So, anybody who still checks my blog might have noticed that I haven't blogged for a while. (Kiera wrote a whole post about it, so I figgered I should acknowledge.) There are a number of reasons for that, and I will tell you now.
1: Nobody else blogs. I know this is lame, but it's so much more fun to blog when all your friends are doing it too. I saw a shirt that said, "Nobody reads my blog" and I really wanted it cause I thought it was funny. So, even though a few people check my blog, very few people leave actual comments, and none of them update, so what's the point, eh?
2: I have a seriously busy life. I have no idea how this happened to me. I work full time, I exercise 6 days a week, I go to church, date my boyfriend, spend time with my friends (occasionally), and somehow between all of this, I'm supposed to fit in housework, eating, sleeping, relaxing, AND blogging?!? Yeah, right! Some weeks my entire week is scheduled to the MINUTE, and that is NOT an exaggeration. Of course, I do have a little more free time now that Ethan's living with his dad, but that's new.
3: I have nothing to write about. My life is lame. I'm happy, I'm busy, and stuff happens, but it's boring stuff. Do you really want to know about the dentist that's making me crazy or how sore I am from sparring class? (5 bruises, btw) Ok, a few exciting things happened in the last month; Lawrence gave me a promise ring, Ethan moved to Utah, and our cat died. But anyone who cares already knows all that. OH OH!! My dad and brother just got home! Alert the media! That's my life in a nutshell.
4: I was an art major in school. But I don't really call myself an artist because a) I don't make art and b) I feel no urge to make art. I feel that those two points are really critical to the whole art scene. I'm weird that way. Lawrence suggested one day that maybe my blog was dispersing my need to create something and I started to think that maybe he was right and I should conduct an experiment. I would quit blogging and see what happened. So guess what the outcome is. I had ideas for 2 painting and in the 2 free hours I had on Saturday, I'm now going to buy supplies! So is it more important for me to blog or paint? Blogging sure as hell is cheaper. And takes up less space. Hmmm....maybe I should re-think this.
So maybe I should put up a picture of my promise ring. Maybe I should keep you updated on the painting situation. I'm belt testing next week, maybe I'll tell you how that went. We'll see. Place a vote if you have a preference.
Ooh, ooh! You should make art and then post (the art) and blog about it! That's fusion, baby!
I agree with Josh. I was so excited when I checked your blog today and it was updated! You're my favorite blogger. You should totally tell us about sparring and your belt test and your ring and stuff. :)
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