Sunday, February 04, 2007

A tale of two chins

As many of you know, I had been trying to lose weight. I started this journey at 260 pounds, and lost down to 185 after more than a year. I then made the mistake of starting to date the love of my life who not only plied me with rich dinners and ice cream, but exhibited unbridled enjoyment at watching me enjoy food, and constantly told me how gorgeous I am. That selfish bastard! So, I went back up to 233. Sad, but true. So, this winter, my joints have started hurtin' sumtin fierce, and I came to the realization that in order to avoid the fate of crippled arthritic in a wheelchair (IE: my mom), I would HAVE to get down to a reasonable weight and stay there while also staying active. *GASP* Fate worse than death! Well, just as I came to this realization (while everyday saying, "I'll start tomorrow") my tae kwon do school announced that they were having a "Biggest Loser" competition. You see, every person who wanted to participate would throw in ten bucks and be weighed at the beginning of January. Then, on March 3rd, whoever lost the most weight would win all the cash. What could be better, thought I; If I win money or just lose weight, I win either way. So, I plunged back into the healthy living pool with a great big belly flop, although this time, I determined that I should make changes that I could possibly do for the rest of my life: or in other words, I made a lifestyle change. I still eat out sometimes. (Hee hee. "Eat out.") I still eat meat and bread and potatoes. I just try to get more veggies and I eat reasonable portions and get more exercise. It's actually working out quite well. As of the last weigh in on February 2nd, I was officially in the lead, with a total weight loss of 10 pounds. If I keep that pace, I can be in my ideal weight range in July. So, hopefully, hopefully! Wish me luck boys and girls. And if you see me stuffing my face, go ahead and knock the food out of my hand. I'll thank you for it later, when I'm a smokin' hottie. Oh yeah, and when I can walk without my knees and ankles crying out in pain.


KieraAnne said...

Yay Margie!!! I hope you win! That would be awesome! I should do something like that too...I've started walking on the treadmill again it's been two weeks now and I'm still doing it, so that's good. I walk two miles everyday Mon-Sat as well as a "5 minute ab" routine from one of my videos, some weights and pilates. Hopefully I'll be able to lose the 20 lbs I've packed on in the last four months.

cainnum said...

you're a smoking hottie right now hon ;). good luck, ive got faith in you!

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

kiera: and. . .where, exactly did you gain 20 pounds? Maybe you were just weearing heavy clothes when you weighed.

cainnum: Thanks! :D

KieraAnne said... I wasn't. Remember my cute capri's from this summer? I can't fit into those regular pants are too tight to wear and I'm comfortable in my next size up....and my cute tight shirts aren't so cute anymore....and I can grab a handfull of stomach where I didn't use to be able to. It's all from too many bored days at home with nothing but baking to comfort me. ;)

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Oh, my mistake, fatty. :P Now you're not anorexically thin, just regular thin. But I kid! I kid because I love!