Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My movie reviews

Yesterday I watched Finding Comedy in the Muslim World, and I thought it was amusing. There were a few parts where I actually laughed, but here's the thing I'm wondering: WHY does Albert Brooks bill himself as a comedian when he is simply not funny? Oh don't get me wrong, he sometimes makes me smile, but he's more like guy in the next cubicle kind of funny, not professional actor/comedian funny. This is something I've been complaining about since I saw the movie, so some of you may have already commented on this, but I felt the need to alert the blogging community at large.

I also watched The Man Who Fell to Earth. Like Labyrinth, it ALSO starred David Bowie's package. Only in a much more literal sense. In that I got to see David Bowie's unclothed semi-erect penis. I would say this makes me special, but how many people in the world HAVEN'T seen David Bowie's penis, really? I also saw lots and lots and lots of boobies and bush. Seriously. My boss recommended this movie to me, and when I pointed out all the blatant nudity, he was surprised because he didn't remember that from when it was released in 1976. He's not losing his mind though, that stuff was cut out of the American release in order to get an R rating. That movie was very strange and I wanted to move on after I saw it, but I couldn't. I couldn't figure out some of the major plot points, so I finally went to IMDB where people who have read the book explained everything, thank heavens. I recommend that you ALL see this movie. Not because I think you'll like it, but because it is so very strange that I feel like I shouldn't be alone.

You should ALSO see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but not because it's strange; you should see it because it's AWESOME! Seriously. I loved it. I rushed out and bought it. I kid you not. It has Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. And some girl, whatever. :) It's kind of a pulp mystery sort of storyline. But I don't want to ruin it. Go rent or buy it now, this second! GO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? Get out of here!


KieraAnne said...

I've been meaning to see Kiss Kiss Bang, Bang...so do you know if Mark and Brietta had their baby yet? I'm assuming they did, but we never heard anything.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I have it if you want to borrow it. :) Of course, to arrange that, you'd have to be online sometime or call me or get together sometime.

Joshie said...

Well, based solely upon your recommendation, I rented Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. ...and it was indeed awesome. Good call Margie.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

YOU SEE! Everyone bow to my knowledge! BOW TO ME, I SAY! You may kiss my ring.