At least Ethan's not off his meds in addition; I think someone might have died if that was the case.

Well, gots to go. Wish me luck on the job sitch. Prayers are helpful, too! :)


KieraAnne said...

Good luck finding a good job soon! Sorry I haven't been checking your blog more often. :) Are Josh and Cainnum still trying to quit? Keep the updates coming!

Unknown said...

I need an update.... I know Josh and Cainnum are weak willed... but have you found a job yet??? Good luck if not! Wow, I can't believe Ethan is old enough to receive the priesthood either, time goes too fast! Hope all is well!